Can anyone resolve this moisture issue?


New Member
Hi All,

I have a moisture problem (I'm assuming). I washed my hair and went to rollerset it. However, I noticed that the ends of my hair were very dry, even while wet (I hope that makes sense...the ends dried first in this one particular section of my hair, even though the rest remained wet). I applied a leave in conditioner, proceded to set my hair, and even trimmed the ends after because I was convinced they were just 'gone'. However, the issue came up gain, so I'm wondering about my moisture balance.

Any idea what the problem is here? I'm open to product recommendations, or specific ingredients that I need to look for. I use Sedal Keraforce shampoo, Duo tex for my mild protein, and then Sedal Keraforce conditioner. Please help!
This same thing happened to me once... So I figured out that I need more moisture- here is what I did for about a week and then went back to my regular regimen.
Day 1- Washed w/ shamp and Deep conditioned - keracare humecto (left conditioner over night
Day 2- co-wash- with regular conditioner, EVOO, and honey and I dont know why but i decided to put a little evaporated milk in my mix- then I rinsed and air dry
Day 3- ORS olive oil and WGO (Baggy)
Day 4- Baggy
Day 5 - Baggy- checked on ends - adding moisture if needed
Day 6- Bagy- check on ends
Day 7- follow day 1
It worked GREAT


OneInAMillion said:
Hi All,

I have a moisture problem (I'm assuming). I washed my hair and went to rollerset it. However, I noticed that the ends of my hair were very dry, even while wet (I hope that makes sense...the ends dried first in this one particular section of my hair, even though the rest remained wet). I applied a leave in conditioner, proceded to set my hair, and even trimmed the ends after because I was convinced they were just 'gone'. However, the issue came up gain, so I'm wondering about my moisture balance.

Any idea what the problem is here? I'm open to product recommendations, or specific ingredients that I need to look for. I use Sedal Keraforce shampoo, Duo tex for my mild protein, and then Sedal Keraforce conditioner. Please help!
OneInAMillion said:
Hi All,

I have a moisture problem (I'm assuming). I washed my hair and went to rollerset it. However, I noticed that the ends of my hair were very dry, even while wet (I hope that makes sense...the ends dried first in this one particular section of my hair, even though the rest remained wet). I applied a leave in conditioner, proceded to set my hair, and even trimmed the ends after because I was convinced they were just 'gone'. However, the issue came up gain, so I'm wondering about my moisture balance.

Any idea what the problem is here? I'm open to product recommendations, or specific ingredients that I need to look for. I use Sedal Keraforce shampoo, Duo tex for my mild protein, and then Sedal Keraforce conditioner. Please help!

Do you have a water-based moisturizer that you use on a regular basis? That's important in order to keep your hair moisturized, esp. since it appears you use a mild protein regularly. Right now your hair may be getting too much protein, and not enough moisture.

I am partial to ORS Olive Oil moisturizer. I also like the Cantu Shea Butter Anti-Breakage moisturizer. Both are great!
It may be that those areas are a little underprocessed. I have a couple of sections in my hair that were underprocessed and I've noticed that those sections seem a little drier than most when wet.

ETA: Cantu shea butter is great for moisturizing!
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When is the last time you clarified your hair? My hair sometimes does that - one section will either take linger to get 'wet' or will dry in a flash - that to me is a sign that I needto clarify, because my hair strand is coated enough that the moisture isn't able to get to it and 'soak' in.
You can either use a good clarifying shampoo since you use shampoo, or add about 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to the conditioner that you normally use, and work that through your hair and see how it ends up. I co-wash, so I do the conditioner bit, and my hair is MUCH better afterwards. THe baking soda CAN be drying - so you really only need a LITTLE bit.
The Fantasia serum on my ends for a rollerset helped immensely. Maybe your ends need to be sealed after you moisturize?
Thanks everyone for your advice!

Determined_to_grow---I tried this last night using my conditioner (Humectress) plus EVOO and noney. SO far so good. Thanks for the tips, I think I may try baggying.

QUOTE=determined_to_grow]This same thing happened to me once... So I figured out that I need more moisture- here is what I did for about a week and then went back to my regular regimen.
Day 1- Washed w/ shamp and Deep conditioned - keracare humecto (left conditioner over night
Day 2- co-wash- with regular conditioner, EVOO, and honey and I dont know why but i decided to put a little evaporated milk in my mix- then I rinsed and air dry
Day 3- ORS olive oil and WGO (Baggy)
Day 4- Baggy
Day 5 - Baggy- checked on ends - adding moisture if needed
Day 6- Bagy- check on ends
Day 7- follow day 1
It worked GREAT

KiniKakes said:
Do you have a water-based moisturizer that you use on a regular basis? That's important in order to keep your hair moisturized, esp. since it appears you use a mild protein regularly. Right now your hair may be getting too much protein, and not enough moisture.

I am partial to ORS Olive Oil moisturizer. I also like the Cantu Shea Butter Anti-Breakage moisturizer. Both are great!

Hi Kinikakes...I agree, I'm doing too much protein. I use NTM when I rollerset, but I think that's not cutting it. I have oRS, do you use this on your ends daily?
divinefavor said:
It may be that those areas are a little underprocessed. I have a couple of sections in my hair that were underprocessed and I've noticed that those sections seem a little drier than most when wet.

ETA: Cantu shea butter is great for moisturizing!

This may actually be the case. That was a fear of mine, as the back left is underprocessed more than other places. I guess I just have to baby that section.
nappywomyn said:
When is the last time you clarified your hair? My hair sometimes does that - one section will either take linger to get 'wet' or will dry in a flash - that to me is a sign that I needto clarify, because my hair strand is coated enough that the moisture isn't able to get to it and 'soak' in.
You can either use a good clarifying shampoo since you use shampoo, or add about 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to the conditioner that you normally use, and work that through your hair and see how it ends up. I co-wash, so I do the conditioner bit, and my hair is MUCH better afterwards. THe baking soda CAN be drying - so you really only need a LITTLE bit.

I'm on a roll here...I clarify, but for the past two weeks I was trying to avoid clarifying my ends because I didn't want to dry them out. I guess I'll have to give it a try though.
crlsweetie912 said:
The Fantasia serum on my ends for a rollerset helped immensely. Maybe your ends need to be sealed after you moisturize?

Do you use this to seal? I may have to try that. I was concerned about it weighing my hair down.
It didn't weigh my hair down at all! It's surprisingly light. I will use this method forever. I think TSUprincess uses shea butter to seal her rollersets. And her's are awesome!
When my ends feel drier than usual I do something verrrry simple. at night I add a dab of daily moisturizer to my ends then add a few dabs of oil to my ends. I either showercap my whole head, or i'll gather the length/ends of my hair and baggy them. By the morning, my ends and hair is full/thick and very well moisturized. I don't do it to often because it can make your hair frizz/poof if you do it alot.