2014 Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge

Deep conditioning on dry hair, co-washing then bunning every 3 or so days. It's too hot for any other foolishness. This is a side messy curly bun I rocked today.
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Still bunning. I've been wearing my hair straight for the past month or so. My ends are in good shape, although I'm out of my fave DC and I can tell the difference. I just ordered a bunch of DCs from another vendor, so hopefully I'll like them.

I plan to keep the same regimen for the rest of the summer. I think I'll do a protein treatment before my next wash done I haven't done one in a while.
Finished installing braids today that I hope will last for a month. Not thinking that its been since last summer since I wore braids and my hair has grown, I cut my kanekalon hair too short. I probably will have replace a few to make it look decent for a month. I love braids, will post a pic soon.
Put in a new set of medium sized twists with braided roots. I have been wearing them in one big braid or rolled to the side secured with a banana clip.
My medium sized twist are barely hanging in there...if I'm not too tired, I will take them out tonight and wear a twist-out bun Tomorrow. This challenge has been really helpful for me. Before I started this challenge I was wearing my hair out in a puff pretty much all the time. Even though I didn't notice any breakage from having my hair out, I believe that twisting and bunning will lead to better retention overall. My plan is to keep this up until I reach BSL!
I'm determined to keep my hair in twists until I flat iron at the beginning of August.

I've been trying to get to APL for the last few months but I had a setback where I cut about an inch of damage. I've kinda gotten to a plateau that I'm determined to get over.

I'm going to do a ACV rinse tonight and then redoing the twists next week. Hopefully that set will last until the flat iron.
I'm dcing my twists right now. I will go back to wearing my twists for two weeks at a time. I will of course still shampoo and dc weekly in my twists. I will only finger detangle and wash my hair loose every two weeks when I take the twists down. My go to styles for my twists are just braided into one braid or bunning them. I hope to grow retain another 3 inches by December. MBL here I come!

My medium sized twist are barely hanging in there...if I'm not too tired, I will take them out tonight and wear a twist-out bun Tomorrow. This challenge has been really helpful for me. Before I started this challenge I was wearing my hair out in a puff pretty much all the time. Even though I didn't notice any breakage from having my hair out, I believe that twisting and bunning will lead to better retention overall. My plan is to keep this up until I reach BSL!

Wearing my hair in buns and twists updos has really helped my retention charmtreese.
Just took down my twists after two weeks. I will wash my hair on Sunday, then put in some more twists.

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Just took down my twists after two weeks. I will wash my hair on Sunday, then put in some more twists.

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Hey Froreal,

Is your normal schedule every two weeks to redo your twist? My twist don't seem to last beyond a week.
Hey Froreal,

Is your normal schedule every two weeks to redo your twist? My twist don't seem to last beyond a week.

charmtreese it is usually every week. I have been doing scalp massages and still washing them weekly, so they ended up a little more tangled and matted than I would like. If I weren't doing these things I am sure they would have lasted better.

My new set of large twists.





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Loving the updates ladies!

I've been conditioning (not really cowashing because I don't put the conditioner on my scalp) in the shower daily, t-shirt drying, and applying Cantu Naturals Leave in, sealing ends with SSI Seyani Butter, and bunning.

Once a week I cowash with HH Tealightfully clean conditioner, apply It's a 10 DC and coconut oil, detangle, DC, rinse, and repeat the t-shirt drying/moisturizing routine.

I'm loving it.
1. What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning, etc.)? Twists usually put in a bun or updo.

2. What is your style maintenance regimen? Wrap twists in a silk scarf at night and redo bun or updo in the morning.

3. Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning? Natural

4. What do you hope to achieve from the challenge? Longer hair and healthier ends.

5. When and how will you restyle your hair? I retwist hair every two weeks on my wash days.

6. Include Starting Pic. (You will not be an official challenger without one). Welp...that puts a monkey wrench in my wheel.*thinking, thinking, thinking*
Wash and retwisted my hair. This will be my final set before I get a trim and flatiron. I'll be getting a protein treatment and I so need one! I haven't had my hair loose in over a month and I miss the fro.
Deep conditioned on dry hair overnight.
Co-washed and did 2 Goddess braids leading into a twisted updo style. Will rock this until Wednesday when I can do a shampoo wash & flexi rod set.
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Yesterday was wash day.
Will do some flat twists.

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Took the twists out and got a trim and light flatiron. The sides are finally coming together. I'll be back in twists once I wash again.


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I've been doing buns from twist outs for the past month because I haven't had time to straighten. Hopefully my ends have survived. I'm going to try to straighten again maybe next week so that I can assess and trim.
Daily cowashing gives my hair so much moisture. Once a week I cowash, DC, and thoroughly detangle, but it's the cowashing that's allowing my hair to flourish.

Still daily bunning.
I'm trying out some new things. If these things increase my moisture I will be back here to hang out with you ladies. In the past my twists have dried out in 3 days and don't respond to attempts to try to remoisturize without creating super frizz, wiry hair and tangles. So I end up washing every 3 to 4 days. But if I can find some techniques to work for my hair and at least extend my moisture to five days I can get back to this challenge and just washing and retwisting once a week.

Put in fresh twist last night. Let's see how they hold up through Thursday.
Good luck faithVA! I hope your new techniques work.

Even though I condition my hair every day I remember roller setting my hair twice a week and I was SO happy when I got that down to once a week.
[USER=388763 said:
toaster[/USER];20431563]Good luck faithVA! I hope your new techniques work.

Even though I condition my hair every day I remember roller setting my hair twice a week and I was SO happy when I got that down to once a week.

Thank You. I am hoping to graduate from twist to rollersetting. I need to grow out the back of my hair though so I can put it up when the curls fail. Hopefully 4 months will be enough.
My twist out for today. Washing tomorrow and then back in twist!


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I haven't posted in a while. I continue to wash, deep condition/steam my hair weekly and place my hair in twists. After washing my hair yesterday, I placed my hair in medium size twists. I probably do a twist out Wednesday or Thursday.