Detangling in the shower is the da bomb....


Well-Known Member
I took the suggestion from SweetCashew and detangled my hair under the shower head and it worked better than I expected. I deep conditioned my hair and with the conditioner still in it, I put by hair in 4 braids for over an hour. I then jumped in the shower to wash out conditioner and I took down each braid and positioned myself over the shower head and allowed the force of the water plus my wide tooth comb and I gently combed through each section and I was in total disbelief. It was amazing how the comb just glided through my hair. I was finish detangling my whole head in 5-10 minutes. This is the greatest tip and one that I will be using all the time. Thank you sweetcashew.
I have used this detangling technique faithfully for the past 6 months. I love it! You will never have to rip combs full of hair from your head again trying to detangle! I think this is a sorely under-used "trick of the trade." Flowing water is the best detangler there is!
Allandra said:
I only detangle my hair in the shower. I wouldn't have it any other way. :up: :up:

That is exactly why I have not been back to the salon since my last Dominican Blowout in March. The detangling job she did made me soooo mad.

Detangling in the shower has me spoiled. Allandra said it right ! :)

Detangling in the shower and Fermodyl 619 has made hair day sooo much better for me.
CAPlush said:
I have used this detangling technique faithfully for the past 6 months. I love it! You will never have to rip combs full of hair from your head again trying to detangle! I think this is a sorely under-used "trick of the trade." Flowing water is the best detangler there is!

Yes, you are sooo right !
I agree that detanging under flowing water is best. I started doing this about a month ago and I lose way less hair now.
krissyprissy said:
I agree that detanging under flowing water is best. I started doing this about a month ago and I lose way less hair now.

Me, too. This is a wonderful method, wish i knew about it sooner.
This is the only way I detangle as well. Along with gently shampooing my hair (and not piling it on top of my head) I rarely have any tangles.
I think I had a similar post a while back. I started doing this about 6 months ago as well. And I will never detangle out of the shower again. I don't think a comb has ever slid through my hair so easily, EVER!!!
I always do this as well. It's great.

It never took out my knots, tangles, and dreads though. :ohwell: But it IS better than detangling without the force of the water. :yep: