Babassu oil

I use it. Well it is in avalons revitalizing conditioner. I use it after I do my hot oil treatments. i like it.
Hi Afrolinda, your hair really is very pretty! :grin:

Tell us more about this it from a plant, an animal, where do you find it, and what is it supposed to do?
I know, so many questions! :lol:
Thank you.

Babassu is a big palm tree about 20 meters high native to Brazil. It is extensively cultivated and presents a very important industrial and economical resource for Brazil. Its principal product is a rather stable, light yellow, clear oil which is employed in food, soap and detergency industries. This oil is similar in properties and uses to coconut oil and is used increasingly as a substitute for it. Babassu oil is cold pressed from the kernel which contains about 72% lipids (in weight) and is ultra-refined w/o chemicals. Flour, animal feed, medicines and beverages can all be produced from the fruit, while the seeds contain oil useful for cooking and soap-making. Even the leaves provide thatch for houses and can be woven into mats for constructing house walls, while stems are used for timbers. Babassu oil does not readily become rancid. The oil becomes a soft solid at room temperatures (below 24 deg.F & 78 deg.C) but melts readily upon contact with the skin. Suggested use levels: lotions & creams 3-5%, balms 3-10%, bar soaps 2-7%, hair conditioners 3-5%. SAP value: 247. INCI: Babassu (Orbignya oleifera) oil
favorc said:
I use it. Well it is in avalons revitalizing conditioner. I use it after I do my hot oil treatments. i like it.


Is it very moisturizing? I want to add it to a cream that I plan on making. TIA
I bought some a few months back and it was the only oil I added to my big three quart tub of a lot of different moisturizing/hydrating conditioners. It is good stuff. It was winter when I bought mine, so it was a soft solid, but it liquifies in warmer weather like coconut oil.
It's in one of Jasmine's conditioners. I admit that when I first put it on my hair, I was less than impressed. It was listed as one of her most popular conditioners. I DC'd for around 15 minutes, and all I could say was WOW!!! It initially felt thin but my hair felt wonderful after. I was very impressed. I believe babassu was very high on the list, like the third ingredient. I want to try to oil itself, but I'm trying to use up some other stuff first :yep:.