Am I only one here that doesn't want really

Imo, if someone's goal is SL or APL un-stretched, that's long hair. I say that because it's just like growing straight hair to BSL or MBL (since that's about how long it about be stretched) and would take a while to grow anyway (presuming the hair is at least 3c/4a and the woman has an average sized neck).
In some circles the length you want will still be considered long so no worries from this group. You do you and we will support you no matter what.

It is healthy, strong and growing..... You are a success in my book!!!
You're not the only one. Its just that this is the Long Hair Care Forum so it seems weird to not want long hair.

But for me, I've never really been in awe of long hair. It was never anything that I wanted. Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate long hair and there are tons of ladies with long beautiful hair on this site but I'm usually more excited about short cuts and cute bobs.

Healthy hair is my goal. If I get to APL I'll be happy with that. To be honest if I'm full, healthy SL I'll be happy. But we'll see what happens when that time comes.
My goal is full APL at this point, but I doubt I'll try for longer. To me, that is long. As long as it's healthy, though, I don't care that much about length.
No matter what personal length goals we set as individuals, our primary focus should always be healthy hair - be it natural, relaxed or texlaxed. Once I found this website and realized that healthy relaxed hair is possible, I saw BSL as an attainable goal. Anything beyond that, as we say in the bayou, is lagnaippe!
Hi OP!

This is a great thread! Having long hair is something that many Afro-haired women have fantasized about since childhood (myself included). But before I bc'd over a year ago, I'd had locs for ten years. And at their longest they were ~a little above waist length. So, IMHO, I've already proven to myself/others that my hair will grow long. I actually joined this site b/c I figured (correctly) that Afro-haired women focused on growing their hair 'long' (whatever that is--it varies per person) would be SERIOUS about maintaining healthy, shiny/'sheeny' hair. I actually don't want more than 10 cm (4 inches) of hair STRETCHED! That's no more than a little past shoulder length in the back, and not even close to that on the sides and front! That way I can get the best of multiple worlds. Easy styling/detangling, a cute maximal shrinkage (79%) wash-n-go (i.e. coily AND stylish/less than an inch long), and the versatility to opt for a decent looking twist-out when I blow dry it...I don't particularly like the idea of big Afro-hair. I'd be paranoid in movie theaters etc. that I was blocking the view of the person behind me...:perplexed


P.S. - YouTube has also been EXTREMELY useful along these lines...
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Not strange at all OP! I will be happy with BSL. If I may grow it longer if possible just to say I did it, but then I would cut right back to BSL.