Another Suggestion


New Member
Okay, first of all I want to say thank you to all of the Mods. You ladies do an awesome job running this site, and it is very much appreciated. Okay, I think that was enough kissing up!!! :lachen:

No seriously, my suggestion isn't a big deal. I noticed that the sticky threads are increasing in the Tips and Product Review section. And this is causing all of the actual threads to be pushed down further and further. So, would it be possible to have another forum just for sticky's?? I'm not sure if it's possible. It was just a thought.

Thanks again ladies!!!
I must say that I agree a sticky section would be great and that way all of our postings would be viewable. I like the idea you suggested. Maybe the Mods could start a poll and see what they can do for us. I think everyone would agree.
