I always heard Bynum was a false prophet but now Craig Lewis says it too!

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I agree with everything that Craig Lewis said. I also believe that it is a shame that so many people jump to her defense when she is clearly a victim of her own hands. It's obvious that this woman has built her foundation on quicksand and everyone acts so surprised now that the ship is sinking. The only thing this woman worships is the almighty dollar. I myself was just completely disgusted with the whole million dollar wedding, and almost 8 carat ring. They were both divorcees and only married a year before they started having these marriage seminars. They can't tell me jack. I am a Christian and have been married for 10 years. I don't condone domestic abuse in any shape, form or fashion, but she needed to be exposed.
I agree with everything that Craig Lewis said. I also believe that it is a shame that so many people jump to her defense when she is clearly a victim of her own hands. It's obvious that this woman has built her foundation on quicksand and everyone acts so surprised now that the ship is sinking. The only thing this woman worships is the almighty dollar. I myself was just completely disgusted with the whole million dollar wedding, and almost 8 carat ring. They were both divorcees and only married a year before they started having these marriage seminars. They can't tell me jack. I am a Christian and have been married for 10 years. I don't condone domestic abuse in any shape, form or fashion, but she needed to be exposed.
I believe what God says. God is the one who directs Juanita Bynum's Destiny and rules her soul. Not Craig Lewis.

Craig Lewis isn't God. He may feel that he is, but he's not. :nono: I wonder what's in his closet....:rolleyes:
Only God can judge, its funny how one says they are of Christ when they give blogs about other people who are trying to send out God's message! What Craig and other people should do is to put Bynum in their thoughts and prayers and ask God to guide her in what ever direction she chooses instead of bashing her. Hmm is bashing people Godly:rolleyes:?

Everyone has trials and tribulations including televagelists, prophets, preachers, pastors, the choir director, the usher, the praise team leader this situation just happens to be one for her and all I can say is THERE IS POWER IN PRAYER!
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Only God can judge, its funny how one says they are of Christ when they give blogs about other people who are trying to send out God's message! What Craig and other people should do is to put Bynum in their thoughts and prayers and ask God to guide her in what ever direction she chooses instead of bashing her. Hmm is bashing people Godly:rolleyes:?

Everyone has trials and tribulations including televagelists, prophets, preachers, pastors, the choir director, the usher, the praise team leader this situation just happens to be one for her and all I can say is THERE IS POWER IN PRAYER!
Thank you. :kiss: You've come with the heart of God our Father. With all of the bashing that has come against this couple, here is the one place it should not be; in the presence of the Lord. :nono:

God bless you and keep you in all of your ways, all the days of your life. Whatever your needs, they are met; whatever your prayers, they are answered and that you are Highly Favored of the Lord for speaking His word.

For you...:heart2:
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I have never been down with Juanita Bynum as I do think she is an opportunist. We are supposed to be discerning and I'm sorry, I don't want my minister talking about "slitting someone's throat while smiling at them" or quoting the latest Beyonce song. She is just SO worldly. And she's a prophetess? I don't think so. I think God is going to do a mighty house cleaning with all these prosperity preachers and "prophets." They just need to be careful about claiming to come in the name of God. We Christians need to be more discerning. Juanita does not even appear to be holy and sanctified. :nono:
I have never been down with Juanita Bynum as I do think she is an opportunist. We are supposed to be discerning and I'm sorry, I don't want my minister talking about "slitting someone's throat while smiling at them" or quoting the latest Beyonce song. She is just SO worldly. And she's a prophetess? I don't think so. I think God is going to do a mighty house cleaning with all these prosperity preachers and "prophets." They just need to be careful about claiming to come in the name of God. We Christians need to be more discerning. Juanita does not even appear to be holy and sanctified. :nono:
All of our righteousness is as fifthy rags. It's not about defending anyone's errors, but about the cruel and undo remarks about this woman that has gone overboard. What should have been discussion and prayer, has turned into a hanging by Christian and non-Christian lynch mobs ... stringing up 'a human being' in a barbed wire noose. People that are unhappy with their lives do this, for misery hunts misery to feed and fuel itsself. The Spirit of the Lord in not prevailing in them, only misery and anger.

The person's who bash Juanita are just as guilty if not more. So many ugly comments have been made about this woman...and undeserved. God's housecleaning isn't stopping at the top, but also at those who spoke without compassion and truth. What Craig Lewis and others have said and done is wrong; especially in the manner that it was done.

