2015 Challenge- CoWash, CoCleanse, Mud Wash, Honey Cleanse, & Others

CoWashed this morning with one of my favs, Tresemme Naturals Nourishing Moisture. I'll be pre-pooing tonight and wanted to rinse beforehand.
Co-washed Monday and today with VO5 Strawberries and Cream Moisturizing Conditioner. Will conditioner wash this treatment out with VO5 Chamomile Nourishing Conditioner.
Co-washed Monday and today with VO5 Strawberries and Cream Moisturizing Conditioner. Will conditioner wash this treatment out with VO5 Chamomile Nourishing Conditioner.

Again today... may finish up with the rest of both though.

I wanted to finish up this teeny-tiny corner of MoistPRO, but it wasn't enough to do a full cowash, so I had to pull out the Moist 24/7 to finish everything up.

Nice Combo btw.
Cowashed today with VO5 Stawberries and Cream conditioner. Will cowash deep treatment out with Nature's Advantage Fresh Apples conditioner.
Will Slather on some Origins Rich Rewards (under Saran Wrap, Plastic Cap & Wig).

Rinse out and co-cleanse with VO5 Kiwi Lime Clarifying Conditioner.

Henna for a few hours.

Will Rinse out with Mission:Condition Cranberry Cheapskate Conditioner.
Pre-Treat with: Mission:Condition's TerraForma Pre-Poo Treatment
Cleanse with: Jakeala's Flaxseed & Hibiscus Cleansing Conditioner (Pink Sugar)
Pre-Treated with a vial of Phyto Scalp Exfoliator Oil followed by As I As Coconut Cowash
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Co-washed with VO5 Passionfruit Smoothie and will co-wash this deep treatment out with VO5 Shea Cashmere later.