Fotki Stalkers, what are you pet peeves about people's fotkis?

My pet peeves are:

-People who don't respond to comments.
-People who don't post their regimens.
People who lurk on the forum, then go post their response in YOUR guestbook.

That's what happened to me the other day. She copied and pasted my entire post in my guestbook and then made a comment about what i SHOULD HAVE said.

Tellin' me that i needed to word my post differently to accommodate her and/or the OP.

No face, no name, anonymous. The anonymous posters are the ones who got the most mouth.

I wrote her back in my guestbook AND in the thread. Next time leave your name like I do. Don't be ashamed. Cause u see i wasn't..

Wow :perplexed This is one of the reasons why I disabled anon commenting. No one from the Land of Passivia-Aggressivia allowed :grin:
You know what? Because of this thread, I just tried out a bit of a mini-experiment on my OWN fotki. I logged out of fotki and did some looking around. I have the main folder locked but not the sub-folders, and I looked at my 'about me' page and wouldn't you know that those sub-folder photos are just OPEN for all to see. Like I locked my fotki for NOTHING! I didn't like that...I now see why people have the main folders AND sub folders locked down on each level. I'ma have to make a few changes to my own fotki.
hahaha yall are so funny :grin: just finished reading the thread. as for me i m more of a voyeur and exhibitionist (ooops my bad) so i m an open book. ask me anything, i'll share anything the same way u see me in the net, the same way i'm in real life lol except that i like to play around and laugh too much i guess i missed my vocation of comedian:grin:

do i have pet peeves? i love fotki, and sometimes i do have unrelated guests like guys coming just to look at bra and stuff if they put stupid comment i just erase it, no biggie.

the only thing with passwords i understand for the aforementioned like guys or weird people but it s just that i write them on so many sheets dont be surprised if i ever pm you to get it again, if i dont have it and cant find it fast i'll either ask or i won't enter.

Otherwise no pet peeves, i dont mind answering challenging questions, posting pix of my belly, my bad hair days or whatever cause sometimes the proof is in the pudding and we want to see the good with the bad but i understand cause if any relative saw my pics they would think i m crazy for exposing myself but hey i'm just the same. let s just say i m guilty of putting tons of pix,and going overboard sometimes with too much exposition but i dont mind at all lol :lachen:

even though i 've been busy lately and dont have much time like before, i love to see updates or people telling me else as i miss everything with my busy schedule i would not remember. and albums are so inspiring, i can keep a note of the names and styles that i like.

so only pet peeve passwords cause i cant remember them all that s it:rolleyes:
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I have to agree with the passwords on every folder known to man. I just stop looking after I discover that.

When ppl tell you they updated in your guestbook. If I stalk you, I will know when you update. If I don't stalk you then I really don't care. Do not spam my guestbook so you can up your comments numbers
i haven't even read the whole thread, but this has been done before. many times.... *yawn*

stay out of someone's fokti if you don't like it.
but i will say this.

I HATE the new feature, where someone can tell you've been on there fotki. It's an invasion of privacy
not leaving instructions on how to do a style being a pet peeve is a new one to me. i never think to do this because it really never occurred to me that anybody would want to know. i also think they're simple enough to re-create by looking at the pic. i have had a few questions but not enough that it made it think i should post up instructions.

i only put up my detailed reggie less than a month ago because i got questions. i've yet to put up a products list...just too lazy to round them up and read all the labels.
I have to agree with the passwords on every folder known to man. I just stop looking after I discover that.

When ppl tell you they updated in your guestbook. If I stalk you, I will know when you update. If I don't stalk you then I really don't care. Do not spam my guestbook so you can up your comments numbers
You know what? There's a person who tells me every update they make in their fotki on my fotki guestbook. I never understood why they do that. I MUST not be the only one that she does that to... that MUST take a lot of time to do...:ohwell: I went once... but not again. I go cuz I want to, not cuz you tell me to go... maybe that's the rebel in me:grin:
1. Locked fotki's
2. Pictures of weave hair not installed
3. Progress photos with dates (month/yr)
4. Product photos with >3 products in photo. Really prefer 1 photo with detailed description
5. Pictures with hand over face or edited with MSPaint to cover idenitity - I understand why, but some pics remind me of scenes from the movie "The Ring."
6. Folders with no pictures - I know....I know....I'm being a hipocrit here. Will add pics to my empty folder
7. Questions not answered on comments (i.e. where to find buy this product)
8. Unorganized fotki's

Hey, I welcome any criticism to my fotki. Feel free to PM me your recommendations.
ITA with the bolded. If anyone who has been in my fotki has any suggestions or requests, I'm openminded because I WANT to make my fotki better. You can PM me OR say it out to me in this thread- I don't mind... I don't have any LHCF secrets:grin:
- it would also be nice (but not necessary) for the people who experienced setbacks to EXPLAIN their setbacks. For example, someone would show their 8 month progress and say "here's my progress w/ 1 major setback"...but no explanation as to what their setback was. Even if it was a scissorhappy stylist.

