
New Member
Hello ladies . My daughter is in dance competition and her group has to travel this upcoming weekend for the first meet . anyway yesterday was the girls dress rehersal and all of them have to be on point I mean same makeup hair and everything . they have to wear a low ponytail and one of the little girls entire head of hair has broken off I mean all only avery twa or so is left . the competition coach was like OMG what happened to her hair . ok this little girl had beautiful hair she is mixed with indian and black and believe me when I say she has maybe 10% indian hair and the rest is 4b . so how did it all break off . well her mom says that swimming in the pool every day must have done it. I am so sad for her because her hair was APL in agust and now this also I have no clue how they will be able to put that in a ponytail for the meet . I think they need to not put a relaxer in her hair for a while and let her hair heal but that is just my opinion . there is no way she is not going to compete the investment in her dancing to get ready for this type of competition is so far $4000.00 and they do not do refunds. so do any of you ladies have any advice tht I may give this parent I really want to call her in the morning she has no clue how to take care of her daughter's type of hair.
Didn't the coach or anyone notice the young ladies hair during other practices before the dress rehearsal?

In any case she will just need to compete with a TWA or maybe she can find some type of wig that she can wear and make a ponytail with???

Right now she just needs to keep her hair moisturized and clean. No RELAXERS!!! Her hair will grow back thick and strong. I hope the coach isn't making the young lady feel bad
I went through the same thing when I was younger during elementary school. I suggest that she does take a break from the relaxer if she can. If she is going to swimming, she needs to wear a swimming cap at least to protect her hair from the chlorine. Maybe possible cutting off the broken off ends and taking the simple steps of washing and conditioning regularly and making sure her hair is in protective styles such as braids. I'm not sure how broken off her hair is but really starting to condition and moisturize her hair is key. Also protein to strengthen her hair. Defintely find a routine is also key. I'm not one of the experts here on the forum but I know the women that have been through this would give you the best advise though I would start there because I have had that experience before :yep:.
Didn't the coach or anyone notice the young ladies hair during other practices before the dress rehearsal?

In any case she will just need to compete with a TWA or maybe she can find some type of wig that she can wear and make a ponytail with???

Right now she just needs to keep her hair moisturized and clean. No RELAXERS!!! Her hair will grow back thick and strong. I hope the coach isn't making the young lady feel bad

no I don't think she is making her feel bad but she was always wearing cornrows or a bun when at pratice . i never really noticed either how weird is that . thanks for your input I also think moisterizing will be good for her .
I wonder what kind of ponytail she can make .
Awww...I feel so bad for the little girl. I pray that her hair grows back thicker and longer than before!
I went through the same thing when I was younger during elementary school. I suggest that she does take a break from the relaxer if she can. If she is going to swimming, she needs to wear a swimming cap at least to protect her hair from the chlorine. Maybe possible cutting off the broken off ends and taking the simple steps of washing and conditioning regularly and making sure her hair is in protective styles such as braids. I'm not sure how broken off her hair is but really starting to condition and moisturize her hair is key. Also protein to strengthen her hair. Defintely find a routine is also key. I'm not one of the experts here on the forum but I know the women that have been through this would give you the best advise though I would start there because I have had that experience before :yep:.
braids would be a very good idea maybe box braids in a low pony tht would be better.
my daughter is very good at dance she is the only 7 year old dancing with the 9-12 age group and I take very good care of her hair thank goodness for the hair forums. they always want the girls hair packed down with gel and topped off with spritz I told them that is a no no . I just tie my child hair down with a doo rag and her hair last through every routine no spritz or nothing.
This is off topic, but to the op, I love your family pic in your avatar, very nice. I hope things work out for the little girl. I think they should just let he wear a twa or maybe she can get cornrows with extensions for the event and wear them in a low bun/pony. Is the girls' mother open to suggestions on what to do to nurse the girls' hair back to good health? Encourage her to moisturize and baby her hair. Maybe direct her to LHCF.
This is off topic, but to the op, I love your family pic in your avatar, very nice. I hope things work out for the little girl. I think they should just let he wear a twa or maybe she can get cornrows with extensions for the event and wear them in a low bun/pony. Is the girls' mother open to suggestions on what to do to nurse the girls' hair back to good health? Encourage her to moisturize and baby her hair. Maybe direct her to LHCF.

Great idea, or how about individual braids?
I went through the same thing when I was younger during elementary school. I suggest that she does take a break from the relaxer if she can. If she is going to swimming, she needs to wear a swimming cap at least to protect her hair from the chlorine. Maybe possible cutting off the broken off ends and taking the simple steps of washing and conditioning regularly and making sure her hair is in protective styles such as braids. I'm not sure how broken off her hair is but really starting to condition and moisturize her hair is key. Also protein to strengthen her hair. Defintely find a routine is also key. I'm not one of the experts here on the forum but I know the women that have been through this would give you the best advise though I would start there because I have had that experience before :yep:.

Swimmning caps are really designed to keep hair out of the pool not chlorine out of the hair. I don't think they really help. Most people who swim and are concerned about the chlorine slather their hair with conditioner and then put the cap on before swimming. That will help to keep the chlorine out of the hair cuticles.
Fortunately, I've never had my hair break off from swimming. The key is to not swim to closely to relaxer touch-up time or too soon after. There are also special shampoos to wash the chlorine out of your hair after swimming. Swim caps are also a very good thing to wear if one swims frequently.

For the competition, a phony pony may work for her if she has enough hair for a pig tail to wrap the ponytail around.

I'm sorry she's going through this.
I think the individual braids would work well. She can always pull them back in a pony. It may be a good idea for her mom to keep her hair braided for awhile until it gets healthy again.
Swimmning caps are really designed to keep hair out of the pool not chlorine out of the hair. I don't think they really help. Most people who swim and are concerned about the chlorine slather their hair with conditioner and then put the cap on before swimming. That will help to keep the chlorine out of the hair cuticles.

EXACTLY!!! I was going to suggest putting conditioner on before putting the swimming cap. This is what I did the summer I took a swimming class and had to be in the pool everyday. She also needs to wash and deep condition the kid's hair EVERYDAY she swims--no exceptions!
Hmmm, I do agree with others' suggestions of getting it braided. But will the coach even allow that? Being that you mentioned that everyone had to be on point with the same makeup, hair and etc.

Another thing, is there an option for all of the girls to wear braids going into a low ponytail also? I mean, just so the lil girl wouldn't feel left out ya know? I honestly do feel your concern for the lil girl, but then again, maybe you can possibly just influence the coach to just let her wear the braids. I mean, since the coach already sees it's broken off and such, and would make an exception since she can't back out of it at this time. Just a thought?
Can someone do individual braids (not too tight) and use those to make a ponytail?

She'll need something to allow her hair to rest.

Sorry to hear this.