CO Wash before Relaxing

No!!!!!!! Please nnnoooo!!!!!:lol: The act of you rubbing your scalp is opening up your pores and irritating your scalp. Unless you use PHYTO, you will burn burn burn burn!
Never wash your hair the day before you relax it, thats asking for trouble your scalp will burn something fierce! If you want to wash wait atleast 3-4 days after washing to relax.
Not unless you want a scaby scalp least 48 hours I would think...I don't know what the official reccomendation is.
senimoni said:
Not unless you want a scaby scalp least 48 hours I would think...I don't know what the official reccomendation is.

It is 48 hours. Also try not to do heavy exercise, because sweating also opens the pores. I know that because I did that and it burned like ****.
okay, so I guess my question now is how do you make sure that you can see what part to relax without under/over processing?
lveurslf said:
Thanks, so I guess my questions now is how do you make sure that you can see what part to relax without under/over processing?

Have you recently had a blowout or flatironed your roots? When it's time for my relaxer at 12 weeks, my dermarcation line is VERY OBVIOUS!!

BTW, A little over lap is almost impossible to avoid without underprocessing.
I have to be different, but I have CO the night before, because I am addicted to CO washing. I have also CO washed the next night after a relaxer without any problem.
Hmmm....well maybe I made a big mistake then, because I JUST got my hair relaxed on Friday, but my hair was looking so crappy on Thursday night that I decided to do a CO wash and put Nexxus Keraphix in my hair. I of course know that if you scratch or rub your scalp it will BURN like crazy when you get your relaxer (LOL*) so I just gently used the tips of my fingers (and sometimes my knuckles) to get the conditioner in my hair. I rinsed, and airdried, and didn't do anything except go to get my relaxer the next day.

Guess what?? My stylist showed my how little hair came in the bowl (some strands usually fall in the bowl after she relaxes) and my scalp didn't burn at ALL!! So...maybe the Keraphix pre-relaxing treatment worked, or maybe the key is just not SCRATCHING your scalp when you wash it??

Maybe someone can confirm/disconfirm this?? IS it so much the WASHING the day before a relaxer that is bad, or is it more so the SCRATCHING of your scalp the day before a relaxer that can hurt in the long run?
My last touch-up was 2 weeks ago come Monday, and I CO washed the morning before. I didn't tingle anymore than I do if I leave my hair alone for a couple days, but I wouldn't do it again, just to be on the safe side.