Abstinence Challenge 365, 24-7

i have the app havent visited it in a while u just reminded me - :blush:
i like the reading plans theyre good when ur on the go a lot. :yep: i used to read mine at work a lot

Yea I really LOVE that app, I read it at home though bc I need to get in my zone so that I can mentally take in what I am reading. I post notes on the scriptures that I feel really touch me.
I feel so weak...everyone I start off good ( this year I made a commitment to God to honor my body) ..I always fail! :-(. I'm so sad and disappointed in myself because I can never overcome any temptations that it thrown my way. Another thing that I have been trying to overcome is being a people pleaser. I'm very bad at saying No and sticking to it if I do and I do not like to have people upset with me. Please pray for me...I desperately want to honor God with my body and soul because I know he wants to return tenfold what was stolen from me!
I feel so weak...everyone I start off good ( this year I made a commitment to God to honor my body) ..I always fail! :-(. I'm so sad and disappointed in myself because I can never overcome any temptations that it thrown my way. Another thing that I have been trying to overcome is being a people pleaser. I'm very bad at saying No and sticking to it if I do and I do not like to have people upset with me. Please pray for me...I desperately want to honor God with my body and soul because I know he wants to return tenfold what was stolen from me!

My precious sister @sweetvi, your candor and honesty about your weakness in this heart-felt confession, I must admit is refreshing.

To all the bolded in the order that are highlighted:

Let the weak say I am strong. The Lord is strong and wants when we are weak to draw on His strength and as we do, we call ourselves strong. The Holy Spirit is still doing a refining and holy work in us IF we let Him. Our surrender of our will to Him is critical in this endeavor.

Try not to handle this area of weakness without seeking Him for His help to strengthen you. If you ask, He will and if you begin to confess His word over and into every situation, the tempter, the devil, will flee. This is what it means to resist the devil.

As you confess His word, you will feel stronger and stronger but you cannot stop - you must stedfastly resist the devil and God will help you overcome the temptations. So you see, you can start and finish strong. The race in this holy battle is not given to the swift nor the strong, but to those who endure to the end. You can win, you have already won!

See yourself as victorious and not as a failure. Cast down those vain imaginations of failure for they are exalting themselves against the knowledge of our Lord and Master. He is not a failure and neither are you. See it, say it, believe it!

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. hear yourself speak His word to your circumstance and give it the life it needs to move in divine favor.

Begin commanding your day according to the will and word of God OR your day will command you. Take your rightful authority as a child of the Most High God, open up your mouth and speak. Give your faith a voice, speak God's word over your life and your body, soul and spirit and shut fear and doubt up. If you don't shut them up, they will get bolder and bolder and louder and louder and guess what?

You will obey the voice and words you are hearing and speaking the most. STOP obeying the fear and STOP IT NOW! Educate, train and develop your human spirit. Meditate on God's word more and you will make your way proseraous and have good success in every area of your life.

Finally, you cannot have two masters. You will love the one and hate the other. Pleasing man is an absolute slap in God's face for to live to please man is to displease God. Man is fallible, God is not! It is okay for man to be upset with you if you tell him "NO!"

Just remember, if you are saying no to man you are saying yes to God! I don't see anything wrong with that. Man can not save your soul or keep it qut of hell, but God can. Ask yourself the question "Which of these is more important to me? The opinion of man or the blessed assurance of God?"

You want to desperately honor God with your body and your soul, well guess what? That is a great start - You have given Him something to work with and that is your desire. Give Him a little more daily, and I mean daily!

Fill yourself up with His word everyday - this way, you are literally filling yourself up with God Himself. And when the battle comes around again - and it will, you will be armed with what you need to fight - not only fight - but fight and win.

My beloved sister, be the victor you are called to be in Christ Jesus our Lord! You are not a failure, you are victor, you are not a man-pleaser, but a God-pleaser, you are not weak, but you are strong, you are not the conqoured, but a conquorer, you are not defeated, but an overcomer! you are the head, and not the tail, you are above and not beneath. Command your morning my sister.

Look to the hills from whence cometh your help - your help comes from the LORD! Seek Him first! His face and not His hand - seek Him!
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My precious sister @sweetvi, your candor and honesty about your weakness in this heart-felt confession, I must admit is refreshing.

To all the bolded in the order that are highlighted:

Let the weak say I am strong. The Lord is strong and wants when we are weak to draw on His strength and as we do, we call ourselves strong. The Holy Spirit is still doing a refining and holy work in us IF we let Him. Our surrender of our will to Him is critical in this endeavor.

Try not to handle this area of weakness without seeking Him for His help to strengthen you. If you ask, He will and if you begin to confess His word over and into every situation, the tempter, the devil, will flee. This is what it means to resist the devil.

As you confess His word, you will feel stronger and stronger but you cannot stop - you must stedfastly resist the devil and God will help you overcome the temptations. So you see, you can start and finish strong. The race in this holy battle is not given to the swift nor the strong, but to those who endure to the end. You can win, you have already won!

See yourself as victorious and not as a failure. Cast down those vain imaginations of failure for they are exalting themselves against the knowledge of our Lord and Master. He is not a failure and neither are you. See it, say it, believe it!

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. hear yourself speak His word to your circumstance and give it the life it needs to move in divine favor.

