Better Straightener -- a Flatiron or Curling Iron?


New Member
Which is the better straigthener -- a flatiron or a curling iron? I am especially interested in getting the roots straight (I am currently transitioning...).

I already have a Jilbere ceramic flat iron but I just saw the Conair ceramic curling iron in the store the other day and it had me thinking...

Could you tell me which one you find best and why? What is your technique for straightening your hair/roots? Thanks.

Both appliances do a good job at straightening my hair. Since you already have a Jilbere Ceramic Flat Iron I wouldn't bother purchasing the Conair Ceramic Curling Iron (unless you're a PJ and you just have to have it).
Yeah, I tend to agree with Allandra. Since you have the flatiron, you could probably save the money on the curling iron. I do own that Conair Ceramic curling iron and it's pretty nice and inexpensive ($15 at Target). I do plan on getting the Conair flat iron in a couple of months since it's cheap. That's probably the pj in me though. I'd just like to use a flatiron once I'm all natural so I figure I should learn now!

Now if either of you two could tell me how to get my roots straight, that would be a bonus.
I tried a rollerset this past weekend and I swear those waves were stuck to scalp! I don't mind them, since I am going natural but when I wear my hair straight, I want it all straight.

Any of you guys have tricks for straigthening the roots?

Hmm, the only trick I've used is oiling my new growth before it airdries. Recently, I've used Hair Milk. I let my hair airdry and then straighten it with the curling iron bypassing the blowdrier. Also, I think the more new growth you have, the easier it is to straighten it out. This is what I found with myself. For example, it's tougher to straigthen a 1 inch wave section than a 5 inch wave section. Hope that makes sense.
Your flat iron isn't getting your roots straight? Well, I know it's not always possible. Sometimes those waves just don't want to be straight.
Thanks guys. Guess that I'll just have to let them be... c'est la vie. I also don't have *that much* new growth yet so that could be it too.
