
Well-Known Member
I am planning on doing my own toucup and I saw the tub of affirm with the protecto for 21.99. is that a good price? I am hoping so. The other items that went with the system were for about 20 all together give or take. so all together to buy the whole system will cost me around 40. is that a good deal?

Also more important, the last stylist I had used affirm regular but I think it was too strong because my hair always came out bone straight. I want it straight but I want it to have some body. Do you guys think I should get the mild or should I stick with the regular but just keep it on for less time. the only thing I am worried about is having a tub of this stuff and if the mild doesnt work then I am stuck with it. I really need some advice.

OOOO and off topic but for those who do self touchups how do you rinse just one area at a time? I have a shower head and if I face the tub I can focus on one area at time but if I were to do a touchup I would have to start at the back and I tried turning the other way but it was so awkward I didnt know how to sit and I could grip the shower head properly and water was getting everywhere. How can I remedy this?????? /images/graemlins/crazy.gif God bless you all.
Yeah, that's a really good price, compared to

As far as mild or regular. It depends on your hair type and curl pattern. I use mild and I'm 3C-4A, but it takes me a while to apply. Like I've mentioned many times, I would use regular if I went to the salon because they work it much faster. I self relax my entire head at one time, so it takes much longer.

I rinse all at one time.
I recently had a corrective done, i cover the sections i weren't working on with three plastic caps and secured them with clips so i could rinse the relaxer out one section at a time using a hand held shower, its more time consuming this way, but i think i get better results.
I have done a lot of thinking and I will go for the mild lye. I kept saying what if it doesnt come out straight but then I thought about the fact that the regular was put on most likely for the regular time at the salon and it still came out bone straight and this is with a stylist working fast to get it all done. So I was saying to myself if I tried to lessen the time for the regular I would have to move at warped speed to get all the sections and smoothing and I know if I were to rush a process such as this I will miss spots and not really get a proper application. I think my best bet is to use the mild and take my time and make sure all areas are processed and just try to get it to at least 80% which is good enough to give me the volume I desire and yet allow me to do the rollersets I usually do weekly and still have it come out straight.

The regular was just too strong and knowing that I will be doing this at home runs the risk of going a bit slower than maybe someone at a salon.

I have a question: Did you follow the directions on the relaxer where it said do the conditioner before the neutralizer or did you do the neutralizer first? I just want to make sure I am going about this correctly. Also how long do you keep the conditioner on and the neutralizer on and how long do you rinse each out? And do you use a conditioner again after the neutralizer? Sorry for all the questions.

Oh and as for using a shower cap I think I may try that. I tried to turn the other way and water was going everywhere I think I feel more comfortable facing the tub and my grip is better in that direction. I'll have to give that a try thanks. oh when you do that do you spend a particular amount of time rinsing that section? I have heard 1-2 mins for each section and then rinse then all together for a minute or two making the total time rinsing 10 mins. Is this too much??? God bless you all.
wow that's a great price. where did u find it for that price because i would like to purchase also. thanks.
wow that's a great price. where did u find it for that price because i would like to purchase also. thanks.

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I wanna know too. Can't find Affirm lye anywhere--in BSS or online (except Sheldeez).
I always apply a mixture of Affirm 5 in 1 and positive link conditioner first, before the neutraliser, i leave it on for five minutes, this makes a massive diffrence, in the moisture levels.

I rinse out relaxer sections for 5 minutes each, after the entire head is relaxed i rinse for 5 mintues and neutralise at least once then shampoo with a moisturising shampoo.
I'm with you on doing self-relaxers. I also will be doing my own as soon as my products arrive from Sheldeez. I kept telling my hairdresser that the mild was not working for me, but she wouldn't listen. Plus the last time I went to her I was 12 weeks post relaxer and she went ripping through my new growth with the comb. After that I said 'enough is enough.' LHCF has empowered me to take matters into my own hands.
I'm with you on doing self-relaxers. I also will be doing my own as soon as my products arrive from Sheldeez. I kept telling my hairdresser that the mild was not working for me, but she wouldn't listen. Plus the last time I went to her I was 12 weeks post relaxer and she went ripping through my new growth with the comb. After that I said 'enough is enough.' LHCF has empowered me to take matters into my own hands.

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Amen!!! to what you wrote. I did a corrective the other day with my sister's help. I'm doing all my own touch-ups from now on.