Another Lesson Learned


For weeks I've been stressing over my finances (more than usual). I thought I budgeted well this time but I was still coming up short. I was trying to figure out how I'm going to make ends meet. After entering all of my automatic payments and such in the checkbook, I was extremely worried about how I was going to pay the rest of my bills.

Somehow I unconciously subtracted $389.94 on the calculator and entered an incorrect balance in my checkbook. :confused: When trying to balance my checkbook later on, I kept coming up short. I just assumed that some of the payments I made didn't go through yet.

In the meantime I prayed and asked God for an increase to help me manage these bills. I was getting so overwhelmed. I just kept on making checkbook entries and writing the balances (My thoughts were to hurry up and get it done, so I won't have to look at the checkbook too long and get depressed.)

But today when I checked the bank's balance, I saw that all of my recent payments cleared. But silly me still thought the bank's balance was overstated because of some other outstanding payment that didn't clear yet. This time I thoroughly went through my checkbook starting from April and rechecked the numbers. I wanted to find out which payment was still outstanding. :spinning: I then realized I made a small $14.11 error on April 5th and then the big $389.94 error on April 25th. :shocked:

Can you believe I cheated myself and walked around overburdened for nothing? I had $404.05 hidden in my checkbook, and I didn't know it. Now I can pay these bills and have a little something left over. I can't believe I let worry compound into a greater mountain because of a silly mathematical error.

Yeah I feel stupid, but I learned a lesson (other than basic math):
My situation might not be ideal, but it isn't always as bad as I think.

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