My Hair Lately-Pics :-)


New Member
Hello Ladies,

I just wanted to share what I've been doing over the past month. I've been wearing my hair out for the most part. Wash/cond/air dry(80%)-blowdry/flatiron....So I wore a bantu knot out for 2 weeks, then washed again and used my caruso rollers. Here are the results of each. The bantu knot out is 2 weeks old, so that's why it looks kinda oily (from my daily coconut oil application).

Bantu Knot Out

Caruso Steam Roller Set
Thanks Adora! I think it's one of my favorite styles now. I was feeling realy "blah" being in my last trimester of pregnancy, so I decided to jazz things up. And welcome to the board!

ETA: The caruso set was inspired by Gabbanagirl's caruso post. Her set is FABULOUS!
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Very pretty! Bantu knots never work for me, I can't wait to try when I get some more length.

I love the way Caruso's make your hair look and feel!
Thanks Adora! I think it's one of my favorite styles now. I was feeling realy "blah" being in my last trimester of pregnancy, so I decided to jazz things up. And welcome to the board!

ETA: The caruso set was inspired by Gabbanagirl's caruso post. Her set is FABULOUS!

Beautiful hair!
I can't believe you're pregnant. You have a nice glow to your face. When I was pregnant my nose was HUGE and ear to ear LOL
Thanks Ladies!

And thanks for the well wishes and compliments regarding my pregnancy. I didn't get swelling in my face this time around, but I did get swelling of the hips and but (LOL).

It's raining cats and dogs outside today and fortunately I'm working from home. So today I'm in pin curls and a headwrap. :yep: