Anyone keep a hair journal?


New Member
It just occured to me that a hair journal might be a vital tool for those of us that have no hair memory whatsoever like me.
I keep making the same mistakes over and over and over!

I plan to keep one for 6 months. In It I am going to just write a few sentences abut what I did with my hair that day and how much, if any, I lost.

Then at the end of six months, i'll have a better idea of what exact products I need and target those things that cause my hair loss.

Has anyone ever done this?


New Member
I keep one..just a simple one. On wash day the products I used and the soft my hair was on a a scale of 1 to 10. How much hair I lost on "comb day". It's a good idea so you know which conditioners may have to go

Also when I trim and sometimes how much I trimmed.


New Member
nope, but i think that would be a good idea. maybe i should go pick up a lil composition notebook too!


New Member
i have a small one just to record my last trims,products, and pics of hairstyles i see in mags


Active Member
I have one. I use it daily to track how my hair is responding to products/treatments and to keep track of chemical services, washes and co washes. I also note hair loss and anything else I observe about my hair. It sounds obsessive, but I really like doing it. I just jot a little down after I style my hair. I also write my staple products down to prevent further PJism. It also helps when I am contemplating a regimen change to look back over my journal and see what product combo's have yielded the best results.


Reclaiming my time
I have several little books that I have written in for the last few years. It's a very useful tool for remembering what works and what doesn't, how much your hair has grown etc


New Member
ubavka, what you're doing is exactly what I plan to do.
I'm tired of messing up with the same products ver and over. And I can even try to isolate particular ingredients that my hair likes or dislikes.


Well-Known Member
I started keeping a journal six months ago and it really helps I know which products my hair likes and dislikes and I found out technique is key also.


I have one that I started on Feb. 1st and in it I would type in what products I used, and how I styled my hair. I did this everyday, I just decided this month that I will no longer be doing that because it was becoming very tedious to do everyday. I'm thinking about starting up again in October in my FOTKI site, but on a weekly basis, not daily.


Well-Known Member
I have one that I began keeping of April this year, I record what products I use on wash day. I broke mine down with april 9th retouch what relaxer used etc. then I listed week one through week 16 and the dates. I then go step by step what I do on wash day, Preshampoo hot oil treatment and products used for every thing how used and for how long also the end results. I also count out every four week to do a deep conditioning protein treatment and every six week to clarify. I never thought of recording how much hair was combed out but now I will.


Coils coils & more coils!
It really is a great idea. I also keep an online journal. I started it when I first started my regimen. It is so helpful in helping me to remember what worked and what didn't. I use it to track my growth...and transitioning progress. It's all about trial and error.