

New Member
Ok I want to use this Aphogee stuff, but I wanted to know if I could do a hot oil treatment before or after the process. and should I follow up with a moisturizing conditioner even though it comes with a moisturizer? thanks alot


Well-Known Member
Which Ahpogee? The Aphogee Protein Treatment?

I use nothing except shampoo before applying the protein treatment. I don't want any product getting in the way of Aphogee doing its thing. I follow up with a deep moisturizing treatment.

Hope that helped!


New Member
<font color="brown">If you do a hot oil in conjunction with the Aphogee treatment, you should do it AFTER. You don't want anything to coat your hair before doing the treatment. You could also add oil to your follow-up moisturizing conditioner for a really nice effect.

AngieK </font>


To each his own. :)
I usually clarify with acv before doing something like that, but I don't use apohgee very often.....perhaps once every couple of years.


New Member
I agree with what the other ladies have said. Don't use anything other than shampoo before the Aphogee treatment, and be sure to follow it up with some sort of moisturizing, conditioning treatment.