Describe your Hair "Aha" moment?


Well-Known Member
Ok, I think everyone of us goes through that period where we are not sure that our hair is making progress. But, I have had a whole lot more of the encouraging moments rather than the discouraging ones. My "aha" moment was when I was looking through some old photo's in prep for a slide show for my grandma's funeral. I found a picture of me and my sister and my middle son. I know the event was thanksgiving and it must have been either 2002 or 2003. I know my hair was apl in this picture and it was so healthy and shiny and full! I remember being so happy with my hair then. (This was before I tortured it with bleach and then a PERMANENT hair color 3-4 times cause I didn't get the color like I wanted it the first time!):eek:

Then it hit me...
ALLLLLLLLL OF MY GOALS ARE POSSIBLE! I did it once, I can do it again! :D And this was when I was frying my hair (literally!) everyday with a BSS flatiron and curling wax. :eek: BSL, here I come!
i know my hair was long when I first got a perm (around 3rd grade). But I wish I knew how to take care of my hair better then. God knows how long my hair would've been.
Good thread...I don't know if I have experience my aha moment yet...I think for me to look at the progress I have made since January might come close.
It seemed like my hair wasn't making any progress after I washed and flatironed it after bunning it for a couple of months, but I had my Aha moments when several people commented on how my hair was getting longer and how nice it looked. I knew then that I was on the right track!
Mine was when I had to keep trimming these longer sections of my hair. This started in about April, where the right side and the left side would alternatively grow to BSL in some sections. That's when it kinda hit me that my hair definitely CAN grow to the lengths I hope for, it's just a matter of babying the middle section of my hair and giving it extra attention so that I can retain the length.
My 'Aha' moment was a few days ago when I finally found out why I had MAJOR breakage when I was protecting my hair, not pulling too much and doing the baggie method.
I read a thread about moisture and protein and I realized that I did protein overkill. Every day I would spritz my hair with a more or less concentrated mixture of infusium 23! EVERYDAY! +I discovered the Mane N' Tail conditionner and for the last 2 weeks, it was the only conditioner I used.
I put the sprits down for two days now, rinsed my hair more often and lightly moisturized. My hair thanked me with a NNNIIIICE afro this morning.:p
I remember my first relaxer like it was yesterday. It was when I was in the 6th grade. I realized how gorgeous it was my first day in class when my best friend called my name in class (she sat a few seats behind me) and I turned around to find out what she wanted and my thick, flowing hair tossed around beautifully! I always think of that moment to let myself know, "Hey! I CAN have long, beautiful hair!" And I never got a trim after that until I was in the 9th grade and it was STILL gorgeous. It was all downhill from there with my new stylist. Ahhhhh....I miss that hair!:lol:
One of my aha moments was when I pulled a hair out that was sticking one of my braids. I thought it was just part of the extensions and it actually had a root on the end.
My Aha moment was maybe 6 or 7 years ago. I use to wear crochet braids and I would wear them for three months and then take them down and get them put right back in. Well, one day I took the braids down to get them re-done and my hair was so thick and bushy because I wasn't getting any perms since wearing the crochet braids...Soo I got a perm and my hair was literally down my back...My hair grew that long in like 9 months time. I did this without washing my hair(IDK any better then) The only thing that I did was put the African Pride braid spray in my hair..I'm now considering getting tree braids or lace braids (because they are so similar to crochet braids) starting next year and doing the C&G method for the whole year.:)
My "aha" moment happened last year around Thanksgiving. I kept saying that the cause of my hair breakage was the amount of stress I was under in Grad School. Well last year I wasnt taking any classes and kept the stress levels at work low. Cold weather hit and out came all of my pretty pink, cream, green, navy WOOL Pea coats. I never wore my hair up. Matter of fact until finding LHCF the last time my hair was in a ponytail was in 8th grade! :eek: My stylist kept telling me that I need to place a silk scarf over my coat or I'll be bald but I didnt listen I was trying to be cute. Needless to say my hair had to be cut to EAR length and when she did that I immediately went for the falls to protect my hair. I had long hair back in 9th grade before I discovered SPRITZ and I'll have long hair again. When I took my fotki pics back in August and noticed the natural glow of HEALTH that my hair now has I broke down. Now that I've achieved healthy hair my next step is APL hair.:)
My "Aha" moment was when I realized that my transitioning hair did not like me trying to use heat to match the textures. It has really thrived since I stopped and now I am hesitant to use it on my natural hair. People stop me and say wow your hair looks so healthy, shiny, and black...I always smile and say its b/c I dont use heat.:)
Actually, I keep having these moments as I learn about my hair. Up until around this time last year, I was hiding behind bad weaves and braids for almost 10 years and I never really took care of my own hair. So I am still getting those moments.

I actually got one this past week. I decided to wash my hair less often. I went over a week and when I finally washed it, I had so much shedding and my hair was starting to feel dry. I realized, that I need to just stick with what works and stop trying to change a regimen that has been working for me.

That often happens when I try new products. I need to just be patient and keep on doing what has been working.
I had an “Aha” moment this morning while driving to work ;) – while playing with my hair I realized that my so-called “baby” hair is actually growing out too. This short baby hair was really damaged edges that were perpetually shorter than the rest of my hair!
crlsweetie912 said:
Ok, I think everyone of us goes through that period where we are not sure that our hair is making progress. But, I have had a whole lot more of the encouraging moments rather than the discouraging ones. My "aha" moment was when I was looking through some old photo's in prep for a slide show for my grandma's funeral. I found a picture of me and my sister and my middle son. I know the event was thanksgiving and it must have been either 2002 or 2003. I know my hair was apl in this picture and it was so healthy and shiny and full! I remember being so happy with my hair then. (This was before I tortured it with bleach and then a PERMANENT hair color 3-4 times cause I didn't get the color like I wanted it the first time!):eek:

Then it hit me...
ALLLLLLLLL OF MY GOALS ARE POSSIBLE! I did it once, I can do it again! :D And this was when I was frying my hair (literally!) everyday with a BSS flatiron and curling wax. :eek: BSL, here I come!
BTW...This is the exact samething I did to my hair plus add in a relaxer and hair broke off majorly had to get it cut forward almost 2 years and my hair in longer than it's been in a very long while..wish I would've found this site years ago.
My aha moment was in 2002 when I was trying to do something with my hair and it was in really terrible condition. I used way too much heat on it too often, relaxed too straight too often, used the wrong products and I wound up sitting in my bathroom on the floor crying my eyes out. I missed the party I was supposed to go to and then I made my hubby help me shave my head. He gave me a crew cut, we dyed it purple and I started doing research and figuring out what is best for my hair.
RosesBlack said:
My aha moment was in 2002 when I was trying to do something with my hair and it was in really terrible condition. I used way too much heat on it too often, relaxed too straight too often, used the wrong products and I wound up sitting in my bathroom on the floor crying my eyes out. I missed the party I was supposed to go to and then I made my hubby help me shave my head. He gave me a crew cut, we dyed it purple and I started doing research and figuring out what is best for my hair.

Whoa- such a bold move!!!! I bet it looks amazing now!!!
determined_to_grow said:
Whoa- such a bold move!!!! I bet it looks amazing now!!!

Thanks :)

My hair grows pretty slowly and there've been a few setbacks but it's really healthy and growing steadily now. I will post pics when I find them.