30 Something Ladies, Check In Here!


Well-Known Member
This is a spin-off from the 40 something thread. What have you learned since you've become a LHCF member. What is the status of your hair? What is your length goal? Share any tips and feel free to ask questions as well. Don't forget to include your age.

I'm 35. I'm newly relaxed (just ended a 25 week transition :grin:) neck length now and I hope to make it to SL by December 2008. My ultimate goal is "Waist Length".:yep: I don't have any tips because I'm still learning.

Anyone else?
I'm 31.

I wish I had learned all this back when I was 21, that's for sure! :lachen:

Right now I'm natural, just about shoulder, and my goal is as long as it grows - I don't plan on cutting my hair ever again.

My best tip? Listen to your hair. It'll be your best guide.
I'm 31.

I wish I had learned all this back when I was 21, that's for sure! :lachen:

Right now I'm natural, just about shoulder, and my goal is as long as it grows - I don't plan on cutting my hair ever again.

My best tip? Listen to your hair. It'll be your best guide.

Thank you for sharing! I agree, I wish I knew this stuff when I was in my twenties!:yep: One thing I can say is something that may work for some people, may not always work for me.
I'm 33. I've been transitioning for 10 months. I plan to bc at the end of August. I've been itching to bc now. I'm wearing my hair in cornrows this summer. I'm not sure what my ultimate goal is, right now it's brastrap and beyond!! I just want long, healthy, natural hair!
Savvy Checking In!!! I'm 36

A few things that I learned is to keep my regi simple and do what works for my hair.

And to not place meeting a challenge over healthy hair. (I'm getting my trim in a few weeks I'll reach BSL by the end if the year)
Im 29 Ill be 30 next month.

What I have learned on this board is that rollersetting "rocks", this method of drying my hair has saved my hairs life!!!:grin:
Just subscribing for now, I will be back to update tomorrow, I'm too tired to think tonight:grin:. See you ladies tomorrow on this.
I turned 30 this year and have only been on this hair journey for 2 months now, but the #1 thing that has been an absolute blessing for me and has allowed me not to crack under the wealth of info I've learned and continue to learn is ..... K.I.S.S. ( thanks Traycee)

Co-wash, wash/dc, moisturize daily, seal....:grin: PATIENCE!
Aggie here and I am 39 years old and going on 40 in less than 4 months. What I have learned form being on the board is that one product/method of care doesn't necessarily fit all and you have to know your hair's likes and dislikes in order to have great progress. For example, texlaxing simply just did not work for me, very long relaxer stretches - :nono:, not for me, it caused too much breakage, my hair loves baggying while others hair hates it.
I’m 33. Since becoming a member on LHCF. I have learned that protective styling, no heat, stretching relaxers, no combing, baggying ends, daily moisturizing/sealing ends,co washes, and weekly deep conditions, and consistency are the necessary elements to long and healthy hair. I’m currently BS and my ultimate goal is to be WL, although, I’ll be content at MB. Protective Styling will get you past the SL-APL stage. My motto is: What goes up, Must come down. When prayers goes up (hair) blessings come down (mo hair) :lachen: Protective Styling is the bomb!
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35 years old checking :wave:

What have you learned since you've become a LHCF member?
SOooo many tips but the first are motivation and patience!

What is the status of your hair?
Natural 4b (fotki in profile)

What is your length goal?
IDK, ...between full mid back, lower back, and waistlenght:drunk:

Share any tips:
  1. Prayer and faith:grin: (Thank you Jesus)
  2. Moisture (daily moisture + DC + cowash) and un poco de protein treatment
  3. Protective styles
Are the keys for me to reach great lenghts!

I never ever went further than an anemic shoulder lenght before:grin:
(see fotki in profile)
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I'm almost 36. I learned that combing my hair dry is a pretty bad idea.

I learned that I should have ran all those times a stylist put relaxer all thru my hair when it was touch up time. No wonder it broke off.

I learned that my hair thrives best when I'm not treating it like an ongoing chemistry class; coloring it every time I turn around and relaxing too.

