Avoiding the natural knots....

tthreat08 said:

So I asked this question before, but I've still no solution.

DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO AVOID the knots that form on the end of your hair when you wear it natural? In the past someone told me I should trim my hair, maybe it was damaged.....but no no no. My hair is very healthy, and I'm not prone to split ends. But dagnammit! Everytime I wear my hair out and curly, I end up with the knots. (I mean naturally curly. i don't have this problem with a rollerset). I can't stand them, can't ignore them. The last time, I just cut an inch of my hair off because I couldn't ignore them like other people can.

So how do you avoid them? I LOVE my natural curls, but don't want the knots. What do I do? Products? What?? Please help a sistah out! PLEASE...

I've been able to successfully wash n go w/o knots (knocking on wood now). I have fine strands but an abundance of them and I found that conditioner washing does not in any shape or form work for me so I rinse daily (don't even touch my hair while doing this unless my scalp itches) while I have the force of the shower, I separate my hair into three sections and place them into ponytails with a satin scrunchie from Goody. Once I'm done showering, I apply Hair Milk mixed with some Kiss My Face Gel (2 to 1 ratio). I'm not sure if it's the oil or less manipulation but it's working well for me. Also, I only detangle once a week. HTH.