Welp the Gay Agenda has ruined the lives of two teen girls...

That's a good question as to the parents of Kaitlyn's whereabouts when the younger girl was 'staying' there.

Kaitlyn's parents HAD to be aware of this relationship between the two girls, especially if a neighbor knew about it and then related it to the younger girl's parents.

The neighbor who made the younger girl's parents aware did not think it was right for Kaitlyn to be with the younger girl, hence they felt responsible to make the younger girl's parents aware of it.

NOW, if the neighbor knew about this, how could Kaitlyn's parents not know.

Can't they be charged as an 'accomplice' to this? :nono: It appears that they did not care until their child was arrested and charged.

People are crazy with their comments on this case. They're trying to make Kaitlyn out as truly innocent in this and placing the blame on the younger girl's parents. :nono:
Her parents knew....they just didn't care till now because their daughter has gotten in trouble for it. There are many parents who agree with this mess and as you can see, they do too because they refuse to see anything wrong with what happened....:nono:
It should but as you said, it's a 'new normal' and because she is gay, this is the only reason why so many people are ok with what she did. It's pathetic and sick. I remember when I was 14 and I was a baby. I didn't even think about having sex and barely had a boyfriend. The closest thing we came to sex back then was this:


Nice & Wavy, where did you find this? Did you find this in my shoe box of mementos?


I know... this brings back so many memories.

And hold up. I thought that 'kissing' would make me pregnant, even AFTER I was married.

Yes I did. YES I did. :lol:
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Ah... the first reports I saw showed the relationship was fairly long lasting. I think the younger girl is 15 now.

Regardless. Kids shouldn't be having any type of sex. Reminds me of that black young man who had sex with a white girl, though. Parents don't like that either... even though it was consensual as well.
LadyRaider Ding! Ding! Ding! Exactly!!!
@Nice & Wavy, where did you find this? Did you find this in my shoe box of mementos?


I know... this brings back so many memories.

And hold up. I thought that 'kissing' would make me pregnant, even AFTER I was married.

Yes I did. YES I did. :lol:
Chile....it was in my shoe box:look::lachen::lachen::lachen:

It certainly brings back memories cause we were innocent and this was how we behaved...not the way these kids behave these days.

Now wait...even after you were married?

Ok....let me take a minute here............


Ok, I'm back...hahahahahaah you are hilarious!
Chile....it was in my shoe box:look::lachen::lachen::lachen:

It certainly brings back memories cause we were innocent and this was how we behaved...not the way these kids behave these days.

Now wait...even after you were married?

Ok....let me take a minute here............


Ok, I'm back...hahahahahaah you are hilarious!


Sis, I am sooooo serious. I was married quite young. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sis, I am sooooo serious. I was married quite young. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Chile...I just shared this with dh and he laughed and told me a story.......

He told me that when he was a little boy, his mother didn't want to tell him exactly where babies came from, so she told him that he came from the .....:look::look::look:. Well, he was at the park one day with friends and they began to talk about where babies really came from and he told them "noooooo, they come from :look::look::look:. They laughed at him and told him the truth. He left the park crying and went home and told his mother what they said. She then told him the truth and he was mad at her for a long time cause he was so embarrassed.

You see how parents can be with their children? Now you know...that wasn't right for her to tell him that. I didn't laugh when he told me, but now....:rofl: :rofl: crazy talk!
Chile...I just shared this with dh and he laughed and told me a story.......

He told me that when he was a little boy, his mother didn't want to tell him exactly where babies came from, so she told him that he came from the .....:look::look::look:. Well, he was at the park one day with friends and they began to talk about where babies really came from and he told them "noooooo, they come from :look::look::look:. They laughed at him and told him the truth. He left the park crying and went home and told his mother what they said. She then told him the truth and he was mad at her for a long time cause he was so embarrassed.

You see how parents can be with their children? Now you know...that wasn't right for her to tell him that. I didn't laugh when he told me, but now....:rofl: :rofl: crazy talk!

