Jane Carter Hair loss article


Well-Known Member
I received this via email this morning, good reading.

The Truth About Hair Loss
You lose around 250 hairs daily, and if you don’t massage your scalp or brush your hair daily, the old hair does not come out to make way for new hair. If your hair has been in braids, weaved or is just in one long braid, it will look like you are losing a lot of hair when you brush it out. The hair you see in the brush is the hair that you would have normally lost if you brushed it daily. If you are still concerned about hair loss, first try to determine what type of hair loss it is. If it’s long pieces of hair with a little white dot at the end, it’s systemic. This means that your hair loss is caused by some internal condition. It could be a side effect of medication, starting and stopping vitamins, change of season, dieting or stress. If you see small pieces of hair, the cause of the hair loss is external, and this type of hair loss is caused by some external environmental condition. This usually occurs as a result of chemical abuse, sun, an excess use of chemicals, or from the overuse of a heat appliance. Generally, if you reduce these issues and re-moisturize your hair daily, your hair’s breakage will be greatly reduced
Whew...this scared me for a second!! I thought this was an article about her products causing hairloss. I just bought her Nourish and Shine, Leave in Conditioner and her Hairdress (can't remember the name) and I am sooooo in love with her stuff! :love: It just melts my newgrowth and makes my hair feel so soft. Thanks for the article. :)
Whew...this scared me for a second!! I thought this was an article about her products causing hairloss. I just bought her Nourish and Shine, Leave in Conditioner and her Hairdress (can't remember the name) and I am sooooo in love with her stuff! :love: It just melts my newgrowth and makes my hair feel so soft. Thanks for the article. :)

haha, i was thinking the saaame thing! i've only tried the wrap n roll foam and i absolutely can't stand what it did to my hair. this was a good read. thanks for posting it. :)