This doesn't apply just to Juanita Bynum, but to any person who has been so cruelly attacked both verbally and physically. It's just not right. :nono:

Take care, Classimami. :giveheart: I know Leaders in the spotlight need reproving, but there's a right way which is God's way, not ours. For our thoughts are not His thoughts and our ways are not His ways.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=Lo1zUCvB6pc, We should try posting things like this instead of posting things that are thought to be negative, has anyone heard the full message of the clip listed previously, those to me look like excerpts.
Thank You! They are definitely 'edits' to justify the verbal attacks upon her. And one does have to view the ENTIRE message. But then again, it doesn't matter, because many have already set their minds to see the negative no matter what. Misery loves misery; and it seeks to feed itsself. And there are those who only want to use Juanita as a 'whipping board' to appease their own inner conflicts.

Anyone who has heard Juanita or any preacher for that matter, knows that analogies are used to illustrate the message. I knew what she meant, even with the edits and so do many others who have seen it...edited.

Thank you for posting this...:heart2: Continue to be blessed.
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http://youtube.com/watch?v=Lo1zUCvB6pc, We should try posting things like this instead of posting things that are thought to be negative, has anyone heard the full message of the clip listed previously, those to me look like excerpts.

Yes, they are excerpts.:yep: I don't need to hear the whole thing to know the heart behind some of the things I heard.:nono:

My paraphrases

"Make him wish that he had never left" Why? So your motivation for the thngs you do is to make someone who used to be in your life jealous?

"Success is the best revenge" Since when do we worry about revenge? Vengeance is the Lord's.

"I could get another man tomorrow" Oh really? Says you or the Lord?

"another level anointing, where you smile in their face but slit their throat." Huh? What sort of anointing is this? This is the only one that I was unsure about. If she was talking about the enemy, GREAT!! If she's talking about her enemies then that is awful.

Even so, without that last statement, I question her heart and that's okay. She only speaks what's in her heart and what she has said is troubling because of the influence she has.

I've kept my comments to myself for the most part on this issue. I just wanted to address this and also to state that maybe some people who are more vocal with criticisms are trying to protect the body of Christ. I know from very personal experience that some people who proclaim to be of us are not. :sad:

Let's not forget, Jesus had the harshest comments for those in leadership.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=Lo1zUCvB6pc, We should try posting things like this instead of posting things that are thought to be negative, has anyone heard the full message of the clip listed previously, those to me look like excerpts.

I attended the 1st women on the frontline conference in tampa 2005, and the threshingfloor conference in atlanta 2006, and gave close to a thousand dollars to her ministry in the past. I am not against Juanita, i wish her the best, i hope she listens to God and not herself. Edits or not what does kissing then commiting a silent murder illustrate when it come to..., i digress because this video doesn't show a reason for a her to be beaten up, i am a person who has the tapes and has sowed in to her ministry, and since then decide to that yes i would post this video along with another i guess in a different thread.

Personally if would have been at this conference i proably would have been concerned, i am not of that crowd anymore... i just hope the people repent and at least teach from a biblical aspect rather than a self-serving one but again i digress.
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Yes, they are excerpts.:yep: I don't need to hear the whole thing to know the heart behind some of the things I heard.:nono:

My paraphrases

"Make him wish that he had never left" Why? So your motivation for the thngs you do is to make someone who used to be in your life jealous?

"Success is the best revenge" Since when do we worry about revenge? Vengeance is the Lord's.

"I could get another man tomorrow" Oh really? Says you or the Lord?

"another level anointing, where you smile in their face but slit their throat." Huh? What sort of anointing is this? This is the only one that I was unsure about. If she was talking about the enemy, GREAT!! If she's talking about her enemies then that is awful.

Even so, without that last statement, I question her heart and that's okay. She only speaks what's in her heart and what she has said is troubling because of the influence she has.

I've kept my comments to myself for the most part on this issue. I just wanted to address this and also to state that maybe some people who are more vocal with criticisms are trying to protect the body of Christ. I know from very personal experience that some people who proclaim to be of us are not. :sad:

Let's not forget, Jesus had the harshest comments for those in leadership.

Exactly I saw that on You Tube and I was at a lost for words....There is nothing Holy about her.... NOTHING!
This is a sad, sad situation all around. Very sad. I'm not one who has 'given' 1000's of dollars, neither hundreds into her ministry. But I still respect this woman as a human being. Period.

The comments made about her have been totally out of order. Even if she were an enemy, God says to 'love' our enemies.

The same behavior that Jesus spoke harshly about regarding the rulers and those opposed to Him is no different than the behavior and harsh comments being directed towards Juanita Bynum. Yes, there is 'some' discussion that is being done about this matter, but 98% are cruel remarks and critcisims. It's sad. Just plain sad.