Oh my goodness...

Parents can be too over protective.

Please don't ask me what I thought sex was actually for. :lol: :rofl:

I'm being silly... It's Monday. :lol:
I never post here because well ...it is typically unpleasant. But for fear of confusion: what does this have to do with them being gay?

It seems it would have been the same gay or straight? In the article they presented their physical as any physical relationship. Is their a notion that homosexual sex is less than that of heterosexual sex? What difference does them being gay make? I don't see something
I never post here because well ...it is typically unpleasant. But for fear of confusion: what does this have to do with them being gay?

It seems it would have been the same gay or straight? In the article they presented their physical as any physical relationship. Is their a notion that homosexual sex is less than that of heterosexual sex? What difference does them being gay make? I don't see something


You did very well with your post and before I say another word, I apologize for adding anything unpleasant to any of your previous posts. I tend to be a 'fireball' on certain subjects. I'm sorry if I have been unpleasant to you.

As for the subject here, if this had been a 'Black boy instead of the 18 year old white girl, all hell and Armageddon would have taken place and the 18 year old Black boy would have been another Travon Martin case.

So you are absolutely, positively correct that it should not make a difference whether it's a gay or straight relationship. What the gay activists and supporters are not admitting to is that most sexual abuse cases involve homosexual activities such as the mouth upon the genitals and fondling. Men had done this to little boys as well as adult female abusers have done to female children. The laws / statutes regarding sexual abuse are very detailed about what sexual abuse is and it includes, without omission the very activity which was done by this 18 year old girl to the 14 year old.

The gays wanted equality ........ Well hey now, here it is. They need to own up to it. The girl was wrong; she willfully did things and introduced this young girl to sexual activity which was wrong. If they (the gay activists) get her out of this, they will also have a mess on their hands with others who are guilty getting away with this as well.

I find it quite interesting how God, Himself has presented this for what it truly is being...Sexual impropriety -- right back into the faces of those who have been endorsing the gay lifestyle to young children. The gay activists should have never stepped into the schools with their negative influence upon the children. Both of these girls are victims of their exploits. Heaven only knows how many more children are caught in this mire. :nono:

You did very well with your post and before I say another word, I apologize for adding anything unpleasant to any of your previous posts. I tend to be a 'fireball' on certain subjects. I'm sorry if I have been unpleasant to you.

As for the subject here, if this had been a 'Black boy instead of the 18 year old white girl, all hell and Armageddon would have taken place and the 18 year old Black boy would have been another Travon Martin case.

So you are absolutely, positively correct that it should not make a difference whether it's a gay or straight relationship. What the gay activists and supporters are not admitting to is that most sexual abuse cases involve homosexual activities such as the mouth upon the genitals and fondling. Men had done this to little boys as well as adult female abusers have done to female children. The laws / statutes regarding sexual abuse are very detailed about what sexual abuse is and it includes, without omission the very activity which was done by this 18 year old girl to the 14 year old.

The gays wanted equality ........ Well hey now, here it is. They need to own up to it. The girl was wrong; she willfully did things and introduced this young girl to sexual activity which was wrong. If they (the gay activists) get her out of this, they will also have a mess on their hands with others who are guilty getting away with this as well.

I find it quite interesting how God, Himself has presented this for what it truly is being...Sexual impropriety -- right back into the faces of those who have been endorsing the gay lifestyle to young children. The gay activists should have never stepped into the schools with their negative influence upon the children. Both of these girls are victims of their exploits. Heaven only knows how many more children are caught in this mire. :nono:

I guess my confusion come from the gay agenda aspect. The article posted didn't try to diminish the severity of the incident because it involved homosexual sex. I also didn't see the article mention gay rights groups rushing to her aid/defense. It seems this is a great step for gay rights and the safety of all.

Also who was endorsing gay lifestyle to young children? I feel like I am missing a key part of this puzzle. Are you ( the collective you) arguing that some people believe homosexual encounters are not sex and therefore not no punishable when against the law? I am guessing I missing the "big deal" factor here. All sexual abuse is equal among genders--however they are paired. So despite the sadness inherit in non-consentual situation what is the story/complicating action/ controversy here?

