10 Most Important Steps to Growing long Hair

1. Prayer is the key! I prayed for two years and God answered with LHCF, BHM, KISS and Hairlista, all in the same year!

2. Deep Condition your hair weekly: your hair breaks when its dry. It's like a spa-treatment for your strands.

3. Moisturize your hair! Use a daily moisturizer and seal in with a natural oil!

4. Leave your hair alone: twists, braids, weaves and wigs allow you not to overmanipulate your hair..

5. Protect those ends! In buns and protective styles during the day and with a satin scarf or on a satin pillowcase at night! The longer your hair, the older your ends are!

6. No direct heat! That'll only set you back. Dry hair breaks fast!

7. Watch that protein-moisture balance: Hair needs protein for strength and moisture for elasticity (won't break so easily). Incorporate a light protein conditioner or leave-in into your routine.

8. Detangle your hair gently: in sections. Try using your fingers first (watch those nails!) and then use a WIDE-TOOTHED COMB.

9. Try a little patience:
get to know your hair along the way. Take pictures every month or every few months. You will be amazed at the difference you didn't notice over that period!

10. Find what works for you and stick with it! Forget the bandwagons and curb yout inner PJ. You will see the results if you stick to it!
ITA with all the ladies here.

1. Prayer
2. Knowing what your hair likes and dislikes.
3. Knowing your hair type. (some say this doesn't matter) however for my head of hair it matters. One of the reasons I had 2 set backs.
4. Set goals for your hair, how and when you will achieve them.
5. I relax so I touch up 4x a year. This helps me with retention and less breakage.
6.Protien treatments very important for my hair.
7. Deep condish treatments.
8. Drinking water, exercising, taking my vitamins and supplements everyday.
9. Keep it simple regimine.
10. Protect my ends and hide my hair.
1. Pray over your hair, asking for wisdom in caring for your body. Bring power with scriptures, as they are living and have power.

Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him, but that if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For long hair is given to her as a covering. (1 Corinthians 11:14-15 (New International Version)

2. Healthy on the inside grows outside. Put good stuff in you body (vitamins, water, cleansing, etc.)

3. Healthy scalp, healthy hair. Take care of it w/massages, keeping it free from buildup, nourishing it with serums/jojoba oil treatments, etc. Also, NATURAL doesnt give immediate results, but it works best and gives the most beauty over time!!

4. Protect what grows: preserve your ends to keep your length. Hair rarely breaks from the middle.

5. Protect what grows: preserve your length with protective styles.

6. Protect what grows: moisture moisture moisture! However you get it in.

7. Protect what grows: lessen direct damge. Brushing, direct heat, same spot ponytails, etc.

8. Grow with your hair! In time, it will change! Welcome your natural beauty, shape, texture, instead of trying to hide it. This is when your hair flourishes most.

9. For every amount of damage, harshness or heat that you give to your hair, you MUST repair it with an equal or greater repairing treatment. E.g., if you blow dry, DC that night. If you sleep without a scarf, pre-poo with rich olive oil under a dryer before washing the next time. Stay in balance.

10. Don't be afraid to love your hair at each length. I think this makes the time go faster. I used to hide my hair when I was ear length - I wish I would have worn it out more, but I was insecure. As I began to embrace my hair texture and length, I found that the months growing were more FUN, and it makes the journey easier and inspirational.

HHG to all.

Oh, and I am adding one more thing in: TRUST YOUR OWN JUDGMENT!

Thank you so much. Beautiful and I needed so much to hear this message!!
1) Ask God in Jesus' Name for a head full of long healthy hair.

2) Believe God has answered your prayer for long healthy hair.

3) Confess the Word of God through scripture over your long healthy hair.

4) Receive the long healthy hair God has given you BEFORE it manifests.

5) Visualize yourself (through The Spirit) with long healthy hair.

6) Do not speak against your long healthy hair (don't be moved by what you see/hear/feel).

7) Ask God for Wisdom to attain your long healthy hair and Grace to handle the challenges until your long healthy hair comes.

8) Thank God daily for your long healthy hair.

9) ENJOY the manifestation of your long healthy head hair!!!!!!!

10) Protect your long healthy hair - pray for others so that they will receive long healthy hair - and share your testimony with them that they may have long healthy hair as well.
I love how many of the ladies have incorporated prayer at the top of the lists. I truly believe that consistent prayer about my hair + consistency with my reggie has made all the difference. I believe it is my appointed time to grow and achieve the hair that I've always desired.
1: Low heat
2: Protective Styles
3: Moisture/ Conditioning
4: Do-not overprocess if you are relaxed
5: Do not comb dry hair
6: Use 100% boar brush for smoothing edges only
7: Don't give up
8: Patience
9: Get a regimen
10: Track your progress
1. Weekly deep conditioning
2. Trim damaged ends
3. Sleep with a scarf or satin pillowcase
4. Keep a healthy scalp
5. Moisturize and seal
6. Protect the ends
7. Listen to your hair
8. Be gentle (especially when it's wet)
9. Stay away from frequent heat use
10. Drink lots of water and eat right..... I'm still working on this