Changed to lye relaxer but don't really like it...


New Member
This is my first post here, but have been lurking for a while, it's a great site :)
I used to use a no-lye relaxer (dark and lovely) but switched to lye (motions, then elasta qp) because I heard it was better for your hair but I'm not a big fan of the wavyness. And the Elasta QP irritated my scalp. I suppose it does leave my hair in slightly better condition though...
Anyway. I've also heard it's very very bad to switch the other way round, from lye to no-lye. Has anyone done this sucessfully?
does anyone know of a lye relaxer that will get hair straighter?
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Hi and Welcome.

I have switched from lye to no lye and back again with no problems. If you're looking for a lye relaxer to get your hair straighter maybe you could try Affirm.
Welcome. :D

I have switched to no-lye and back to lye again without problems. I'm not sure which I prefer though, I think for me it depends on the actual relaxer, not necessarily whether it contain lye or not.
I used to switch from a lye to no-lye ALL the time before I found the hairboards. Off the top of my head I have tried about 13 different brands. No real problems but just dry hair with the no-lye. I'm starting to write part of my phyto review for comparison when I do use it in March.
Thanks for your replies.
I saw an affirm relaxer in a shop near me, and was quite surprised to find it here (I'm in the UK) but didn't know if it was lye or no lye. Now I know it doesn't really matter. I just hope it isn't sold out next time I go there.
I've gone back to no-lye and do seem to be having any problems. I was getting the Affirm Fiberguard and didn't seem to be having any problems until my hair started shedding really bad. I tried everything but nothing seemed to work. Well, I then tried the Silk Elements (no-lye) and my hair did continue to shed but it started getting better. I'll be doing another touch-up in about a week or two and will use the Silk Elements again. I've never noticed my hair being dryer with no-lye relaxers because my hair has always needed a lot of moisture. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
switching isnt really good, but since you should only be relaxing the new growth it doesnt really hurt if done right. your hair shouldnt have come out wavy.. maybe they didnt smooth your hair? hope you find the right relaxer!
hOnii said:
switching isnt really good, but since you should only be relaxing the new growth it doesnt really hurt if done right. your hair shouldnt have come out wavy.. maybe they didnt smooth your hair? hope you find the right relaxer!

Erm, I DIY. I try to smooth but there's not enough time! I'm not very good at relaxing my hair, despite doing it for several years, so I probably do overlap. I despise going to hairdressers though.
PerfectDoak said:
Erm, I DIY. I try to smooth but there's not enough time! I'm not very good at relaxing my hair, despite doing it for several years, so I probably do overlap. I despise going to hairdressers though.


You're right, there doesn't seem to be enough time when smoothing. That's why I retouch my hair in sections. Many of the ladies here do - it gives one more time to focus on the newgrowth.
I've decided that I'm definitely going back to no-lye next time. But not affirm as I have read on here that it causes thinning! I'm not sure if I'm going to go back to Dark & Lovely either as it seemed to always cause breakage.
Lye leaves my scalp feeling weird. I'm sure that's bad and in time may damage my scalp and cause growth problems or something. It also leaves parts of my hair very underprocessed.
No Lye gets my hair straight and even if it is worse for my hair, so what. Hair grows back. Damage to the scalp is worse than damage to the hair becase hair is dead.
That's my opinion anyway!