Encouragement for Today - July 23, 2007

Nice & Wavy

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No Matter What

“Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming. Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ.” Ephesians 4:14-15 (NIV)

A few months ago, my husband and I attended a Dave Ramsey seminar. Dave is known for his financial topics, but on that day he said something that I have been pondering ever since. Dave said that he taught his children in their teens to establish “no matter what’s” in life. He was referencing a situation in dating, but this principle could be applied to many different situations. I wondered what my “no matter what’s” are. After spending some time thinking about that, I thought perhaps I should share it here, so you could also be challenged to set up your “no matter what’s.”

In the area of finances, my husband and I have determined to never again go into debt, no matter what. This means going without and planning ahead. It means staying in a house that is cramped, and driving older cars. It means taking large portions of any money we receive and socking it into the debt we currently have until we have paid it off.

In the area of marriage, my husband and I are committed to each other, no matter what. This means letting some things go when I really want to say something. It means embracing each other’s insecurities and inadequacies. It means loving each other even when we don’t like each other. It means forgiveness in some pretty hard areas. We are married, no matter what. We are committed to that fact???even when we don’t feel very committed to each other.

Most importantly, I am focused on God, no matter what. God and His word are what I turn to for wisdom and instruction in how to do life. God provides my comfort and strength. He grows and stretches me when I need it. He rocks me in His arms when I need it. I find rest and hope in Him. I have learned what it means to lean on His everlasting arms, as the old hymn says. I must walk out His call on my life no matter what. As I have learned to do this, I have also learned I can rely on an unchanging God as the culture seems to spin faster out of control.

God has used my “no matter what’s” to shape who He wants me to be. I know, above all else, I will continue to stay focused on these “no matter what’s” as the future unfolds. Have you considered how your “no matter what’s” could affect the lives of others???your children, your co-workers, your spouse or your neighbor? Look at where God is leading in your life, and how He might use you to help someone else form some “no matter what’s” of their own.

Dear Lord, Please show me what my personal “no matter what’s” should be. I want to live a life of conviction and commitment to the things that matter. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Thank you. I love that.

I have some "No Matter What's" but I should add to them. I'll be in prayer about this.
Thank you. I love that.

I have some "No Matter What's" but I should add to them. I'll be in prayer about this.

You are welcome, I loved it too!

I have some "No Matter What's" and I did add to them...this helped me alot with what to add.

Wow!!!! Why weren't there more replies to this???:confused: I have some "No Matter What's" that I need to lay before the Lord and definitely get in my Spirit. Thank you so much for this post!