And thanks for the apology. It is very kind of you
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I guess my confusion come from the gay agenda aspect. The article posted didn't try to diminish the severity of the incident because it involved homosexual sex. I also didn't see the article mention gay rights groups rushing to her aid/defense. It seems this is a great step for gay rights and the safety of all.

Also who was endorsing gay lifestyle to young children? I feel like I am missing a key part of this puzzle. Are you ( the collective you) arguing that some people believe homosexual encounters are not sex and therefore not no punishable when against the law? I am guessing I missing the "big deal" factor here. All sexual abuse is equal among genders--however they are paired. So despite the sadness inherit in non-consentual situation what is the story/complicating action/ controversy here?

And thanks for the apology. It is very kind of you

Did you see this report? It's more detailed. The comments following show the 'attack' upon the younger girl's parents:

Also who was endorsing gay lifestyle to young children? I feel like I am missing a key part of this puzzle.

It's all over this country in the public schools...check out the local school agendas (the assemblies) of GLAAD, LGBT and GLSEN and other gay activist organizations. They visit schools often. I'm also a 'witness' to many parents who have taken their children out of the public school system because of the gay lifestyle being 'protected' and promoted in the schools. It's a mess.

Here's a reliable source:


Are you ( the collective you) arguing that some people believe homosexual encounters are not sex and therefore not no punishable when against the law? I am guessing I missing the "big deal" factor here.

No one here thinks nor have any of us stated that homosexual encounters are not sex. :nono: And most definitely they should be punished by law. Check my posts above as well as the others. I've made it crystal clear that this behavior is totally wrong. It's definitely a 'big deal' factor. Again, I've made this clear in my posts above.

All sexual abuse is equal among genders--however they are paired.

I totally agree... :yep:

And thanks for the apology. It is very kind of you

You are most welcome Blairx0. I hope my answers do not sound harsh towards you. I surely don't mean them to be.
Did you see this report? It's more detailed. The comments following show the 'attack' upon the younger girl's parents:

This made me sad to know that these parents aren't able to stand up for their child in this situation without all of these threats and what not. What kind of people would behave this way and what kind of people would agree with people who are threatening them?

To put these people address and phone number and the name and picture of the 14 year old in public is disgusting.....:nono:

Anyone who agrees with this type of behavior is a sell out on children. Period.
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This made me sad to know that these parents aren't able to stand up for their child in this situation without all of these threats and what not. What kind of people would behave this way and what kind of people would agree with people who are threatening them?

To put these people address and phone number and the name and picture of the 14 year old in public is disgusting.....:nono:

Anyone who agrees with this type of behavior is a sell out on children. Period.

Exactly Sis, exactly! I'm keeping this family in prayer. They are doing exactly what God has commanded them to do... protect their children.

I noticed that this younger girl has Black Flavour and this is what the older girl was intrigued by. Also when watching the video at the 'older' girl, she looks like a hard core lesbian in contrast to her 'innocent' looking pictures that present her as harmless. She knew what she was doing and what she was going after. I don't blame the parents one bit for suing, I'd sue too.

Sophomores are very vulnerable to peer pressure and want to be accepted and not treated as 'freshman' or babies on the block. Being accepted by an 'older' peer mislead her into something that she was not designed for. She was taken advantage of.

I don't see this turning out well for the gay activists. The people who are threatening the younger girl's parents, are being connected to the gay agenda. It's their battle which they initiated and it's coming back upon them. Everyone who has/is siding against the younger girl's parents, are fully aware of the laws and they know that those laws (several) have been violated in this case and for them to deem it not so, will deem them, 'not so'.
Exactly Sis, exactly! I'm keeping this family in prayer. They are doing exactly what God has commanded them to do... protect their children.

