Dreams of your future Husband

Yes. I had a dream. The only thing I could remember was his name "Will".
I was in heavy prayer and into the Bible. I had this dream I could only remember his name. Weeks , months later. I met my tow truck guy he told me his name was "Will".

Will was only short for his gov't name and not what everyone knew him by. I thought this wasn't going to work didn't want to get my hopes up.

Thats what I prayed for "God's Will be done..."

His contact name in my cell phone is still "Will". He asked why one day I told him this same story.

I receive something like this. I was praying and this name 'John' popped up out of nowhere. I don't know any Johns, so this could have not been me. I asked God to take it away because I wanted a clear mind while I was praying, but it would not go away. So I wrote it down. Thanks for sharing your story. :Rose:
I receive something like this. I was praying and this name 'John' popped up out of nowhere. I don't know any Johns, so this could have not been me. I asked God to take it away because I wanted a clear mind while I was praying, but it would not go away. So I wrote it down. Thanks for sharing your story. :Rose:
Last year I was having constant dreams about my "husband" and in my dreams I would call him "John". I could not figure out why the name "John"? Well after about two months of the same name going thru my dreams and mind, I met my John at a restaurant. Things have been rocky between us because he lost his wife 8 months before he met me. I am not sure if he is the one but I have had signs that he may be the one. Right now I am praying that God shows me "his will" for our relationship. I really care about him but I only want what God has for me.
This is my first post over here....

My down stairs neighbor has done something for me. I have only spoken with him a few times (by now he probably thinks I am crazy) but something about him is speaking to me. I have not thought about marraige seriously:nono: but for the past few weeks, I have envisioned us married with children:look:. I dont know if this is a passing thought or God is talking to me. At this point, he is commanding a lot of my attention, and he doesnt even know. I am going to wait this one out. I invited him to dinner, and he cancelled on me.

P.S. He is a very religious man, in some peoples eyes, I may be considered a heathen...:ohwell: So maybe him cancelling was God's way of blocking me from him.:perplexed Maybe I am not "right",
I've had dreams about my futute husband. I always remind myself that I need to continue seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness first. I even looked up in the dictionary to see what righteousness means. It means virtue.

But anyway, I think it is perfectly normal for us as woman ot desire to be married. I know that I am unworthy of many of God's blessings but I know also that God is good to us and that being in a God-filled marriage glorifies Him, which is why we were made in the first place-yay!

So, to say all that: God will bless me with a good husband and my husband with a good wife-me! I feel excited about being married and being able to raise my children in a manner which serves Christ, moreso than I was taught when growing up. To just have a household that genuinely serves God and glorifies Him by being obedient to His word. That makes me happy!
I think so. And I also think I need to stop thinking maybe so but that it is/was so. And all these things are happening to me now. Each dream is something I'm going through now

eta: I remembering praying to meet who I was going to be with and becoming friends with him and having a relationship with him even if we weren't ready for each other. And helping each other to be ready for one another.

Well last year this time I had like 5 dreams...I never really knew who the guy was...he would keep changing from someone I knew to someone I didn't. Then I met him weeks later...But I've learned that it was to show my attraction to this person. Every guy started as someone I had liked/dated/"talked to" then would morph into another person. But I was really happy....well I think I know who the person is. And I think that the dreams are coming true....I can see each situation setting itself up now.

Also...now I have more dreams...some of which are to relax the sense of urgency I feel. That I need to wait and I CANNOT rush things no matter how much I want to. I think these are all cuz I've asked God to help me figure out what is going on. So I mean I just ask him for help when I'm confused. It's funny how much info he's giving me but I know that's because of the type of person I am...especially with my ADD self I'd be all over the place if he didn't give me the direction he's given me so far....even though I met him I see I'm getting EXACTLY what I asked for...I wanted to meet him and be friends with him...but I do see how God is changing or is in the process of changing our mindsets for each other...
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Yes. I dreamed of dh when I was between 11 and 13. The crazy thing is, we were in completely different states, and I dreamed of him AS HE WAS AT THE TIME. When I met him, he looked different. In my dream, he had a ponytail (something that was never attractive to me) and was very very buff. I also dreamed something intimate about him and I that I will not share. :giggle: And it was true. :lol:

ANY-WAY, when we did meet, the ponytail was gone (thank GOD) and he was in shape but not bulked up (he was in the military when I dreamed of him and had a fat neck).

