Any relaxed roller setting stretchers who never straighten new growth???


New Member
I'm pretty good at roller setting usually go 3 months until my touch ups. I've noticed many relaxed heads straighten thier new gowth. Is there any body who does not? Is often do you wash and set? How do you deal with the two textures. TIA.
I rarely to never straighten my newgrowth...I find newgrowth doesn't really bother me much. If the edges are a little extra I might wrap a scarf around them to flatten/straighten them a bit more, but the middle...nah, extra work that isn't usually worth the pay off for me.

I stop rollersetting around week 7-8 though so the newgrowth isn't completely unruly, I've been using curlformers after that which completely camoflages my ng.
I'm pretty good at roller setting usually go 3 months until my touch ups. I've noticed many relaxed heads straighten thier new gowth. Is there any body who does not? Is often do you wash and set? How do you deal with the two textures. TIA.

I don't use direct heat at all, but I relax every 8-10 weeks. It helps that I'm texlaxed so there is not that much difference in the two textures. I wash weekly, and from touchup to 5 weeks post, I rollerset. After 5 weeks post to next touchup, I wear textured styles like twistouts or curly styles like spiral sets.
I have only done this for a minute but I'm on a 9 week stretch(thats loooong for me) and I dont see need to straiten the new growth. I usually wear my hair curly so there really is no need to flat iron it. Rollersetting also does a really good job of laying down the new growth.
I don't straighten the new growth. Wrapping after taking the rollers out (and sleeping with it wrapped) straightens it enough for me.

Flat-ironing the roots just takes away the body and bounce!
I never straighten mine. I don't roller set anymore but I use flexi rods. I might start roller setting again. I haven't done it in about three years. I don't do anything about the new growth. I might do a braid out every once in a while but I usually just have it in a bun.
I don't straighten newgrowth and stretch for 12+ weeks. I will rollerset more frequently towards end of stretch and use smaller rollers for a curlier affect. It helps everything blend better. HTH.
I dont straighten NG and I stretch for 12 + weeks at a time. I wash once a week and rollerset w/ bonnet dryer.
I don't. Rollersetting stretches my roots a little and I tried and failed at blowing out my roots so I'll just continue without straightening my roots
I started too but stopped because I didnt want all the breakage and problems. I bought a new flat iron and everything but it just made my hair flat and I saw breakage.

I just leave it curly after rollersetting and I have been using stylish headbands to cover my edges and hide the NG.

Having that headband on all day helps to it down. Plus, since i've been stretching, I'm learning to keep the NG soft so it doesnt look out of control and there is really no need to straighten it.
I don't. I kinda like the way my rollersets look when I have a head full of NG. I do ponytail rollersets, or just roll with 1" rollers.
Thanks Ladies, for all the replies!!!! I'm contemplating only straightening my edges...thats the only thing that really bothers me about the new growth. Perhaps I'll use a electric straightening comb. Anyone do this?
Thanks Ladies, for all the replies!!!! I'm contemplating only straightening my edges...thats the only thing that really bothers me about the new growth. Perhaps I'll use a electric straightening comb. Anyone do this?

I don't straighten my growth out so far almost 17 weeks post. If ever I straighten my hair i use a regular flat iron.
I haven't been doing anything either; using the flat iron caused a lot of breakage for me.

I want to be able to wear my hair in a ponytail; but when I have a lot of new growth, it makes me tenderheaded. I've been looking to other options. IDK...
I don't striahgten either. I actually kinda like the look of my new growth. I just slick the edges down with a thick moisturizer - I wear phony ponies most of the time.

I never use direct heat. I rollerset a few times a week. My newgrowth doesn't bother me - it's always very soft.