Repairing And Growing The Crown Area 2018 Support Thread


Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies!
This thread is for those of us that have suffered some damage, thinning, or hair loss in the crown area. It is also for those with just a stubborn crown area, or having crown retention issues. This is not a challenge! We are here to support each other! Crown thinning, breakage, and crown hair loss takes time to recover! It may take several months to see progress! So there will be no timeframes added to this thread!

All textures including: natural, relaxed, and color treated are free to join!

Share your concerns, issues, rants, vent sessions, goals, plans, products, tools, tips, and tricks!

This is not a challenge! You are not required to post pictures, but pictures are welcomed! Please check in on a monthly basis to share how things are going, and if any progress has been made!

There are a few requirements for this support thread.
1. You have to drink your recommended water intake, which is half of your body weight!
2. Make sure you are getting the proper nutrition that is needed!

3. Plan a check up with your doctor this coming year to rule out any health issues, or to seek treatment and get those issue under control! (No time limit, just get it done)

4. If you are experiencing scalp irritation, tightness, serious flaking, stop what you are doing, assess, the situation, and discontinue what ever practices that is causing those problems!

5. Keep your scalp clean and hydrated! Find a suitable cleansing ritual and technique that prompts a healthy scalp!

6. You need to have a hairstyle that will allow you access to your scalp! Physically and visually!

Let’s Get This Party Started ladies! Healthy Crowns Here We Come!
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I’ll start!
I experienced some serious hair loss in my crown area in Sept. (the end of Sept) I didn’t notice it until the beginning of Oct.

I had several small (nickel and dime size) bald spot throughout my crown and on one side of my nape area. I was diagnosed with CCCA a few years ago, but was able to overcome that and continued to grow my hair. I will chop it up to bad haircare practices and experimenting with different products.

What I have learned from my setback is to stay away from color (demi & perm), temporary texture softening/straightening systems, coarse strength relaxer systems (stupid accident done twice), strong concentrated protein treatments.

My bald spots have started to fill in, and I’m able to blend my hair when straightened.

My crown is coarse to begin, so extra care, and hydration is needed in that area.
I have incorporated scalp massages using wild growth oil, or my castor/grapeseed oil mix with rosemary, peppermint, tea tree, cedarwood, and lavender.

I also use kemi oyl for oil treatments. I don’t heat up the oil. I just apply and put on a plastic cap. I either get under the dryer for 10-15mins, or just sit with body heat for 30-1hr.

I shampoo and deep condition twice a week.

I use a hair cream on my crown hair area if it starts to feel dry.

I usually wash my hair the minute it starts to feel stiff, or dry due to the climate, or buildup from product. My scalp may feel tight, or itchy at times. It could be due to growth, or just product buildup.

I take a hair vitamin as well as Vit D and iron. I added beetroot recently, I also drink carrot juice once a day. And I am being more consistent with my water intake.
Today I will massage my scalp with Wild Growth, will do an oil treatment with my Kemi Oyl and wash.

I will use either Design Essentials Oat protein or Aloe and Pepperment for my first lather, then I will use the Avocado shampoo for my second. I will Dc with DE almond Butter mixed with DE Avocado conditioner.

The weather is really cold out this way, so the heat is on full blast. I will just tension dry my hair and bun it. I will add some WG oil to my scalp before drying.

I was looking into anti itch oils and creams, but I don’t want to numb the problem, if there is one.

I will use my Silk Elements leave-in Creme for my crown section to soften.

I would like to get a battery operated scalp massager for the new year.
I have learned that non sulfate shampoos as well as hydrating shampoos should not be worked into the scalp to clean it. These products are designed to add moisture the hair and to smooth the cuticles down from the first lather (clarifying) shampoo. If you work a moisturizing shampoo into the scalp, you are adding unnecessary product on to the scalp, which can create a film, or buildup and cause itchiness. This type of shampoo should be smoothed into the hair all the way down to the ends.
Remember to protect your crowns from the Elements!
I know we wanna show off our cute and fabulous hairstyles for this coming holiday, but remember to use some type of serum, cream, or butter that has UV protection and that can seal in the moisture!
Wear a head covering when outside, even if you just gently wrap a scarf around and tie it under your neck! Take it off once you step inside!
My crown is drier and looser in texture than the rest of my hair. The hair in this section is also finer which makes it more prone to tangles. I read about people using a single flat twist or cornrow to grow out their nape so I started doing that for my crown. I keep it in for two weeks or so, then take down detangle and retwist.
My crown is drier and looser in texture than the rest of my hair. The hair in this section is also finer which makes it more prone to tangles. I read about people using a single flat twist or cornrow to grow out their nape so I started doing that for my crown. I keep it in for two weeks or so, then take down detangle and retwist.
I did that a few years ago for a month, and it seems to help. I would flat twist that section and leave it alone for several days.
I don't have a problem with my crown per se, but it's a lot coarser and drier than other parts of my hair. So I'll be checking this thread for tips.

