30 months transitioning - update - PICS


Well-Known Member
It's that time of year when I half-heartedly straighten my hair to see my length:spinning:. I have only gotten about 2 inches in the past 6 months and my relaxed ends have been breaking off for the past year so I don't think I'll ever have to cut them off!! :blush:
Anyway here's some comparison pics...

Pre 2007 this is what my hair looked like:

May 2007 I cut off my damaged hair

Dec 2008 I discovered the internet and was 6 months into a stretch and decided I might as well go natural

Nov 2010



I haven't gotten as much growth over the years as I would have liked :sad: but I'm still quite happy with my progress. And I know my ends are messed up but I'm not losing them! Lol. Waist length here I come!! (In like 2 years :drunk:)
great growth over the years! i think where your at now would be the perfect length for me, even though im gonna try to grow it out to waist length 1st
30 months = 2.5 years

This is my planned transition period. Thanks for posting what I have to look forward to--your hair looks great.
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OMG your hair is gorgeous! Thanks for posting your progress; in April 2011, I will be 2 years into my transition, and have been thinking about going longer. Thanks for the encouragement! :yep:
:blush: 30 month transition? wow this is awesome, such an encouragement for us transitioners. Congrats, you've made such great progress I love your hair!
Lol, you sound like me and my ends before I finally had enough 2 weeks ago.
I did a 3 year transition as well. You'll know when the time is right...or like you said, they'll break off on their own.
Gorgeous hair btw!