I understand some don't want to post pics of their hair in bad condition, but posting info on what u did to ur hair to get a setback is actually really helpful to others so that they don't make the same mistake. Or to atleast bring that problem to their attention like "hey this could happen to you too if u don't.....". I know there was someone's fotki who had minor damage, and took closeup pics of that damage. And it was very visually informative to see what it looks like, so I would be able to recognize it in my own hair.

(...and with this said, i may make some changes to my fotki as well.)
but i will say this.

I HATE the new feature, where someone can tell you've been on there fotki. It's an invasion of privacy

You can turn that feature off. Go to 'My settings' and under 'Privacy Options' click on 'change' and then under the very last option 'Show Me in Guest Lists', select 'no' and then you're good to go.

I turned mine off and it's been smooth sailing since then. You can still visit fotkis w/o anyone knowing you were there. I also didn't like when people knew I visited because I usually just look and not comment and I know some people feel a way if you do that.
You can turn that feature off. Go to 'My settings' and under 'Privacy Options' click on 'change' and then under the very last option 'Show Me in Guest Lists', select 'no' and then you're good to go.

I turned mine off and it's been smooth sailing since then. You can still visit fotkis w/o anyone knowing you were there. I also didn't like when people knew I visited because I usually just look and not comment and I know some people feel a way if you do that.

Yeah, I usually feel sad when so many people have visited and I don't get any comments:sad:
Yeah, I usually feel sad when so many people have visited and I don't get any comments:sad:
Awww... I can understand how you feel and I appreciate your honesty. Not a lot of people would admit that, I too kinda feel that way. That's why when I visit someone's fotki, I always, if I'm able to, leave a comment.:yep:
Ok, question.........should you reply to every single comment in your album? For example.......if you get a comment like "cute style", "pretty", "nice hair", etc. it rude not to reply?

I appreciate every single commplement in my album and I really do my best to reply to every one if only a simple "Thank you" but it really is time consuming. I have a full time job and sometimes this seems like a second one:ohwell:. It's getting a bit overwhelming.
^^^I Hate that!!!:nono: I usually don't even bother asking for thiers most of the time.

Other top offenses include:

No NG shots (I wanna see ya real texture)

Wet hair pics only

Blurry/Dark Pics

Sideways Pictures (Rotate button is on the left)

Janky Comparison Shots

No Caption/Descritpions of styles

The same style/shot/angle over and over and over (I get it...It's a puff)

Vague Regimen (No product details ie. I just Shampoo, Condition and Moisturize 3x a week) With WHAT I say???

Hey I take wet hair It's the only time I can remember to take a pic. Because I am purposely styling or treating my hair when it's wet..::sigh:: I guess i will take more dry shots...:grin:
Ok, question.........should you reply to every single comment in your album? For example.......if you get a comment like "cute style", "pretty", "nice hair", etc. it rude not to reply?

honestly when i say things like "pretty hair"..."cute style"...i don't really care for a response back. But, If someone says it in my fotki, I NEVER put in a reply of "thanks"..i'm too lazy. I'll just go to their guestbook and give a big THANKS and maybe comment on some of their pics. Its easier that way instead of constantly replying...thanks...thank u so much..thank every comment.
honestly when i say things like "pretty hair"..."cute style"...i don't really care for a response back. But, If someone says it in my fotki, I NEVER put in a reply of "thanks"..i'm too lazy. I'll just go to their guestbook and give a big THANKS and maybe comment on some of their pics. Its easier that way instead of constantly replying...thanks...thank u so much..thank every comment.
Yes, it is very time consuming. Thanks for your response.
  • When pics are 100 years old...can I get some updates please
  • When people want you to PM them for a password...ummm it's not that serious

mine was. A crazy heffer ...some long story who I know IRL decided to 'hunt me down' on the net, then started snooping the fotki. I also had my suspicions she was on here too so decided to put my password on PM me for passwords only. She even created a fake fotki too I caught her out. But I know for a fact she Googles me. The next time I see her, I'm going to lay her a$$ out. She's caused a lot of (non-fotki related) trouble and it's about time she gots a slappin.
Ok, question.........should you reply to every single comment in your album? For example.......if you get a comment like "cute style", "pretty", "nice hair", etc. it rude not to reply?

I appreciate every single commplement in my album and I really do my best to reply to every one if only a simple "Thank you" but it really is time consuming. I have a full time job and sometimes this seems like a second one:ohwell:. It's getting a bit overwhelming.

It's a personal choice. For me I try and reply to all comments, even if it's thanks. I realy appreciate people stopping by and taking the time to look through my album. I just set aside 10-15 mins replying to comments, depending on how many are in there.