Instead of calling her 'unholy', how does anyone really know that? No one does, only God knows. Would it not be better to say, "I'm concerned about what I see in this area of her life and ministry, I need to cover her in prayer; intercede on her behalf and plead God's undying mercies upon her.

There is nothing 'Holy' about any of us. None. Only God is Holy...period.

Can any of you 'match' the weight and the burden that has come upon this woman? She IS annointed. But the enemy has set a watch upon her night and day and he knew the entrapment of her weaknesses and has used them against her. Granted, we DO ALL have free will and we DO know right from wrong, however, it still occurs when pressures arise on some person's lives that they do not have the strength to surrender to God.

The things that have been said about her are WRONG in intent. For the intent has been gossip, disparagement, and the tearing down as opposed to building up. And that is just plain wrong.

Discuss the concerns, yes. But even more, Binding the enemy, the STRONG MAN is crucial, far more crucial than pointing out continuously what's wrong.

And this is what I do not see happening. I've yet to see one person in most of these 'discussions', use prayers to cover her instead. If we can 'discuss' her in public, we can pray for her even more...publicly. Showing the world and the enemy that he did not win this one.

What I'm witnessing is that we have literally 'thrown' Juanita Bynaum away as if she is worthless. Oh how sad. How very, very sad. She is not unredeemable. God loves this woman and she has been greatly used by Him and to be tossed away for human 'error', is worse than '911'.

We're not going to allow satan to have this one. We're going to recover her and win her back as God would have it. This woman deserves our loving prayers more than our discussions about what she's done wrong.
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She is not unredeemable. God loves this woman and she has been greatly used by Him and to be tossed away for human 'error', is worse than '911'.

uh oh:look:
hmmm Shimmie, care to explain how this woman being criticized or "tossed away" like you is worse than hundreds of people dying?
uh oh:look:
hmmm Shimmie, care to explain how this woman being criticized or "tossed away" like you is worse than hundreds of people dying?
It's killing the Body of Christ.

Many of the cruel comments are no different than that of terrorists who took no heart in what they were doing. For it's not coming against one person being talked about, it's about all of us. If we 'kill' her, we kill ourselves.
Shimmie, you are entitled to your opinion, and I respect that. I do not see the annointing but that is my opinion. I hope for her sake that this is not all just a big payday for her. BUT she sure is giving a lot of people that impression. And my opinion of Juanita was formed way before the domestic violence incidence. As much as you say she is being attacked by the enemy, we have to remember that there are many false prophets who will claim to come in His name, and even fool some of the Church members. I'm not calling Juanita the antichrist, but I o think she is part of a larger machine that is currently destroying the Church.

With all due respect, we are just pointing out what we feel about her. No one is slandering her. We're just forming our opinions about her based on her own words and actions. :yep:
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"another level anointing, where you smile in their face but slit their throat." Huh? What sort of anointing is this? This is the only one that I was unsure about. If she was talking about the enemy, GREAT!! If she's talking about her enemies then that is awful.

Sounds suspiciously like what Judas did to Jesus. That's the first thing that popped to mind when I hear her say that. :nono:
Shimmie, you are entitled to your opinion, and I respect that. I do not see the annointing but that is my opinion. I hope for her sake that this is not all just a big payday for her. BUT she sure is giving a lot of people that impression. And my opinion of Juanita was formed way before the domestic violence incidence. As much as you say she is being attacked by the enemy, we have to remember that there are many false prophets who will claim to come in His name, and even fool some of the Church members. I'm not calling Juanita the antichrist, but I o think she is part of a larger machine that is currently destroying the Church.

With all due respect, we are just pointing out what we feel about her. No one is slandering her. We're just forming our opinions about her based on her own words and actions. :yep:
Beyond opinions, it's our duty to love this woman and to pray for her. We cannot love her and pray for her in one tongue and cut her with another.

How do any of us know if we be tempted or subdued in worse. "We have to remember that none of us are any better. Yet, Jesus found all of us worth dying for. Talking about her viciously is still wrong. Some may not like her, but we are still commanded to love her and those who do are heeding the heart of God our Father.

Being chastised, doesn't exempt God from loving us. No matter what she's done, God still loves this woman with all of His heart. So should we.

Not an opinion...God's commmand. :heart2:
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This is a sad, sad situation all around. Very sad. I'm not one who has 'given' 1000's of dollars, neither hundreds into her ministry. But I still respect this woman as a human being. Period.

The comments made about her have been totally out of order. Even if she were an enemy, God says to 'love' our enemies.

The same behavior that Jesus spoke harshly about regarding the rulers and those opposed to Him is no different than the behavior and harsh comments being directed towards Juanita Bynum. Yes, there is 'some' discussion that is being done about this matter, but 98% are cruel remarks and critcisims. It's sad. Just plain sad.

