Can I just use oil??


Well-Known Member
I have not been having too much luck with moisturizers.. they all seem to just weigh my hair down, even those claming not to! I hate having so much product in my hair its just makes it look thin, stiff and lifeless!! I get much better results with oils like wild hair growth oil and Vatika! Vatika expecially.. So I'm just wondering if I can use Vatika as a moisturizer?? I've been hearing most people on here using it and other oils to seal in moisture but I want to use it daily as a moisturizer.. will this be enough? Or will I need something else?
I'm not sure of the ingredients in Vatika Oil, so I cannot comment on whether or not it is moisturizing. However, olive oil, coconut oil and almond oil are all oils that are also moisturizing. What moisturizers have you tried and how much do you use? How often are you using moisturizer? Are you relaxed or natural?
Coconut Oil as well as Castor Oil do have moisturizing properties. I am not sure about the Vatika oil, but if it works for your hair and it moisturizes, then listen to your hair and do what is best for it.
Coconut oil, olive oil and avocado oil (debate rages on castor oil that tends to having "Sealing" properties) all penetrate the hair strand and add elasticity. Other oils like jojoba, or sunflower (and possibly castor oil) "seal" moisture in (provided it is placed on damp hair, or hair that has another moisturizer already in place).

Vatika oil is coconut based, so you certainly could use it, if your hair prefers it, as a "moisturizer".
Since water is usually the first ingredient in most moisturizing sprays, creams, and lotions, I would say that water is key to moisturizing the body and the hair. Vatika oil is nourishing, and makes the hair soft, but I would also incorporate a water based product or water spritz daily along with the vatika to help with the moisture balance of your hair.
i'm not really a vatika fan. what types of moisturizers are you using. you need to be careful b/c alot of products has mineral oil, petroleum/petrolatum and stuff like that, so by the time you seal with oil, your hair feels weighed down. try using a glycerin/water mix in a sray bottle. your hair will stay moisturized and soft.
I think you can use whatever is actually working for you.

How are your results spritzing or misting with water and then adding the oil?
Vatika is coconut oil based. So you should be good to go.
Do whatever your hair likes. No opinion on the board is more important than your own head's reaction to a product.
I'm not sure of the ingredients in Vatika Oil, so I cannot comment on whether or not it is moisturizing. However, olive oil, coconut oil and almond oil are all oils that are also moisturizing. What moisturizers have you tried and how much do you use? How often are you using moisturizer? Are you relaxed or natural?

I'm relaxed, and I've tried Organics Olive oil Moisturizing growth lotion, Cantu shea butter moisturizer, bioinfuision, and Hollywood Beauty Olive cream. They are not all bad. some of them give good moisture. I dont know if its that I put in to much or what. but I just dont like the weighed down look. I'm thinking about just using them overnight.
If it works then use it. Only use the recommendations here as a guideline. What works for some may not work for others.

There is lots of advice given and products recommended or not. You have to determine what is best for you based on how your hair is responding.

So if your hair is responding positively then the answer is yes.
Do what works for you boo! If your hair is healthy, growing, and not breaking, and all you're using is oil, then consider yourself lucky you don't have to spend the money on a moisturizer :yep:
Listen and try things that other people suggest... this place has a lot of good information!

but in the end if you KNOW something works for your hair, then don't listen to anyone else.

A lot of people only use oil :yep:

Some people can't use any oil.

Every head of hair is different!
I have started using only coconut and castor oil mixed with water in a spray bottle for a moisturizer. I part my hair in sections and spray the oil and water mixture on my scalp. Then I put some coconut and castor oil without the water mixed in in my hand and rub on my ends. Then I comb thu. I do this on wet hair only and so far my hair is loving it.

I am 33wks post relaxer and my NG is so soft. My hair has sheen, is moisturized and is very manageable.

If your hair likes it go for it. I have been doing this for a couple of weeks and haven't had any problems.
I hear that shea butter has oil properties so maybe look into that as well. Maybe try samples of both oils and leave in to see what works.
I only use oil. For some reason, moisturizers would end up causing build up. For the most part, my hair never felt moisturized for very long. All oils are created different, some feel really moisturizing for the hair (depending on the type).

Continue experimenting and monitor the progress of your hair. If it thrives with just oil, then keep on keepin' on!
Have you ever tried just using a dab of the moisturizer on you ends seince they are the most vulnerable and using the oil over entirre head. I personally would just use a very small amount of moisturizer over entire head cause it does have benefits of use.
Most oils does not moisturise, irrc. They locks moisture in, which is why people use them to "seal". Personally, I do not think moisturisers or leave-ins are needed depending on your hair. I do not use any. I just use castor oil on damp hair that had a little bit of conditioner in it. Water is what is really providing the moisture to my hair. Sometimes, I skip the conditioner step and it works just fine. Ultimately, you have to use what works for you and that may sometimes mean not following traditional "hair rules".
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Tey how much moisturizer do you use? I'm with relaxed and I know that when I'm heavy handed with moisturizers, my hair feels coated and weighed down. Now I use Neutrogena Silk Touch Leave-in on damp or dry hair (thx Slyver2). I only use a small size according to the instructions and then seal with whatever oil I can lay my hands on at that moment. My hair feels moisturized till I do it again (I moisturize twice daily). And it never feels oily.

But by all means do what works for your hair and also read the labels. It helps
I agree with Jersey Girl. Neutrogena triple moistuize leave in is very light if you use a quarter size and seal with your oils. I went through about 10 moisturizers before I found what works.