Briitle hair = damage or in need of moisture???


Active Member
I have this section of hair that stays brittle no matter what. I've deep conditioned it numerous times and two days after i wash it it always becomes brittle again.

I just had a hair cut, but this part wasn't really cut into that much (since it was already shorter than the rest anyway) and has remained brittle. IS this damage, underprocessed hair, or dryness?? the other parts of my hair seems to retain moisture pretty well, i just dont get it
This part of my hair grows slower than the rest and stays dry. MY notorious spot is wreaking havoc again. beyond doing a few deep moisture treatments i'm at a loss when it comes to remedying this problem. Has anyone ever had a problem with brittle hair and overcome it? All suggestions welcome.
Re: Briitle hair = damage or in need of moisture??

My sister and I have the exact same problem! Its the pits! I have about a one inch (or more) area in the middle of my hair that is always brittle also. My sister has the same problem. I have found a solution though. What I have been doing is moisturizing that are of hair more than the rest. I use little extra olive oil after wash out my conditioner and I have just started using s curl and I have noticed a MAJOR difference. That 'SPECIAL' spot is healthy and for the first time it feels just like the rest of my hair soft.
I think the major difference for me was removing ALL heat from my hair (except for conditioning purposes)
Hope this helps

Let me know! Good luck!
Re: Briitle hair = damage or in need of moisture??

Thanks natasha.. we have the same hair type as well (4a). I dont use heat anymore except for an occasional rollerset. Did your hair seem to break in this area more than any other>??? I hate to comb my hair because everytime i do my hair seems to break in this area in particular.
Re: Briitle hair = damage or in need of moisture??

Sounds like a classic case of overprocessing to me beans.....

Keep conditioning it, and it should resolve itself over time as you continue to trim.....

Is that part of your hair also more prone to frizz etc. than the rest of your hair? Is it lighter in color at all? These would be further signs of overprocessed hair.

Natasha's solution sounds like a good idea as well - just babying that part of your hair...My nape is kinda like that...and it's really coarse too!
I've found using pre-shampoo hot oil treatments and deep conditioning with products containing Hydrolyzed Collagen like LeKair Cholesterol or Motions CPR help restore elasticity to my hair.
Re: Briitle hair = damage or in need of moisture??

So Tracy, beyond being straight and lifeless overprocessed hair would be brittle too? Because and excuse my ignorance I assumed most brittleness to either dry hair or protein overload??

I've never heard of one section being drier then the rest, maybe shorter????
Re: Briitle hair = damage or in need of moisture??

Thanks for all the insights...

Tracy- it is in fact lighter in color than the rest. It is also the first section that people apply the rekaxer to.. and here i am thinking my hair was more resistent, its actually more fragile!

jen jen- i'm going to start faithfully doing hot oils weekly thanks for the suggestion.
Re: Briitle hair = damage or in need of moisture??

overprocessed hair would be brittle because of the "overdrying" (from using the chemicals) and the abuse
Re: Briitle hair = damage or in need of moisture??

Nekee's response is exactly what I was gonna say in about 52 more words than that.

All I'd add Nita, is that everyone's hair responds to overprocessing differently but yes - often people will experience not only lifelessness, and a very straight appearance but discoloration, chronic breakage, inability to retain a curl...and it could be any ONE or any COMBINATION of these.

That's why when people PM me (or ask questions on the baord) I always ask them what they DO to their hair before answer. I happen to know the regimen of our beloved Beans very well, and so I suspected it probably wasn't protein....her hair doesn't like that and she tries to stay away from it if I'm not mistaken. Even if that's not true and I'm wrong about that I am SURE that she's had some issues with the degree of processing of her relaxers and how that created varying degrees of processed hair which could have led to a spot or two that got overprocessed in her attempts to get it right....

So while you are absolutely correct (I don't want to be re-writing any golden hair rules and jacking our basic premises all up
) - brittleness IS ALSO a sign of protein overload - it just kinda depends on the individual and what would be applicable in their situation, as was the case with beana.....

Hope that helps.

And there go those 52 words I was trying to avoid...
i think u should try motions cpr trestment or mizani h2o if those dont work i suggest if your blow drying your hair u stop and try to ary dry or roller set your hair
Tracy, wow.. you hit soo many things right on the head! Yes, I do think because of my past relaxer horrors that in trying to correct them some of my hair actually was overprocessed. I should've known, seeing as that is the most fragile spot in my hair.

kity 36, motions cpr used to be one of my favs.. its good stuff. Thanks!
I wonder if this is what's wrong with my hair. I wouldn't say it's brittle as much as I'd say it sheds to no end. I've just started using B&B Oil Moisturizer with Castor Oil and seems to be working. I too apply my relaxer to the center of my head first because I thought it was more resistant.
Re: Briitle hair = damage or in need of moisture??

Hey Beana3 Sorry for the delay in response! Seems as though you are receiving wonderful advice. In answer to your question yes I have experienced breakage in my special spot
(much to my frustration).

I have to agree with all the ladies in the previous responses regarding over processing as the culprit in this particular situation (for me anyway). I recently left my beautician because she was overprocessin my hair in a really really bad way
Suffice it to say I have experienced major breakage due to inappropriate relaxer placement (over already relaxed hair). So I agree with the explanation of overprocessing as etiology of the brittle hair. I also (in my ignorance)in an attempt to stop my breakage would go crazy with aphogee protein treatments. (it's a wonder I have any hair left!!

So the ladies are all right on! My only question is why only a specific area in my head alway becomes brittle and breaks off when stress, damage -over process, too much protein etc... occurs.

I guess it just my special spot. But it's looking great now with tlc and lots of water and conditioner and a LITTLE bit of protein

hope this helps. (Don't make my mistakes if you can help it)
Re: Briitle hair = damage or in need of moisture??

Thanks everyone for the advice...

I am seriously considering chopping this damaged hair off (2 inches or so) and just dealing with the short uneven hair for a while. I'm thinking of keeping my hair in a bun until it grows out. Which will also helpme stay true to my protective styling.

In light of my latest cut, i see no reason to hold on to anything that's holding my hair down (the brave in me talking, lol) My hair is bouncing back wonderfully with the exception of this spot.

ok, i think its time to stop myself,, because that may be the flu in me talking!
Re: Briitle hair = damage or in need of moisture??

thank goodness for this post. I'm having the exact same problem and it's always the chunk of hair in the front (the "bangs" i should say) and theyre always a different texture than the rest of my hair. no matter how i try to straighten it, it always looks crinkled. and now that crinkled looking dry hair is moving to other parts surrounding it. whats goin on! at this rate my front layers will never catch up to the back of my hair