Dabur Amla oil + Parachute Coconut Oil


For those of you who use Dabur Amla oil -- how do you use it?? Do you just put it on your ends? Wet or dry? Also, I wondered if it was heavy... wasn't one of the first ingredients listed canola oil?

I bought some parachute coconut oil today, too and wondered how you use that as well.

L_Mo said:
For those of you who use Dabur Amla oil -- how do you use it?? Do you just put it on your ends? Wet or dry? Also, I wondered if it was heavy... wasn't one of the first ingredients listed canola oil?

I bought some parachute coconut oil today, too and wondered how you use that as well.


I use the Amla & coconut oil the same - mix w/henna, use as overnight prepoo and use a bit during the week for shine (coconut oil, not amla)
I put coconut oil on my scalp - it is absorbed rapidly and leaves the scapled conditioned. I pre-poo with Amla oil overnight or for at least 5 hrs. I've coated the strands mid-week without any problems.

I also use amla oil in my henna mix. It is supposed to strengthen and darken the hair - something we all want:)
I mix the amla oil w/ coconut oil in my conditioners and after putting in my leave in I seal with almond oil
I found it in an Indian store near my house. I've seen it online too. But it is cheaper in the stores I believe.
I use amla oil as a prepoo, overnight or deep conditioning treatment. I use Coconut oil several times on my end and sometimes scalp.
dlewis said:
I use amla oil as a prepoo, overnight or deep conditioning treatment. I use Coconut oil several times on my end and sometimes scalp.

This is what I do, too. Right now, I'm applying coconut oil lightly twice a day after my daily moisturizing.
I bought the Dabur Amla Oil & Coconut Oil yesterday on Devon Ave. I was confused about the dates on bottle but Indian lady was kind of enough to explain it is good for 1 year after manufacture's date. I used the Amla oil early this morning as a prepoo for several hours this stuff stinks but my hair is so silky. Love it. Coconut Oil the jury is still out on it :D

Thank You ladies for the rave reviews this is a keeper