Instead of calling her 'unholy', how does anyone really know that? No one does, only God knows. Would it not be better to say, "I'm concerned about what I see in this area of her life and ministry, I need to cover her in prayer; intercede on her behalf and plead God's undying mercies upon her.

There is nothing 'Holy' about any of us. None. Only God is Holy...period.

Can any of you 'match' the weight and the burden that has come upon this woman? She IS annointed. But the enemy has set a watch upon her night and day and he knew the entrapment of her weaknesses and has used them against her. Granted, we DO ALL have free will and we DO know right from wrong, however, it still occurs when pressures arise on some person's lives that they do not have the strength to surrender to God.

The things that have been said about her are WRONG in intent. For the intent has been gossip, disparagement, and the tearing down as opposed to building up. And that is just plain wrong.

Discuss the concerns, yes. But even more, Binding the enemy, the STRONG MAN is crucial, far more crucial than pointing out continuously what's wrong.

And this is what I do not see happening. I've yet to see one person in most of these 'discussions', use prayers to cover her instead. If we can 'discuss' her in public, we can pray for her even more...publicly. Showing the world and the enemy that he did not win this one.

What I'm witnessing is that we have literally 'thrown' Juanita Bynaum away as if she is worthless. Oh how sad. How very, very sad. She is not unredeemable. God loves this woman and she has been greatly used by Him and to be tossed away for human 'error', is worse than '911'.

We're not going to allow satan to have this one. We're going to recover her and win her back as God would have it. This woman deserves our loving prayers more than our discussions about what she's done wrong.

I still can't understand why some of you think that people haven't been praying. Jesus didn't believe in public prayer. He said to go to your private place and offer up your prayers. I believe in this. I have no desire to come to this forum and type out a prayer to satisfy man or appear holy or spiritual.

Juanita Bynum is an enemy to those of us who believe. She lies and deceives right from the pulpit. It doesn't matter what annointing she claims to have, it only matters what comes out of her mouth, for out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. We can look at her words and be pretty clear that she is NOT influenced by the Holy Spirit. I think she can be redeemed, yes, but I don't know if she will. I don't know what God's plan is for her. All I know is right now, she is leading people away from God, and that is indefensible.

And I'm not trying to be funny, but I've seen some of the regulars in this forum over in OT or ET talking about who is a true Christian and who is not. I have never seen any defense of our members when this happens. Why is that?
All of our righteousness is as fifthy rags. It's not about defending anyone's errors, but about the cruel and undo remarks about this woman that has gone overboard. What should have been discussion and prayer, has turned into a hanging by Christian and non-Christian lynch mobs ... stringing up 'a human being' in a barbed wire noose. People that are unhappy with their lives do this, for misery hunts misery to feed and fuel itsself. The Spirit of the Lord in not prevailing in them, only misery and anger.

The person's who bash Juanita are just as guilty if not more. So many ugly comments have been made about this woman...and undeserved. God's housecleaning isn't stopping at the top, but also at those who spoke without compassion and truth. What Craig Lewis and others have said and done is wrong; especially in the manner that it was done.

This doesn't apply just to Juanita Bynum, but to any person who has been so cruelly attacked both verbally and physically. It's just not right. :nono:

Take care, Classimami. :giveheart: I know Leaders in the spotlight need reproving, but there's a right way which is God's way, not ours. For our thoughts are not His thoughts and our ways are not His ways.

So you are saying that other believers don't have the spirit of the Lord in them, and that they are miserable and unhappy and angry.

Please explain to me how this is different than what others have said about Juanita Bynum?
I still can't understand why some of you think that people haven't been praying. Jesus didn't believe in public prayer. He said to go to your private place and offer up your prayers. I believe in this. I have no desire to come to this forum and type out a prayer to satisfy man or appear holy or spiritual.

Juanita Bynum is an enemy to those of us who believe. She lies and deceives right from the pulpit. It doesn't matter what annointing she claims to have, it only matters what comes out of her mouth, for out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. We can look at her words and be pretty clear that she is NOT influenced by the Holy Spirit. I think she can be redeemed, yes, but I don't know if she will. I don't know what God's plan is for her. All I know is right now, she is leading people away from God, and that is indefensible.

And I'm not trying to be funny, but I've seen some of the regulars in this forum over in OT or ET talking about who is a true Christian and who is not. I have never seen any defense of our members when this happens. Why is that?
Hmmmm, how can you 'speak' publicly in ridicule and not give the highest honor as well? From the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

How often am I in OT and the ENT as compared to here? Give me the threads and I will jump in do just that. I will defend the Chrisitians who are being attacked. From this point on PM me each time it happens, and I will keep my word, and come to their defence...even yours.

There's no justification for not loving this woman, none. And scripture will not support all that has been said against her. For much has been vicious attack and surely not in love as Jesus would have it.
So you are saying that other believers don't have the spirit of the Lord in them, and that they are miserable and unhappy and angry.

Please explain to me how this is different than what others have said about Juanita Bynum?
Lauren don't take my statement out of context. You will not get an arguement out of me. :nono:
Hmmmm, how can you 'speak' publicly in ridicule and not give the highest honor as well? From the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

How often am I in OT and the ENT as compared to here? Give me the threads and I will jump in do just that. I will defend the Chrisitians who are being attacked. From this point on PM me each time it happens, and I will keep my word, and come to their defence...even yours.

There's no justification for not loving this woman, none. And scripture will not support all that has been said against her. For much has been vicious attack and surely not in love as Jesus would have it.

It's not just you...I've never seen any of the regulars from here who go to OT defend other believers from each other.

For the record, I don't think I've ridiculed Miss Bynum. I've posted some of her words so that others could see that they were not biblical, which I feel is my duty to do. To me, it's not about her. It's about those who follow her and look at her as a prophet and a woman of God. It's about those believers who don't realize how she speaks heresy. It's about the unsaved who look at her and think she represents Christianity, when she doesn't (anymore).

Jesus had harsh public words for the leaders and he didn't mince them. He called them names. If we're really asking what Jesus would do here, then we'd have to conclude that he would probably treat her just like them.
Lauren don't take my statement out of context. You will not get an arguement out of me. :nono:

The context was that the people who speak against Juanita are unhappy with their own lives, don't have the spirit of the Lord in them, and are angry and miserable.

So you are judging people by what they are saying about her, no? Which is no different than us judging her by what she says about herself, or the Lord, or her enemies, or her husband. Not trying to argue, just making a point.
There's no justification for not loving this woman, none. And scripture will not support all that has been said against her. For much has been vicious attack and surely not in love as Jesus would have it.

Well, people are speaking from their own discernment and it's just wrong for you to say there's no justification for their personal interpretation of JB's actions. You're basically exalting your opinion (which is favorable to Juanita) to the highest level of importance and that's not right.
Well, people are speaking from their own discernment and it's just wrong for you to say there's no justification for their personal interpretation of JB's actions. You're basically exalting your opinion (which is favorable to Juanita) to the highest level of importance and that's not right.

Forgive Her... Forgive Juanita Bynum. Love her and forgive her. That's the heart of God our Father for His Church. Not an opinion.

Lay your heart down for this woman and love her and forgive her. Especially if you see her as badly as you say you do. What harm would it do, as Jesus did when He hung upon that tree, naked, bare and ridiculed unjustly. Though none of us can lay claim to His sacrifice and pain, we can yet still love though we still sin. :heart2:

Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me. (Micah 7:8)

Rejoice not, when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth: (Proverbs 24:17)

Matthew 18:

21 Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times?

22 Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until SEVENTY TIMES SEVEN.

23 Therefore is the kingdom of heaven likened unto a certain king, which would take account of his servants.
24 And when he had begun to reckon, one was brought unto him, which owed him ten thousand talents.

25 But forasmuch as he had not to pay, his lord commanded him to be sold, and his wife, and children, and all that he had, and payment to be made.

26 The servant therefore fell down, and worshipped him, saying, Lord, have patience with me, and I will pay thee all.

27 Then the lord of that servant was moved with compassion, and loosed him, and forgave him the debt.

28 But the same servant went out, and found one of his fellowservants, which owed him an hundred pence: and he laid hands on him, and took him by the throat, saying, Pay me that thou owest.

29 And his fellowservant fell down at his feet, and besought him, saying, Have patience with me, and I will pay thee all.

30 And he would not: but went and cast him into prison, till he should pay the debt.

31 So when his fellowservants saw what was done, they were very sorry, and came and told unto their lord all that was done.

32 Then his lord, after that he had called him, said unto him, O thou wicked servant, I forgave thee all that debt, because thou desiredst me:

33 Shouldest not thou also have had compassion on thy fellowservant, even as I had pity on thee?

34 And his lord was wroth, and delivered him to the tormentors, till he should pay all that was due unto him.

35 So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses.

None of us can boast of our righteousness. Love this woman and forgive her as God as forgiven each of us. :heart2:

How can I forgive someone who has not wronged me personally? My opinion about Junita has nothing to do with forgiveness. Anyway, this is starting to sound like a broken record. I stand by what I said.
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