Transitioned to natural--1996.


bsl aiming for wsl.
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I'm 35- I've learned from all my transition/ relax battles that I am not going to ever BC again. Natural hair is nice for those ladies who can style and keep their hair pretty. I'm just not able to it, so I'll be texlaxing before I go to Las Vegas. What I was finally able to learn- how to deep condition, moisturize, and how to roller set without heat. I have to learn how to not be such a PJ.:lachen:.
I'm 30.

What have you learned since you've become a LHCF member?
- balancing moisture/protien
- stretching relaxer
- deep conditioning
- protective-styling
- trimming split ends every 6 weeks is not necessary

What is the status of your hair?
Neck length, texlaxed 4a/b

What is your length goal?
This is a spin-off from the 40 something thread. What have you learned since you've become a LHCF member. What is the status of your hair? What is your length goal? Share any tips and feel free to ask questions as well. Don't forget to include your age.

I'm 35. I'm newly relaxed (just ended a 25 week transition :grin:) neck length now and I hope to make it to SL by December 2008. My ultimate goal is "Waist Length".:yep: I don't have any tips because I'm still learning.

Anyone else?


I am 30 years, 4 months and 8 days old - so I count as a 30-something, right :grin:

What is the status of your hair? I am currently growing out my relaxer and at last length check was full APL. It has been a year and a half since my last relaxer.

What is your length goal? My (initial) length goal is MBL. We'll see what happens once I reach it if I want to grow longer or not.

Among all of the other things that it takes to grow hair, patience and diligence are very frequently overlooked and IMO the most important. It takes commitment and consitency to reach your hair goals. Once you find what works for you, STICK TO IT and you will see results.
Hey ladies, my name is Shonni and i'm 31 years. I have always had very long thick hair growing up. It was always just above WL...I miss it so!! :sad: I don't even know how my hair became so short all of a sudden. It started happening after my divorce and moving here to NYC I think the climate change and stress may be due to my hair loss.

Since becoming a memebr of LHCF I have not really had the time to post, but I am now so please don't give a newbie a hard time lol :grin:

I have learned ALOT though :yep: I have gained some really good knowledge of what's healthy for my hair and what's not. I have a steady regimen and hope to be atleast BSL by this time next year. So wish me blessings please :)
I am 38 and the 3 most important things I for my hair are no heat, protective styling and henna. I am about an inch from MBL and my ultimate goal is healthy WL hair.
Heyyyyy!!! How y'all doin'. I'm 31 and I am believe that 30 is the new 20 because I absolutely feel like I am just really getting a start on my life. Finally seeing the necessity to have things in a certain order.

Since coming to LHCF I have learned that heat is not a necessity. And moisture for relaxed hair does not necessarily mean wet. I have learned that protective styles don't necessary mean hair is restricted from all movement. i am relaxed halfway between SL and APL(which is my present goal) I am six weeks post and my NG is starting to scare me because it wants a relaxer but I am determined to hold out until 8 or 10 weeks.
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Hey 30-something ladies! I'm 32...
I started my hair care journey in August of 2007. The biggest things I have learned aside from all the valuable day to day practices that I have acquired and continue to acquire are... patience and consistency. Oh... and long live the co-wash!!! :lachen:
I am currently shoulder length and my goal is arm pit length. Although I suspect that if (or should I say 'when') I reach that goal, that I will want to go for BSL... lol... we'll see!
I'm 33. My hair has always been healthy, I am SL now and my goal is BSL. Since joining LHCF, I have learned about steaming, using coconut oil on my hair,co-washing and using regular conditioners as leave ins. All have made my hair thrive even more than it was before.
Hey, My names Angel. I'm 34 years young!:reddancer:

I'm 100% natural. Have been relaxed the majority of my life. I just BC'ed in March of 2008, with no transition. YAY!:yahoo:

My hair is 3c/with a patch of 4a. I have a Teeny afro right now. My goal is BSL.

I have learned so many things from being a proud member of LHCF. The most important being: MOISTURE, MOISTURE, MOISTURE! Patience, patience, patience.

