Dividing Between Hobbies with Quiet Time


Well-Known Member
Strange question, but I have to ask ...

How do you divide between your hobbies (e.g., movies, going out with friends, etc.) and your quiet time (i.e., time spent with God and in the Word). Do you feel guilty when you go on a movie date with your girlfriends but you're behind on your personal bible study? Or let's say, you're on top of your personal bible study but you forsake spending more time with the Lord (after all, should we place a limit on how much time we spend with Him) to attend happy hour with your friends? Or do you make sure your hobbies are God-filled so that this "issue" doesn't even exist?

NOTE: The "hobbies" I'm dealing with are not overtly worldly but not exactly God-filled (i.e., not spiritually fulfilling, not an opportunity for me to evangelize, etc.). For example: happy hour, karaoke, movies.:perplexed

I have a pseudo answer, but I'm really curious to hear your thoughts on this ...
Strange question, but I have to ask ...

How do you divide between your hobbies (e.g., movies, going out with friends, etc.) and your quiet time (i.e., time spent with God and in the Word). Do you feel guilty when you go on a movie date with your girlfriends but you're behind on your personal bible study? Or let's say, you're on top of your personal bible study but you forsake spending more time with the Lord (after all, should we place a limit on how much time we spend with Him) to attend happy hour with your friends? Or do you make sure your hobbies are God-filled so that this "issue" doesn't even exist?

NOTE: The "hobbies" I'm dealing with are not overtly worldly but not exactly God-filled (i.e., not spiritually fulfilling, not an opportunity for me to evangelize, etc.). For example: happy hour, karaoke, movies.:perplexed

I have a pseudo answer, but I'm really curious to hear your thoughts on this ...


Beautiful question!!!:yep:

I do feel guilty if I am indulging in something more have not given Christ His due time. The bible says that we must love Him with all of our mind, heart, soul. He is a jealous God.And He does not want anything before Him.

It's not so much about a "personal bible study time" either. It's about growing and nurturing your relationship with Him. You have athiests that read/study the bible just to debate it, and they don't even believe in Him. Our personal bible study time is so that we may know what God requires and be knowledgeable of what we believe, but prayer is so God may strengthen us to put it into action. There are times when I just sit in the presence of God and say nothing so I may know His voice or I just want to be in His presence. It should never be a checklist with God, where you find yourself saying, Ok I prayed so now I can go to the movies :lol:. Seeking God should not be a chore, but a passion for Him that drives us to do so. Our time with God is so our connection will be maintained and so that we can know Him and be strengthened of Him. It's also not just limited to a certain "time" either, but God wants to commune with you ALL throughout the day. He is in love with you :drunk:...

But I am not one to say going to the movies, or mall is ungodly because it's not. But when Christ is your life He will eventually come up. When me and my friends are hanging we may be laughing and hanging out but God will come up because He is our life. So we can't be caught up in this I have to live in a bubble to be spiritual because let me tell you, it was times I felt so holy and saved when I was by myself in my prayer closet, but when I got around other people, things started to iritate and frustrate me, God was showing me what I had to work on :lol:

But if you feel that your are lacking in your spiritual life or there are certain strongholds you can't break free from, I would advise you to stay away from all carnal activity because this may be time where you need to consecrate yourself and seek Him. Even those these things are not wrong, I would tell any believer to have temperance in it. You can't be engaging in carnal activity 6 days of the week and expect to feel strong spiritually. We must feed our spiritual man more than our flesh, because whatever you feed the most will be stronger, but it's all about balance :yep:

But there is no law to these types of things. He said if we acknowledge Him in all our ways, He will direct us. So when you want to go out, ask Him. He will let you know if He wants you to stay and spend time with Him, or if its ok to go....
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Love this, LucieLoo12!! Especially the bolded. Thank you for your response!! It is really helpful to my situation.


Beautiful question!!!:yep:

I do feel guilty if I am indulging in something more have not given Christ His due time. The bible says that we must love Him with all of our mind, heart, soul. He is a jealous God.And He does not want anything before Him.

It's not so much about a "personal bible study time" either. It's about growing and nurturing your relationship with Him. You have athiests that read/study the bible just to debate it, and they don't even believe in Him. Our personal bible study time is so that we may know what God requires and be knowledgeable of what we believe, but prayer is so God may strengthen us to put it into action. There are times when I just sit in the presence of God and say nothing so I may know His voice or I just want to be in His presence. It should never be a checklist with God, where you find yourself saying, Ok I prayed so now I can go to the movies :lol:. Seeking God should not be a chore, but a passion for Him that drives us to do so. Our time with God is so our connection will be maintained and so that we can know Him and be strengthened of Him. It's also not just limited to a certain "time" either, but God wants to commune with you ALL throughout the day. He is in love with you :drunk:...

But I am not one to say going to the movies, or mall is ungodly because it's not. But when Christ is your life He will eventually come up. When me and my friends are hanging we may be laughing and hanging out but God will come up because He is our life. So we can't be caught up in this I have to live in a bubble to be spiritual because let me tell you, it was times I felt so holy and saved when I was by myself in my prayer closet, but when I got around other people, things started to iritate and frustrate me, God was showing me what I had to work on :lol:

But if you feel that your are lacking in your spiritual life or there are certain strongholds you can't break free from, I would advise you to stay away from all carnal activity because this may be time where you need to consecrate yourself and seek Him. Even those these things are not wrong, I would tell any believer to have temperance in it. You can't be engaging in carnal activity 6 days of the week and expect to feel strong spiritually. We must feed our spiritual man more than our flesh, because whatever you feed the most will be stronger, but it's all about balance :yep:

But there is no law to these types of things. He said if we acknowledge Him in all our ways, He will direct us. So when you want to go out, ask Him. He will let you know if He wants you to stay and spend time with Him, or if its ok to go....
Going through this right now. As a wife and mom there's always things to do so when I have a moments peace I like to spend it on me. I've found recently that I haven't been giving God the time and reverence that he deserves.

I'm trying to rectify that by praying before my feet hit them floor in the morning. I want to make sure I give him praise before I so anything else before I start my day. I also listen to the Bible daily at work ( I need it :look:)
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Going through this right now. As a wife and mom there's always things to do so when I have a moments peace I like to spend it on me. I've found recently that I haven't been giving God the time and reverence that he deserves.

I'm trying to rectify that by praying before my feet hit them floor in the morning. I want to make sure I give him praise before I so anything else before I start my day. I also listen to the Bible daily at work ( I need it :look:)

That's good! Some may think the length of our time spent with God impresses Him but it's our sincerity that does :yep:. But faithful in the least and God will increase it for you...
