Do you remember this girl here...


Well-Known Member
On this board posted a thread about a friend of hers not telling what she is/was using on her hair to get it thick and long REALLY FAST? She said her friend kept saying that she was going to give her the info of what products she was using but made an excuse everytime like she forgot ot can't remember off the top of her head, so on and so forth...Everyone on the board was responding saying that maybe it was a weave or something.

Do anyone remember that thread? I wanted to know if her friend ever told her. Thanks.
I remember that thread. I have no idea who started it though. Maybe someone with more info will chime in.
Yes I remember that thread, The friend never told her. I will look and see if I kept it somewhere and get back to you.
I am thinking this is the one you were talking about. The thread is closed but I am not sure why I did not follow the whole post after I commented.
On this board posted a thread about a friend of hers not telling what she is/was using on her hair to get it thick and long REALLY FAST? She said her friend kept saying that she was going to give her the info of what products she was using but made an excuse everytime like she forgot ot can't remember off the top of her head, so on and so forth...Everyone on the board was responding saying that maybe it was a weave or something.

Do anyone remember that thread? I wanted to know if her friend ever told her. Thanks.
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You're talking about the one where the girl asked the girls mom?? and whatever she used was rubbed off of the bottle??
So what's the product?? Did she reveal it?

I believe it was Paltas BKC. I PMed her today to see if she used it and if it worked for growth. She hasn't answered me as of yet. I'll share her answer once I get it.
Yeah I actully bought that crap it it is soooo thick that when I ran it through my hair it pulled and snapped it! The chick said it had jojoba oil as the first ingredient and Paltas BKC has none in it at ALL! I think the friend was just being shady. Sure it's technically none of our business what she uses but she could've just been honest and say that she didn't want to tell. I mean if you're gonna be shady be woman enough to admit it.