Help Me Decide Please All suggestions welcome


Well-Known Member
I've been thinking of going back to B & B Growth Moisturizer but i couldn't find it so i bought Care Free Curl Curl Activator t use as a moisturizer on my 4b natural hair. My other option is using Jamaica Mango and Lime No Itch Growth Spray. Help me please i have very dry 4B hair!!!!


1.Has anyone else ever tried this on your natural hair?
2. What were/are your results?
3. Did you like it & are you still using it?
4. What are your recommendations for a 4b natural who wants a lightweight nice smelling moisturizer that doesnt cost more than $7 (yes i'm a cheapie)

Want to add anything else you think may be helpful; feel free i'm all eyes. TIA Ladies:yawn:
I've been thinking of going back to B & B Growth Moisturizer but i couldn't find it so i bought Care Free Curl Curl Activator t use as a moisturizer on my 4b natural hair. My other option is using Jamaica Mango and Lime No Itch Growth Spray. Help me please i have very dry 4B hair!!!!


1.Has anyone else ever tried this on your natural hair?

SUNSHINE BABY, if you're asking about Care Free Curl, yes, there are naturals who have used it as a moisturizer. I believe these ladies have used it and so can give you their feedback on it: @Mz.MoMo5235, dyh080, NappyRina, Pokahontas, *CherryPie*

2. What were/are your results?

3. Did you like it & are you still using it?

Hopefully you'll get some feedback soon.

4. What are your recommendations for a 4b natural who wants a lightweight nice smelling moisturizer that doesnt cost more than $7 (yes i'm a cheapie)

Want to add anything else you think may be helpful; feel free i'm all eyes. TIA Ladies:yawn:

I believe in S Curl No Drip Activator but many people don't like the smell so you may not like it either. I share my experience with S Curl in this thread.

Hawaiian Silky 14-in-1 smells is light-weight like S Curl spray but smells like strawberries if that's a better smell for you.

S Curl is cheaper and definitely under $7.

you need to moisturize and seal via the lco/loco/loc/lol method.

lco has worked best for me:

l: shea moisture coconut-hibiscus moisture mist ( i'll use komaza aloe my hair and califia mist when this close to being done)

c: my fave creams are from claudies revitalizer isha, quinoa-coffee balancing and balancing ends insurance lhcf gets a discount so check the vendor forum

o: my oil blend contains hemp, evoo, evco, castor/jbco, sapote and sometimes i add kukui and meadowfoam.

i don't have to do this daily but i'm a cottony 3c/4a, my hair is holding moisture better cause this winter in nyc has been a little rough.

ppl have used aloe vera juice, rosewater-glycerine, and care free curl spray for the liquid portion of this method.

i also pre-poo/dc regularly as well as do hardcore protein treatments once a month with my komaza protein strengthener. i have been leaving my hair twisted and wearing it in a ponytail/bun with the twists.

IMO, the komaza and claudies products are worth the money and a little goes a long way. I order from them every 3-5 months depending on what I need. I do the same with my darcy's botanicals leave in.

shea moisture is regularly bogo at places like target, walgreens, and cvs. in fact i think target and walgreens have them on sale till the end of the month. no matter what you choose you must layer your products to retain the moisture you add and seal it in.

i'll tag a few ladies for you:
Hi Dear,

I concur with southerncitygirl in the winter we need to layer and protect. I don't think the products matter as much as the technique. I used B&B supergrow grease, water, and protective styles with good results.

Try spritzing your hair with the s-curl, slap some grease on the that, then use a winter protective style.

1. Wrap your hair in a silk scarf and wear a hat, beanie, headwrap, or wig

Be careful with glycerine products in the winter, if you are in a heated house, these products can transfer moisture to the air.
During winter,I layer my products..Ex..After my fresh wash & Dc I use a leave-in,hair milk,little moisturize hair cream,I seal with little butter & Ceramide oil on the tips....Trust me my hair holds up in 5-10-20 degree weather.

Happy Hair Growing!
I am happy to report that i went ahead and bought the Care Free Curl Curl Activator and my hair is in :love::love::love::love::love::love::love:. After applying a quarter coin amount to one undone braid i wet both hands with water, (not too much) and run it over the braid i applied the CFCCA to and my hair not only got immediate beautiful curl definition but it was so soft and shiny.

Now i can minimize on my WGHO and use it for my scalp only and get me some more of this CCFCA. My once very dry hair is now ALIVE.

OH i sealed with some good ole Vaseline after and its really moisturized 5 hours after.
Does anyone find scurl sticky or tacky esp if u blow dry after?

I protective style almost 100% of the time so stickiness if it were so for me is not an issue, albeit if it was well at least it would help me Keep My Hands Out Of My Hair!

I like that it gives me true definition of curls and my hair is soft & shiny afterwards and the sheen is an added bonus for me:lick:. i will try on the weekend to do a braidout and post some pics.

Does anyone find scurl sticky or tacky esp if u blow dry after?

Yes, its slightly sticky/tacky when I first take my twists down (I havent used a blow dryer with SCurl, sorry I cant help with that). But because I rarely manipulate my hair after that, Im not that concerned with it. Right now, Im on Day 2 of moisturizing with just SCurl and then using a baggy overnight. The stickiness is gone. My hair still feels awesome :lick:

As for the LOC method, Ive learned that my whole head doesnt need it. I have a patch that needs it in order to feel as soft as the rest of my hair, even with SCurl. So i do SCurl on dry hair, water, creamy moisturizer, jojoba oil (LLCO). But the LOC or LOCO method works great for the rest of my hair, especially my more coarse strands