I noticed that this younger girl has Black Flavour and this is what the older girl was intrigued by. Also when watching the video at the 'older' girl, she looks like a hard core lesbian in contrast to her 'innocent' looking pictures that present her as harmless. She knew what she was doing and what she was going after. I don't blame the parents one bit for suing, I'd sue too.

Sophomores are very vulnerable to peer pressure and want to be accepted and not treated as 'freshman' or babies on the block. Being accepted by an 'older' peer mislead her into something that she was not designed for. She was taken advantage of.

I don't see this turning out well for the gay activists. The people who are threatening the younger girl's parents, are being connected to the gay agenda. It's their battle which they initiated and it's coming back upon them. Everyone who has/is siding against the younger girl's parents, are fully aware of the laws and they know that those laws (several) have been violated in this case and for them to deem it not so, will deem them, 'not so'.

I agree!! I think is so interesting that on CNN they tried to paint her as the lily white girl with blonde hair and professional senior pictures but the actual mug shot that they showed she looked ruff and her hair was dark brown meaning that those previous pics were NOT recent.
Like someone said earlier the gays want equality now they have it and but they cant take the heat.
I agree!! I think is so interesting that on CNN they tried to paint her as the lily white girl with blonde hair and professional senior pictures but the actual mug shot that they showed she looked ruff and her hair was dark brown meaning that those previous pics were NOT recent.
Like someone said earlier the gays want equality now they have it and but they cant take the heat.

:wave: Hi hairjournalist2013...

:welcome3: Thank you for your post. I also want to make sure my posts/comments are not coming off as harsh towards anyone.

I just read this and I am so disappointed with the ACLU, they have really taken a 'low' turn by defending this case.... :nono:

ACLU, gay rights advocates rally around Kaitlyn Hunt

Sebastian woman, 18, charged in same-sex relationship with 14-year-old

UPDATED 12:02 PM EDT May 22, 2013

Read more: http://www.wpbf.com/aclu-gay-rights...20254710/-/uxyj2ez/-/index.html#ixzz2UdfE9WMv

SEBASTIAN, Fla. —Gay rights advocates and the American Civil Liberties Union are rallying around an 18-year-old Sebastian woman who was expelled from school and faces criminal charges for having sexual contact with her former high school girlfriend.

Kaitlyn Hunt was charged with two felony counts of lewd and lascivious battery on a child 12 to 16 in February. Prosecutors have offered a plea deal that includes two years of house arrest and a year of probation.

Hunt's parents mounted a social media campaign last week as their daughter faced two felony charges that could land her in jail for 15 years. She has until Friday to accept the plea deal.

Her parents maintain the other girl's parents made the criminal complaint because they were angry that their daughter was in a homosexual relationship and waited until Hunt turned 18 to pursue charges.

Indian River County Sheriff Deryl Loar said the relationship began when the victim was 14 and progressed to sexual acts after Hunt was 18, of which he said she has confessed.

Loar said the age of consent is 16 in Florida, and they have investigated and prosecuted many other similar incidents, including same-sex relationships.

"That has nothing to do with it," Loar said at a news conference earlier this week. "If this was an 18-year-old male and that was a 14-year-old girl, it would have been prosecuted the same way."

State attorney Bruce Colton said the arrest has nothing to do with Hunt's sexual preference. He said the law is designed to protect younger children from people who are older and can be more aggressive in forming a relationship.

But the ACLU of Florida has condemned the prosecution, saying in part that Hunt's behavior "is both fairly innocuous and extremely common."

"This is a life sentence for behavior by teenagers that is all too common, whether they are male or female, gay or straight," the statement said. "High-school relationships may be fleeting, but felony convictions are not."



God is not going to let this slide into home plate...
Smith Family Update:

This family is so dear. They only want to protect their babygirl.

Smith family reacts to Kaitlyn Hunt's decision to go to trial


Please keep them in your prayers. They are standing for righteousness which shall prevail over evil. God will contend with those who contend with them... to the fullest extent of the law and beyond.

To God be the Glory... Amein and Amein. :pray: