Aubrey GPB Users.....


Active Member
Hello all!! I recently purchased the GPB product by Aubrey, encouraged by the great reviews I've read here.
How do you all use it?? As a deep conditioner?? With or without heat?? How long do you leave it on?? Do you add anything to it or use it alone?? Are there any other Aubrey products that you recommend??
I use this once a month (plastic cap with no heat). I leave it on anywhere from 20/30 minutes to even overnight (without any problems). I add nothing to it (wouldn't want to change a good thing). I love this product. I think it's great!
I use this up to 3 times a week. I mostly use it for 10 minutes or so without heat. Sometimes I'll leave it on for up to an hour. My favorite way to use it is as a pre-rinse (not pre-shampoo) mask on dry hair.
I usually use it on a weekly basis without heat, just in the shower for however long I'm in there. I had seen Allandra post awhile back about leaving it in overnight without ill effects so I tried it and was happily surprised.
I love this product.
The best results I've had from GPB occurred when I used it as directed (except that my shampoo and conditioner weren't other Aubrey Organics products). I had just used a clarifying shampoo, then I used a regular rinse-out conditioner, then GPB for about 6-8 minutes (didn't time exactly). My hair was so soft and tangle-free! I think maybe the reason I got REALLY good results is that it was a clarifying day and not a regular shampoo day.
I use mine approx once a week or once every two weeks. I leave it on for approx 5 to 10 mins. I try and aim for 10, no heat. Its great. No hair drying or anything.

I've also left it on for a few hours and no adverse results.
i use it once a month mixed w/aubrey's aloe vera gel...i apply it after a shampoo as a deep conditioner. i sit under the dryer for 15 mins.... the strengh and softness of my hair is incredible!!!!!
I use GPB w/o heat ~30mins-1hr, and love the results. I was only doing this every couple of weeks, but I'm going to increase it to once every week because I have yet to find a product that conditions as well as this one.
Allandra said:
Hmmm. . . . . Mixed with Aubrey's Aloe Vera Gel, huh?
Now you've got me thinking again.

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I just tried this last weekend. I used it with heat for approx. 15 - 20 min. My hair turned out wonderful. I can't even describe, but it felt like heaven actually and it was nice and soft. I'm definately getting an extra bottle of this too to take back with me.

Ballet Bun ...
I did not realize that one could/should use a protein conditioning treatment weekly. Additionally, if the hair is not in need of protein, what benefit does it have? Is it not merely a waste of product?

I am asking because to me there seem to be conflicting messages re: protein conditioning treatments.

soulchild, at OR you can but them at Vitamin Shoppes anywhere. Ive also seen some of the products at organic/health food stores.
northernbelle said:
I did not realize that one could/should use a protein conditioning treatment weekly. Additionally, if the hair is not in need of protein, what benefit does it have? Is it not merely a waste of product?

I am asking because to me there seem to be conflicting messages re: protein conditioning treatments.


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Some folks can and some folks can't use a protein conditioning treatment weekly. When I used Aubrey Organics GPB on a weekly basis, it did not harm my hair at all. Everyone's hair is different. So what works for one won't work for everyone (famous LHCF saying). Since my hair loved it, I would never said it was merely a waste of product. It helped (and continues to help) my hair get good and strong and stay that way.
Glycogen Protein Balancer

GPB is the only protein conditioner I've used but I'm under the impression that it is not that "intense" as far as protein cons go. My hair feels very soft and moisturized after using it without having to put on anything afterwards. I use it about once a week.
northernbelle said:

Another question: Does one need to follow AUbrey's GPB with a moisturizing conditioning treatment?


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One doesn't have to. Sometimes I do, and sometimes I don't. After I rinse the Aubrey Organics GPB out of my hair, it's always nice and soft.

FYI - you inspired me to purchase the Aubrey GPB. In fact, I purchased my first bottle this morning.

I am looking forward to trying this product.

Thanks a bunch!

I have to say that I will be using GPB again as an overnight treatment. I want to thank Allandra (I think she was the one that uses this method) for suggesting this. I have to buy a bigger bottle(s). Never realize I'm so heavy handed with that conditioner
I'm glad you like this product. The reason why I let this treatment remain on my hair overnight is because I'm too tired to jump back in the shower.
It's usually late when I do my hair.