I am loving my natural journey, and I can't wait to see where it leads me! :bounceline:
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Hi everybody. I'm 34 and will be 35 next month. What I have learned here is that you have to be patient with you hair and moisturize and Everything is not for everybody. I have learned alot of stuff from everybody here and hope to continue to learn.
hey ladies!!! 38 and checkin in..... Protective styling has been the main reason for my hair success.... I think I have worn my hair up most of the almost 2 years I have been a member.. Protective styling has gotten me from chewed up sl to 1 inch from bsl ya hoo!!!!!!!! I am also stretching my relaxer for 12 weeks...

My fav's when protective styling : amla oil, coconut oil, monoi oil,vatika oil, red palm oil butter.......I now love cantu shea butter conditioner too (who knew?)

P.S Aveda has been a great find too(aveda damage remedy line) love it!!

If I would have known all of this 10 years ago, I would be waist length!!!!

For protective styling I use good day hair clips, octopus clips, and flexi-8 clips yay!!! Yeah my hair styles are boring... but the benefits have been amazing!!
I'm checking in too, I am 30 yrs old. I have been here almost a year now. I started at shoulder and am this close to apl. I mostly do the protective styling thing w/deep conditioning 2x a week. I am also on my longest stretch to date 3 mos and counting. I am hoping to make it at least another month or so before relaxing again. (if I don't transition :grin:).
This is a spin-off from the 40 something thread. What have you learned since you've become a LHCF member. What is the status of your hair? What is your length goal? Share any tips and feel free to ask questions as well. Don't forget to include your age.

I'm 35. I'm newly relaxed (just ended a 25 week transition :grin:) neck length now and I hope to make it to SL by December 2008. My ultimate goal is "Waist Length".:yep: I don't have any tips because I'm still learning.

Anyone else?

33 yrs young.

The most important thing i've learned from LHCF is to be open to possibilities. Among other things: Who woulda thought coochie cream would grow hair?:lachen:

Status: Natural since April 2007.

Goal: Again with the possibilities.:rolleyes: Terminal, ultimately. Full SL in '08. I'm in it for the long haul.

Tip:Consistency is key.
I'll be celebrating my 31st tomorrow. I have been on this board for a few years and the most important thing i have learned is less heat, MOISTURE, MOISTURE, MOISTURE. I have grown and chopped my hair many times and i'm currently shoulder length (after cutting to ears in February). I love my coconut oil and i'm no longer afraid of getting my hair wet :). I have been air-drying and taking supplements since i started on this board, and i must say my hair is as healthy as it was when i was in high school.
Chiming n I am 37 and have been on the board for 7 months. I have had three set back from bleaching and trying to texlax. I have learned:
2 much protein bad
My hair hates dye and alot of color
Patience is a virtue and hard to do sometimes
Natural hair does not like to be combed
natrual hair can be dry but beautiful
I can wash more than once a month
Dirty hair does not mean hair growth
Grease blocks my pores
Natrual oils and eo are good just not 2 much
Black women can have long hair
2 much heat can ruin hair
what works 4 u may not work 4 me
I don't have to use shampoo

I'm 33 soon to be 34, like days away. I'm a fairly new member joining April 08. I have absorbed alot about hair and how to use the proper products for my hair to help benefit its health and growth.

What is the status of your hair?
In December 07, I cut my APL hair to an asymetrical bob, similar to Rhianna's. It's growing out now. The tips, longest pieces in front are past shoulder and the back is grazing shoulder length.

What is your length goal?
I've set two goals...
Short term-APL by December 2008
Long term- WL by December 2009

I've learned...
...to put down the scissors:wallbash:...I am my worst enemy when it comes to hair. I've always had the mindset of "it's only hair, it'll grow so cut it" or "I'm bored...time for a haircut or dye".
...not every round up to join a bandwagon is for me, my hair, my lifestyle, or makes sense. :nono:
...You don't have to spend a fortune to maintain healthy hair.
...keep your ends moisturized...My hair loves Elasta QP Mango Butter.
...protective styling.

Have a Happy B-Day dcprdiva!!