I felt the same way, like I was making myself dream about him. Then one of my mentors, whose opinion I trust completely, flat out told me he wasnt the one for me. I have since given up thinking that it was from GOD and chalked it up as a figment of my imagination and a crush gone to my head.

Did s/he say why?
Yes. I dreamed of dh when I was between 11 and 13. The crazy thing is, we were in completely different states, and I dreamed of him AS HE WAS AT THE TIME. When I met him, he looked different. In my dream, he had a ponytail (something that was never attractive to me) and was very very buff. I also dreamed something intimate about him and I that I will not share. :giggle: And it was true. :lol:

ANY-WAY, when we did meet, the ponytail was gone (thank GOD) and he was in shape but not bulked up (he was in the military when I dreamed of him and had a fat neck).

How did he look in your dreams?? I think i saw mine, but his face was blurry. The only thing I saw on him was his clothes, eyes and hair. How can you tell, it was him? When you meet him did you know he was from your dream? Sorry for the questions. lol
How did he look in your dreams?? I think i saw mine, but his face was blurry. The only thing I saw on him was his clothes, eyes and hair. How can you tell, it was him? When you meet him did you know he was from your dream? Sorry for the questions. lol

Well, it's been quite a few years since I was 11, lol, :lol: but from what I can remember I did not see his face. I definitely did not recognize him when I met him. In fact, I turned him down the first time he asked me out! :lachen:

Like I said, I saw him as he was at the time I was 11ish, so when I did meet him he looked completely different. We discovered after we were dating that he use to rock the ponytail and huge bubble muscles years ago. And also, there was that intimate detail I dreamed about that was true....:giggle:
Which verse in the bible or psalm should someone read for clarity in our hearts desires ?
How about these:

My favorite:
Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
Psalm 37:3-5

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55:8-9

I believe that as you delight yourself in God and do what He has called you to do, your desires will become merged with His, and He can't help but to fulfill His desires. Does that make sense?

One more:

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
Jeremiah 29:10-12

God has good things in store for you. :yep:
I called my aunt one day and she said that she had a dream about me getting married. I had a child but I wouldn't let "them" see him or her. I didn't ask her any details but I am trying to get in touch with her to find out details now.

I had a dream last night about the man who I think will be my husband. For some reason I was talking about how I felt about others (not sure if this was the men I dated) and I was about to tell him that I loved him and the dream ended. And when I was about to say I love you, I could really feel it. In the past, I said I love you and didn't know what love was.
I love this thread! I am sooooooooooo romantic at heart and God knows. I pray that my husban will find me. :grin: I have had dreams of spiritual nature of the gift He has given me but not of my husband. There is a guy that I am totally crazy about and I asked God to help me deal with my emotions! But right now even though I realllly want to atleast be dating my future husband ... I would rather be where God wants me to be if that makes any sense. I have goals that I would like accomplished and I believe God is saying run after Me. Seek Me. And I will give all you all your heart desires. So I'm just running.........
Well yes and no, I had a dream that I got married and it wasn't to my daughter's father so it was conformation that it was time for me to let him go.

And it was sealed when he had a dream that I married someone else.

I never saw his face but I believe he is out here....

Just bumping because I've been dreaming about a man who I don't know.
I have seen his face. He's not someone I'd usually go for but he's handsome, nonetheless. We are happy and have a family.

I told my bff and she thinks I'm crazy.
I told my Christian coworker and she thinks I'm dreaming of God. And that is God showing me love in my dream.

Now I'm not so sure.

Just bumping because I've been dreaming about a man who I don't know.
I have seen his face. He's not someone I'd usually go for but he's handsome, nonetheless. We are happy and have a family.

I told my bff and she thinks I'm crazy.
I told my Christian coworker and she thinks I'm dreaming of God. And that is God showing me love in my dream.

Now I'm not so sure.

It could be real. :yep:

Do this, write down in details the man you saw. Be very specific about what you saw and put it in your bible. Just in case he is the man you are going to marry, or just someone who will come into your life, you will have confirmation.