In fact let me moisturise and seal now while I'm just sitting here. I'm going to properly section off the crown and put some extra time into it.
At the beginning of 2017 I started noticing some really bad shedding in my crown area. Not just my crown, though. I started noticing bald patches above my left ear, edges and in the back. It started off as just breakage at the end of 2016 and just got worse and worse. It wasn't the first time it happened and it was always in the winter months. Most of my hair would recover by the time the weather warmed up.

Except my crown.

Well, this time the shedding was so bad that I decided to cut my hair. I hated to do it but I felt like there was no way around it. I realize that I wasn't taking care of my hair very well and I needed a fresh start. So I cut it, did a whole bunch of internet research, watched a whole lot of youtube videos, ready every blog I could and focused on growing my hair back. I was a product junkie before and now I was a PJ on steroids! I didn't just buy products - I was trying new techniques every chance I got.

Most of my bald patches filled in but the shedding continued at my hairline and my crown. I ended up cutting my crown again and realized I need to give it more attention. It's growing in but it's noticeably shorter than the rest of my hair. Especially when I wear twists which is one of my favorite hairstyles. As for the edges, I started giving them more TLC too and they're filling in nicely.

So my goal is to grow my crown back so it blends in with the rest of my hair and I can wear my twists again.
@shortdub78 you got this!

I had trouble with my crown a few years ago. I grew it back by pretty much doing what you plan.

I'm dealing with a nape that gave up and fell out (because of my lazy hair practices), so I can't join you here, but I'll be cheering from the sidelines! :weird:
@shortdub78 you got this!

I had trouble with my crown a few years ago. I grew it back by pretty much doing what you plan.

I'm dealing with a nape that gave up and fell out (because of my lazy hair practices), so I can't join you here, but I'll be cheering from the sidelines! :weird:
I have a nape issue too! I have a spot back there that I’m dealing as well!
The nape and the crown seem to go hand and hand! We do the most pulling, tugging, combing, things rubbing, dryness, different textures, etc.. plus my main issue is my scalp turning on me! My hair fell out! Feel free to stick around!
We are in this together!
Have you come up with a regimen?
Yes! I'm sure I'll have to tweak it along the way.

I shampoo and condition my hair every 7 to 14 days. And really concentrate on getting the crown clean. I don't know why but in the past I've tended to neglect that area. And I would get product buildup and itching. It was really bad when I was co-washing. So I don't co-wash anymore.

Once I'm done with washing and conditioning I use my leave-ins, braid up my hair and let it air dry. I make sure to be very gentle with my crown when I come across knots and tangles. I didn't used to be. It seemed to tangle the most there and I would be pulling out knots and pulling apart tangles left and right.

So once it dries, I undo each braid apply a moisturizer and then my whipped shea butter mix. Then I apply a moisturizing gel and castor oil to the ends. Extra gel and castor oil goes on the edges too.

