Blended Beauty/Blended Cutie


New Member
Hello Ladies,

I've seen a couple of the ladies on the board post about the Blended Beauty , Blended cutie line. I'm looking for recommendations for my 3 1/2 y/o daughter's uber thick, 3b/c3 hair. I usually use Hello Hydrations S&C and Redken's smooth down as a leave in. I almost always put her hair in pony, or pigtails and lately buns (since learning about protective styles.) I want her to be able to wear her hair down w/o all the shrinkage or crunchy hair. When wet her hair is way down her back, but once dry it shrinks to just below shoulder length, a thick mass. I'm really curious about the Blended Beauty/ Cutie line and would like to purchase some but don't know what to get. Are there any products from this line that you can recommend to help w/ her shrinkage as well as detangling and retaining moisture? I want her to learn to enjoy her natural hair early on.


FKA Pokahontas
I haven't found many products that helps me w/ shrinkage and I've tried a lot of things. I think it's just something that I just have to deal with. The Curls Milkshake is really good though, it even says on the jar that it helps to loosen curls. I tried it a few times and I did get looser, soft curls that looked pretty good but the downside is that for me they only really lasted one day. This may be ok for some people but when I wear my hair curly I aim for a style that's gonna last me at least 4 days w/o having to re-wet. I have plenty of pics in my album of different products that I've tried and liked. Sunsilk was a good one that really helped w/ shrinkage. I have pics and a review in the album. Also, if you have any questions about Curls you could email the owner, Mahisha. She is so nice and very helpful.


Well-Known Member
BB/BC products are great, I just don't know if they help with shrinkage. I think her BC version of Curly Frizz Pudding, which is a new jelly product, might help. I know that her Down and Out Styles is supposed to help too.

I'm partial to her BC Butter Me Up and Soft Curls and Swirls for moisture. I also co-sign with Poka on Curls Milkshake.