Evil presence


New Member
I need to start praying better before I sleep or something.

I have felt evil around me and I don't know what to do about that. Sometimes I will be asleep and I just know there is a presence with me. It never seems positive.

Sometimes I feel a neutral presence around me.

The other night I was not asleep and I saw a white man with a mustache walk into my room. I looked at him, turned away and said go away, and when I turned back he was gone. I made my dad check the whole house. i felt so bad cuz there was nobody there but there was someone there.

I have also seen black clouds in my room while being unable to move.

What do you guys make of this? I don't think I'm crazy. This has been happening to me as a child. I used to hear voices telling me to do things while I was trying to fall asleep... I remember being as young as 7 and hearing messages from someone, and it never felt comforting. i used to date someone that said Satan was after me and he wants me so bad (citing my anxiety and depression at the time).

I believe that what he said is true. I don't know how to stop these things from happening. My parents think I'm crazy, but they always have so theres no stopping that.

Has anyone in the CF had these type of experiences? I didn't post in the thread about this topic in OT because I wanted some Christian responses.
I need to start praying better before I sleep or something.

I have felt evil around me and I don't know what to do about that. Sometimes I will be asleep and I just know there is a presence with me. It never seems positive.

Sometimes I feel a neutral presence around me.

The other night I was not asleep and I saw a white man with a mustache walk into my room. I looked at him, turned away and said go away, and when I turned back he was gone. I made my dad check the whole house. i felt so bad cuz there was nobody there but there was someone there.

I have also seen black clouds in my room while being unable to move.

What do you guys make of this? I don't think I'm crazy. This has been happening to me as a child. I used to hear voices telling me to do things while I was trying to fall asleep... I remember being as young as 7 and hearing messages from someone, and it never felt comforting. i used to date someone that said Satan was after me and he wants me so bad (citing my anxiety and depression at the time).

I believe that what he said is true. I don't know how to stop these things from happening. My parents think I'm crazy, but they always have so theres no stopping that.

Has anyone in the CF had these type of experiences? I didn't post in the thread about this topic in OT because I wanted some Christian responses.

Hey Little One... :giveheart:

satan CANNOT have you... Case Closed!

You've been 'exposing' him lately. In addtion, some of the exposure has a way of 'sticking' around in attempts to 'torment' / scare you.

Think of this way: Consider journalists who are in the Middle East. They are there doing a great and sacrificial work to obtain and to report back to our country, the events taking place in such a dangerous region. Through their activities of journalism which is indept (the reseach, investigations, etc.) they encounter those who want to retaliate against. Many have been taken hostage, many have lost their lives. Many have been tormented.

You've investigated a lot of the demonic activity occurring in the entertainment world, our government, etc. In so doing, the demons are retaliating. They 'know' of your previous challenges with depression and this is what they are attacking.

However! The Greater One, Jesus lives on the inside of you. Greater is He who in you than 'he' who is in the world. You are more than a Conqueror through Jesus' Christ who loves you.

Remember when I shared that I was unable to read some of the articles in the other thread, as they were too 'erry'? There are times when God says, pull away, don't expose your heart to this, don't allow the demons access to your heart.

What we have to do is 'up' / increase our focus on Jesus and do a triple/quad infilling of God's Word in our spirits to slam the door in the face of the enemy when he tries to get in.

Whenever there's a demonic attack, we allow God to show us the door / window where satan had access. Then, we 'shut the door/window; we have to repolish our 'Full Armour' of God [Ephesians, chapter 6], wear it and don't leave home without it.

Father in the name of Jesus, I praise you for this precious and beautiful wonder of yours, 'Summer Solstice', your beloved daughter. Thank you for setting her free from all satanic attacks; surround her with your presence inside and out and strengthen her to not be afraid neither tormented any further.

In Jesus' Name, thank you for setting her heart and mind and soul free, from all satanic debris...for it is you who lives inside of her heart and none other. Let her have peace and sweet sleep, for Father God, you are there, attending to her every care.

We love you, Father God. We honour and adore you, with all of our hearts.

In Jesus' Name... Amen and Amen.

Examine your conscience and repent of any sins you've committed, asking for Jesus Christ's forgiveness and grace. Make a commitment to avoid whatever it is that leads you into sin.

You have a guardian angel--ask for your angel's protection. There is also an old prayer that asks for Michael the Archangel's protection since he does battle against Satan:

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in this day of battle. Protect us against the snares and wickedness of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits roaming the earth seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Develop a love of prayer, read Scripture, and avoid anything having to do with the Occult.

Use your prudence and good judgment when you are discerning dreams, ESPECIALLY use your good judgment when discerning visions and locutions.
Thanks for writing back ladies, and for the prayers. I will try to load up on scripture and prayer. Hopefully it will stop, but this has been going on for 20+ years. I know that with God nothing is impossible... but I also know that Satan is the ruler of this earth and I will be sad if this continues.
Thanks for writing back ladies, and for the prayers. I will try to load up on scripture and prayer. Hopefully it will stop, but this has been going on for 20+ years. I know that with God nothing is impossible... but I also know that Satan is the ruler of this earth and I will be sad if this continues.

Hey Sweetie...

satan doesn't rule as much as he thinks he does; he just has people fooled. he has a big roll of bills however, it's a $20 dollar bill wrapped around a wad of fake $1 bills; got folks thinking he's a 'baller' and he can't even roll past 20.... :nono: Those 20 + years is the limit. It's over and it's time for the brand new for you.

Babygirl, you're going to be okay. Yes you will. For God promises to do a new thing in our lives and God keeps His promises.

You are in this world but not of it, therefore the ruler of your heart is Jesus and none other.

You're going to make it through this, 'Precious Summer'. You have the heart for it and your heart will never fail. No matter how 'weak' you may feel at times, God is there to strengthen you and to get you through this, all the way.


I've experience some a the thing you are talking about.
Christian life and sometime sleep is like war. So put on your shinning armor and be ready to go into battle at all time.

13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
Ephesian 6

On a more practical matter, I'll share with you what I do to sleep peacefully. Take what suits you and leave the rest.
- Prayer. When I was a kid, the only way I could get free of this phenomena was to pray. I used Ps 23, Ps 27: 1-4 and the Our Father.
- Praise. I used to sleep with a praise and worship CD playing quietly all through the night.
- Holy water. Recently, while I couldn't fall asleep, I felt the urge to put holy water on all the walls of my bedroom, including the ceiling. I've been sleeping much better since then.
- Rosary. I sleep with a rosary underneath my pillow. Some of my friends say one or two decade of the rosary before sleep or if having difficulties sleeping.
- Caution. I'm very careful of what I let into my spirit. I'm careful of what I listen to, what I read, What I watch. I'm very careful of what kind of people I let around me and in my home. People, images, music, movies, ..., can carry evil spirit with them who will attack you every chance they get.
- Repentance. Sometime un-repented sin, past present or in the family tree, is an open door that allows those attack to reach you.

HTH. If you have any more question, feel free to ask.
God bless.

I just came in here to say that you are not alone. The enemy attacks us in various ways, and this is one of his ways.

I haven't experienced exactly what you are experiencing, but there were times I'd wake up unable to move. One of those times, I saw a black bird hovering over me and I felt a negative presence around me. Another time, there was something sitting on me as I was under the covers. It would move and then sit on another part of my body. I was afraid it was going to kill me. When I regained motion and removed the covers, whatever it was was gone. Both incidents just seemed to real to just be hallucinations; I'm not one to have hallucinations. After heavy prayer from those who love me and using anointed oil, I haven't experienced those things again.

I think the ladies above gave you great advice. You will be fine.
SummerSolstice, try reading Psalms 91 out loud, before you go to bed each night. Try not to get caught up in rituals but ask Him for forgiveness for any sins or offense to Him, known or unknown to you -- and go lay down with the assurance He's got you.
@SummerSolstice, try reading Psalms 91 out loud, before you go to bed each night. Try not to get caught up in rituals but ask Him for forgiveness for any sins or offense to Him, known or unknown to you -- and go lay down with the assurance He's got you.

Laela if I have not been granted forgiveness or haven't asked for it should I expect an attack?

Sorry for all the questions ladies I am trying to come up with a plan of defense. I was up/half asleep til 2am last night dealing with this foolishness and finally just went to my boyfriend's house cuz he was up too. We didn't sleep last night at all. We just watched movies. Now I'm at work lookin crazy.
Bought some olive oil and my pastor prayed heavily over it. I agree with Laela about not getting caught up with rituals. For me, the oil makes me feel the presence of the Lord more, ... but understand that he is ALWAYS with you.