My crown is usually the driest, roughest part of my hair - especially in the winter - but it hasn't been that bad lately. I think I might be doing right this time. :lol:
I'm having issues with my crown even though it has thicken up a bit. I had some scalp tenderness lately and thought it was from doing my hair. When I took a look, I saw that my crown on along the left side was light like hair had fell out from the root. Honestly my crown is my stress spot but I'm starting to believe it's my BC that is causing the shedding along with other issues. Anywho, I ordered rogaine foam to use.
I'm having issues with my crown even though it has thicken up a bit. I had some scalp tenderness lately and thought it was from doing my hair. When I took a look, I saw that my crown on along the left side was light like hair had fell out from the root. Honestly my crown is my stress spot but I'm starting to believe it's my BC that is causing the shedding along with other issues. Anywho, I ordered rogaine foam to use.
I’m contemplating on using the foam. I would use it for my crown and nape area.
Take pics so you can see where you are at! Take monthly pics of your progress and let’s get some hair diaries started as well!
Write down what you used, what you did, and how your hair felt that day. Also, write down how much water you consumed, what you ate, and did you take your vitamins.
Remember your hair is reflection of how you treat your body, or how healthy it is! Keep in mind hair is a protective covering! It is not an accessory, or an afterthought! It is your crown! You are a queen! Your crown should display that! When people see your crown shining brightly, they will know how to conduct themselves in your presence!
Getting your hair healthy is a process! What you do on the inside will reflect that!
I had trauma to my crown when I was a teenager and ever since then I've had issues. On top of that, I had brain surgery in 2012 which impaired/damaged my nerves and blood flow and was one of the main reasons I went natural. Going natural taught me how to better care for my hair and body and I saw significant improvement. Now my crown, like many others, is very coarse, dry and prone to breakage but at least it is growing in consistently, even though I have gone back to relaxers. For the first time in 20 years, I felt my crown tingle after using a conditioner I just recently bought. My scalp and follicles are definitely in repair mode.

I research a lot and have tried a few things, in addition to my tried and true, and want to see consistent growth. I would also like to see the texture of my crown change. I'm doing a lot more rollersets and less protective styles which has allowed me to focus more on my crown. I think this thread will offer a lot of knowledge on how to accomplish my goals. FYI - my schedule prevents me from consistent posting but regardless of the infrequency of my post I will follow the program.

As @shortdub78 said, "We are in it together". Happy Growing Ladies!!
I have a nape issue too! I have a spot back there that I’m dealing as well!
The nape and the crown seem to go hand and hand! We do the most pulling, tugging, combing, things rubbing, dryness, different textures, etc.. plus my main issue is my scalp turning on me! My hair fell out! Feel free to stick around!

Yes! My nape drives me crazy too. Collars rubbing against my nape and possibly how I tie my hair up at night is wreaking havoc. That is also where my surgery scar begins which means the blood flow (nourishment) has been nonexistent for several years. Gets on my nerves but I'm being patient :hair:
Yes! My nape drives me crazy too. Collars rubbing against my nape and possibly how I tie my hair up at night is wreaking havoc. That is also where my surgery scar begins which means the blood flow (nourishment) has been nonexistent for several years. Gets on my nerves but I'm being patient :hair:
Can you tie your scarf forward instead of in the back? I started back doing that, to relieve pressure. Also maybe you can get a cortisone shot in order to break up the scarred tissue in that area?
Can you tie your scarf forward instead of in the back? I started back doing that, to relieve pressure. Also maybe you can get a cortisone shot in order to break up the scarred tissue in that area?

The knot is in the front but the crisscross is in the back and I think the crisscross is what's thinning out the nape. When I put the knot in the back, the scarf comes off ALL night. I maybe need to put something silk just on the nape area, as protection, before affixing my scarf.

No, never considered cortisone shots. It's not so much the scar but like the issues with the crown, the nape suffered the most nerve damage and I still don't have feeling in that area. I have an appointment to see the doctor about something else, I will have her take a look at the scar and see what she advises.

As always, you have some excellent advice. Thanks @shortdub78!
Hello Ladies! Happy holidays! I just want to make a comment. I decided to do some scalp treatments with aloe vera gel. I remember @Chicoro recommending its use in Grow it! But I had never done so.

I have been purchasing aloe Vera leaves every time I did a take down. I did sew ins in 2016 without the best growth results and I went back to cornrows after the summer of 2017. The weave was hot. I cut the leaf in small groups-3 inches or so wide and proceeded to apply it to my scalp and hair. I would then apply deep conditioner on top. I used a plastic cap and went under the dryer for 20 to 30 minutes. I would rinse this out and do another deep conditioning treatment and put oil on top. The rinsing would be extensive to remove the aloe pieces. I would go back in my 2 layer conrows. I got busy and they remained in for 6 weeks when i visually do I to 4 weeks. When I took it down my crown had really grown. I was shocked. No pics because,it is 100% natural and there is no way I could straighten it on my own. I just wanted to suggest pure and fresh aloe Vera gel as a scalp treatment. I believe it removed scalp and follicle debris which resulted in a growth spurt. Comments?:rocker: