Anyone here do hair chalking?


New Member
My lovely friend and fashionista from Brooklyn was telling me about it. Has anyone posted pictures here of hair chalking?

This isn't her hair but this is what she sent me an example of.

I hear it's damaging for the hair and isn't really suited for kinky hair. Lately cream eyeshadow is a thing. That or even tossing in eyeshadow with your gel or hair product of choice.
I hear it's damaging for the hair and isn't really suited for kinky hair. Lately cream eyeshadow is a thing. That or even tossing in eyeshadow with your gel or hair product of choice.

I will let her know. :blush: I thought it would be very drying to the hair when she first told me about it. I am not that bold so I cannot see every adding colored chalk to my hair but it was a trend I had not seen discussed on here before - apparently for good reason. :lol:
It's soooo pretty!! If there's ever a gay pride event on the east coast again I'd definitely do it. Otherwise there is no way I could pull that off in regular life. :look:
Heard of it, never tried it because I have never seen it done on dark hair before that pic in the OP. Would definitely try it once, just because.
I've done it. It looked really nice and I didn't get any damage, bug it took FOREVERRRR to wash that mess out.

Also b/c my hair is dark only certain colors showed up
Heard of it, never tried it because I have never seen it done on dark hair before that pic in the OP. Would definitely try it once, just because.

And if you want to see it done on kinky curly hair......curly nikki also did can se
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