3rd day hair on a TWA?


Well-Known Member
:lachen: Is it possible to get presentable 3rd hair on a TWA using eco styler? I did a co-wash on Sunday and applied my products ending with eco styler. Yesterday, I refreshed it with water and a little more gel but today it wasn't having it. :nono: It was bushy is some spots and all around hard... Any suggestions?
sort but I've never had success with eco styler. But three day wng is hard to do with a twa. Try a gel that has less hold. Maybe your hair won't get hard.
How did you apply the water/gel? I usually just spritz with water to refresh. But, I love cowashing so I never strived for multi-day hair really lol! I think I only made it a couple of days.
I've been doing it the last month with eco styler gel. i will condition my hair on sunday. then leave it soaking wet and apply the gel in sections. i use a denman brush and scrunch each section. i let it air dry throughout the day. i sleep with a satin bonnet on. then in the morning i will take a spray bottle with water and spray over my head and slightly pull in sections to revive the curls. i've only been doing this for the last few weeks and it works fine.
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How did you apply the water/gel? I usually just spritz with water to refresh. But, I love cowashing so I never strived for multi-day hair really lol! I think I only made it a couple of days.

I wet my hair and shingle the gel through with my fingers. I'm going to co-wash in a few minutes. My hair feels like it's missing something when I go too long in between co-washes. lol
I've been doing it the last month with eco styler gel. i will condition my hair on sunday. then leave it soaking wet and apply the gel in sections. i use a denman brush and scrunch each section. i let it air dry throughout the day. i sleep with a satin bonnet on. then in the morning i will take a spray bottle with water and spray over my head and slightly pull in sections to revive the curls. i've only been doing this for the last few weeks and it works fine.

I will try just spraying it with water tomorrow. Maybe adding gel on top of gel is the main problem.. :yep:
I revive with S curl or CFCG, water only serves to break apart the clumped curls and make my hair go frizzy.

i could go without the S-culr etc, but Im scared that my hair may get dry so I sacrifice perfect day 2 hair. I can usually go 3 days, the first 2 days I can have my hair fully out, but my day 3 I'll have to use a headband, mainly b/c the sides get too smooshed from sleeping so I usually have to manipulate them more to revive.