Bible study CDs


New Member
Hey ladies
I was wondering if anyone has Bible study or scriptures on CD format that they would recommend. As I was looking for Bible study tools on Amazon, I decided that I want a tool that I can take with me anywhere and a CD fits the bill.
Whatever suggestions and recomendations are welcome. Thanks in advance :)
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MindTwister said:
Hey ladies
I was wondering if anyone has Bible study or scriptures on CD format that they would recommend. As I was looking for Bible study tools on Amazon, I decided that I want a tool that I can take with me anywhere and a CD fits the bill.
Whatever suggestions and recomendations are welcome. Thanks in advance :)

hey I am wondering the same thing. Anyone??
MindTwister said:
Yes I saw that I page, actually added one or two things to my Wishlist. I wanted something someone I "know" has tried and like :)

Oooohhhh, okay. I'm sorry, angel. (Long week -- 'sleepy eyes' last night and I didn't read your post to understand. I re-read it, now I do...sorry. ;) ).

CD's are a wonderful way to study, even to play them while sleeping to get the word down in our spirits, while our minds and bodies are resting. For our spirits never sleep and are always receptive to what we hear. We wake up 'refreshed.' :)

I'll see what I can come up with, resource wise. Okay? Some of the ministries may have resouces on their websites. I'll see what I can find.

Hugs to you...precious lady. ;)
Look into Ilumina. It's a very fun interface with tours and pictures and quizzes as well as 3 Bible versions. I love it. I have the teachers edition.
Guess What? :)

I have Alexander Scourby's Bible on 'cassette' tape. It's old as daisies... :lol: A friend gave this to me years ago. I loved this tape series. This has no music in the background, it's his voice only. Most of the tapes are unplayable now, and some of them are missing, that's how long I've had them. ;) I remember that I used to take out certain tapes and put them in my purse to listen to while walking or traveling. I loved it; especially to prepare for or review a Bible study lesson in church.

But getting back to the narrator, Alexander Scourby, he is excellent. His voice is clear, not harsh, very pleasant to listen to and he makes it easy to comprehend the text being spoken.

Now guess what I found for you? A website of audio CD's where you can listen to some of the different CD's offered to help you decide which one you prefer. Some of these same CD's are on Amazon where they cost much less. This site, I would only use for 'review', not purchase unless I needed something from them that no one else had available.

Here's the link to click and review some of the CD's listed on their site:

My personal choices would be James Earl Jones, but he only narrates the New Testament, not the Old Testament. Still, I like his voice...afterall, he's Simba's Daddie (Lion King) :lol: and I've always admired his work as an artist.

I hope this helps. I really do like Alexander Sourby's narration of the Bible. I hope other members can share their views with your as well.

Take care...;)
Thank you Hairlove & Shimmie. Shimmie I had actually put the Scourby's Bible on my Amazon wishlist so I guess that's what I'll be getting first, then will try the "Illumina: Live the Bible" CD.

Thanks once again :)
Of course if anyone else has any other suggestion, the thread is still open for more of them :D