Crown & Glory quick summary?


New Member
Ok, I'm admittedly lazy when it comes to doing research but I've heard so much about the Crown & Glory method that I'm now more than just a little curious. I'm planning on getting a cornrowed-pony next week and would really like to know how to use the Crown and Glory method to aid in the health of my hair over the summer. The website was very helpful but I'd like to hear from some of you ladies who have used the method. Was it time consuming? Was it worth the effort? What kind of results should I expect over a 2 month period?

TIA chicas!
P.S. - The website says that leaving cornrows in for more than 2 weeks can cause serious matting. I've never experienced this. Anyone have any insight on this?
I do My own method of C & G. I don't follow anything she say on the website. You have to figure out what works best for you.
I would NEVER braid my hair w/o doing C&G. It is definitely worth the effort as a matter of fact you might find you need even more effort than she outlines.

Here's my version...

Notes: I wash them like I would my hair; I DC them like I would my hair. I wash every 2-3 days w/ a diluted poo (I actually keep an empty bottle in the shower and I add one capful of poo to about 8-10 oz of water and shake. I pre-poo with oil... yes oil, once/wk; I add oils and extra protein to my leave-in conditioners and put them in a bottle w/ 8-10 oz of water and pour that over my braids as a conditioner and steam it. Basically the only difference between my hair being braided and not is, I only use leave-in conditioners and add light proteins (metatek or a little SAA or oat protein in my regular conditioner). When I'm not braided, I use regular old conditioners, proteins and henna. I also retwist my hair every 2 weeks or as the need arises. I keep a few natural hair braids in the back so I can check that my hair isn't too dry.

June 2007 (braided)

* Boundless Tresses
* poo 2X/week (using one capful of poo to 16oz of water) only on scalp the runoff is enough to clean the hair.
* condition after poo (w/ a cap full of leave-in conditioner mixed w/ 16oz of water (i've been using metatek and aveda for this lately)
* pre-poo overnight (or for a couple days) with my red palm cream.
* I'm using Eqyss Avocado Mist mixed with Eqyss Rehydrant and a little SAA as my braid spray. I follow with red palm cream.
* Steam treatments 1/wk (pre-poo then wrap hair w/ a steaming towel for about 20 minutes)

May 2007 (braided)
* boundless tresses (every other day)
* poo 2X/week (using one capful of poo to 16oz of water) only on scalp the runoff is enough to clean the hair.
* condition after poo (w/ a cap full of leave-in conditioner mixed w/ 16oz of water (i've been using metatek and aveda for this lately)
* Aveda universal styling creme mixed with oil OR regular braid spray spiked w/ aphogee green tea reconstructor daily
* Pre-poo w/ amla, coconut oil, red palm nut oil 1X/wk.
* Steam treatments 1-2/wk (pre-poo then wrap hair w/ a steaming towel for about 20 minutes)


the rest of them going all the way back to June 2006 are in my album.
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