James 5:14
Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.
Bought some olive oil and my pastor prayed heavily over it. I agree with Laela about not getting caught up with rituals. For me, the oil makes me feel the presence of the Lord more, ... but understand that he is ALWAYS with you.

James 5:14

The oil is definitely Scriptural and not Ritual...

Precious loolalooh, I hope that makes sense. It just popped outta my head as I was typing this reply to you. :user: :lol:

Oh well. It's the truth. The use of the oil is scripturally correct and not a ritual created by man.

God bless you, Angel. :love2:
The oil is definitely Scriptural and not Ritual...

Precious loolalooh, I hope that makes sense. It just popped outta my head as I was typing this reply to you. :user: :lol:

Oh well. It's the truth. The use of the oil is scripturally correct and not a ritual created by man.

God bless you, Angel. :love2:

Thank you, Shimmie. The last thing I want to do is spread bad information. :look:
The Rosary is a prayer, not a "ritual." Holy water (water that has been blessed and is often used for baptisms and blessings) is not a ritual either.
Thank you, Shimmie. The last thing I want to do is spread bad information. :look:

Loolalooh... All I see in you is the love of God.

None of us will ever know it all. It seems that the more I learn, I realize the less I know.

In what I have learned of you is that you could never pass 'bad information'.
The Rosary is a prayer, not a "ritual." Holy water (water that has been blessed and is often used for baptisms and blessings) is not a ritual either.

:wave: Hi Galadriel. I didn't know you were Catholic.

When I was an infant... (long time ago :look: ), my parents had me 'Baptised' in a Catholic Church. My Dad was Catholic, My Mom was Baptist. As a child I went to both services.

Sorry, I should have been more explicit with my previous post. I'm a catholic born and bread. I should have made that precision.

- Prayer. I know some scriptures by heart and when I'm scared, unable to move or to think, these scriptures (Ps 23) get out of my mouth. In the desert, when tempted by the devil, Jesus used scriptures to defeat him. You need a plan that you can use even when your body, your mind fails you. It can be a verse or simply the name "Jesus". Make it a habit to recite the same verse or word.
- Praise. The Lord inhabit the praise of His people and the devil flees in front of the Lord. The song I listen to are generally full of scriptures.`
- Holy water. It's a catholic thing I think. We used it as a mean to repel evil, among other things. Mine is water from Lourdes that a priest blessed. Non catholic usually use anointed oil.
- Rosary. Another Catholic thing. The word rosary denotes the marian prayer and the prayer beads. The Hail Mary is also full of scriptures.

The most important reflex one needs to learn in spiritual warfare is to go hide. Like a little kid, you go hide behind your daddy, God the father, or behind your big brother Jesus. If you are catholic, you can go hide behind your mother, Mary. All that I shared with you are simply hiding technics.

This is not your war. It's the Lord's war. Jesus has already won. You need to get into the habit of hiding behind God.

1 Corinthians 15:57 But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
OK I'mma get a bit off tandem here..bear with me...

I understand that REST is very important to God and that includes sleeping in the physical. He made the earth and on the seventh day, He rested. When we start to get angst or become anxious...He tells us to Rest in him. He promised us sweet sleep. Not nightmares, staying up all night worrying for naught, unlike the birds and other creatures. Worry can cause us to lack trust in God. So we ought not to ALLOW anything to keep us from sweet sleep, that includes demonic activity. Worry/fear provides an opening...

On asking Father for forgiveness -- I tend to do that before retiring, because I believe we can offend Him without knowing... sins of ommission.. or may have had thoughts throughout the day that just weren't right and didn't catch them or dealt with them. We also release to Him any aught or unforgivenss we have for anyone. "And forgive us our sins as we forgive others.." That's important, yes, because we can only get from Him the amount of forgiveness that we grant to others. Still, we don't necessarily always ask Him for forgiveness out of conviction (*not guilt), but also out of honor, as part of communicating with Him in prayer. Any one of us could die in our sleep...wouldn't it be good to know we maintained our peace with God the Father before that. We need to understand we have numbered days and not take them for granted either.

Each day brings renewal of body, mind and spirit... In this day and age, people take sleep for granted. But I see it as an essential part of a balanced life.

That said, REST assured in knowing God is more powerful than any apparition, shadow or evil spirit/vibe. No one is exempt. As we draw near to God, the attacks increase. Satan is a very real adversary, who plays for keeps. It's good to know your enemy and know him well, but let God do the

Laela if I have not been granted forgiveness or haven't asked for it should I expect an attack?