Did You Have An "AHA Moment"


New Member
Is there anything that you sorta never felt right about prior to the hair world but didn't have any proof like certain hair practices/products? And then you come to a community like this and it's like "AHA I knew I wasn't crazy" Name it!

Mine were:
1). I knew there HAD to be something else to use besides hair greese for these purposes. I always hated hair greese, although I know many of us use it here but the way we do use it is different and now I don't hate it. I remember people would act like greese was the pre-poo, shampoo, conditioner, leave in, moisturizer AND sealant LOL.

2). I could never understand why some people would say, "Only leave the conditioner in for a couple minutes and rinse it out or else you will over condition!" A Stylist told me this and I did not believe her but just didn't have any proof of it.

3). I was told by another Stylist that leaving the conditioner in overnight to deep condition would over-condition she got mad at me when I told her I was doing this and this was before I found the hair boards. I could never believe that one either because I truly felt like I was on to something.

These are some "AHA Momenets" that I can think of right now, if I have more I'll post back.
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New Member
People would always say black people cant grow long healty hair, I knew that wasnt true. In search of the truth, it led me to this board. Thats when I had my AHA moment.


Well-Known Member
I had several hair aha moments. My first was finding Phyto products, long before this board.

My best one since joining LHCF was realizing how long I could stretch a relaxer. Stylists always said that your hair would fall out if you didn't relax regularly. I didn't believe that, but still....I thought 6-8 weeks was the only way. I went for much longer periods but without knowledge of proper moisturizing and DCing, it was difficult.


New Member
That certain products were only for white ppl. And if I used them my hair would fall out. I knew I wasnt limited to the "Blacks only section" with Pink oil and Blue Magic grease!


Well-Known Member
My "AHA" moment happened when I decided to try hot oil treatments again. The thing is, it's not great on freshly relxed hair but it is AWESOME on thick unruly new growth. It has helped tremendously at easing the detangling of my hair and I gatta tell ya.....I am HAPPY:yay:, A:ha: