
New Member
I just wanted to shout you out b/c you think you are slick. You update ur album and don't say a word to anybody... uh hmmm... i done pulled ur card girl and got all UP in ur business and took it upon myself to view ur album and pass out b/c girl you got some B-E-A-UUUTIFUL HAIR :love:

You are definately a naturals inspiration! Go B-Fly it's ur birthday :weird:
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New Member

I checked her album this morning and was like "dang, I forgot to put her on my hair inspirations list"

Your hair is fabulous girlie!


New Member
Oh My!!! It's absolutely beautiful! It looks strong as a horse! What did they use on your "press"? It looks so full, light and fluffy.


New Member
aww thanks yall are making me blush...

kitchen this was done with a brand new stylist so I didn't get to capture everything she did. But she didn't use a lot of heat (she detangled and brushed my hair and sat me under the dryer to air dry) and then just went through with a warm comb. I know she oiled my scalp (not my hair) prior to pressing (because I have dru scalp) and then put some serum on it when done. She also knew the difference between a dusting/trim and a cut. I loved that she didn't use a lot of grease/oil and no hairspray.


New Cut for '09
Yes, cocoabutterfly your hair simply wonderful, I just hope when I get the length I want it looks that healthy.