Begin commanding your day according to the will and word of God OR your day will command you. Take your rightful authority as a child of the Most High God, open up your mouth and speak. Give your faith a voice, speak God's word over your life and your body, soul and spirit and shut fear and doubt up. If you don't shut them up, they will get bolder and bolder and louder and louder and guess what?

You will obey the voice and words you are hearing and speaking the most. STOP obeying the fear and STOP IT NOW! Educate, train and develop your human spirit. Meditate on God's word more and you will make your way proseraous and have good success in every area of your life.

Finally, you cannot have two masters. You will love the one and hate the other. Pleasing man is an absolute slap in God's face for to live to please man is to displease God. Man is fallible, God is not! It is okay for man to be upset with you if you tell him "NO!"

Just remember, if you are saying no to man you are saying yes to God! I don't see anything wrong with that. Man can not save your soul or keep it qut of hell, but God can. Ask yourself the question "Which of these is more important to me? The opinion of man or the blessed assurance of God?"

You want to desperately honor God with your body and your soul, well guess what? That is a great start - You have given Him something to work with and that is your desire. Give Him a little more daily, and I mean daily!

Fill yourself up with His word everyday - this way, you are literally filling yourself up with God Himself. And when the battle comes around again - and it will, you will be armed with what you need to fight - not only fight - but fight and win.

My beloved sister, be the victor you are called to be in Christ Jesus our Lord! You are not a failure, you are victor, you are not a man-pleaser, but a God-pleaser, you are not weak, but you are strong, you are not the conqoured, but a conquorer, you are not defeated, but an overcomer! you are the head, and not the tail, you are above and not beneath. Command your morning my sister.

Look to the hills from whence cometh your help - your help comes from the LORD! Seek Him first! His face and not His hand - seek Him!

What beautiful words of love, Aggie... :love2:
What beautiful words of love, Aggie... :love2:

Awww Shimmie, :kiss:. My heart was just....filled when I saw that post. I couldn't help but reach out to her - I was compelled to do so. I didn't even mean to keep writing such a long post, but the words just kept coming into my spirit to speak to her spirit.

I am so grateful that I was obedient because sometimes when God is using us to minister to others, He is ministering to us too. Isn't it just like HIM to do that:grin:?

Oh how I :love: Jesus!
Aggie. Thank you! . Since I was disappointed in myself yesterday...I decided instead of running from I ran towards God! I worshiped, prayed and poured my heart out to him. I recognized that he loves me unconditionally and I can always pick my self and try again with his help. I know God has beautiful plans for my little life and will restore everything that was taken from me and more...! I am determined to win and even if it gets hard and I stumble...I will push forward.

I started memorizing scriptures, reading the bible at least daily and having a conversation (prayer,meditation ) with God instead of calling a girlfriend!
Yayyyyy... I'm excited!

Thank you sisters!
@Aggie. Thank you! . Since I was disappointed in myself yesterday...I decided instead of running from I ran towards God! I worshiped, prayed and poured my heart out to him. I recognized that he loves me unconditionally and I can always pick my self and try again with his help. I know God has beautiful plans for my life and will restore everything that was taken from me and more...! I am determined to win and even if it gets hard and I stumble...I will push forward.

I started memorizing scriptures, reading the bible at least daily and having a conversation (prayer,meditation ) with God instead of calling a girlfriend!
Yayyyyy... I'm excited!

Thank you sisters!

:bighug: sweetvi. You are indeed on the right track. Continue on this path and you are destined for divine success.

By the way, it's okay to call a girlfriend who loves the Lord completely because our Father says that we are to confess our sins one to another. He won't be mad at you for doing so, just don't leave Him out of the equation.

Afterall, you came to us here and we are your girlfriends....sort of...right? But we are a little more than that. We are your spiritual sisters. Remain continually blessed:kiss:!
@Aggie. Thank you! . Since I was disappointed in myself yesterday...I decided instead of running from I ran towards God! I worshiped, prayed and poured my heart out to him. I recognized that he loves me unconditionally and I can always pick my self and try again with his help. I know God has beautiful plans for my little life and will restore everything that was taken from me and more...! I am determined to win and even if it gets hard and I stumble...I will push forward.

I started memorizing scriptures, reading the bible at least daily and having a conversation (prayer,meditation ) with God instead of calling a girlfriend!
Yayyyyy... I'm excited!

Thank you sisters!

I am so proud of you. This is new for me as of this year and it hasnt really been a struggle at all bc I desire it in my heart to do this and not fail as I have done many times before. Certain things in my life happened and that why I believe that it is a success this time around because of my last issue at hand.

Things that have helped me:
-Get rid of certain males that come to me only for that, that will get them a quick dismissal
-I told every guy about it that way they all knew, that let them weed themselves out
-Surround myself by positive ppl that dont talk down on me about it
-Attend bible study and church weekly....havent missed a beat yet!
-Read the bible daily, which you are doing already :yep:
-Reading other book about relationships and living like a REAL christian bc we are not alone.
Things that have helped me:
-Get rid of certain males that come to me only for that, that will get them a quick dismissal
-I told every guy about it that way they all knew, that let them weed themselves out
-Surround myself by positive ppl that dont talk down on me about it
-Attend bible study and church weekly....havent missed a beat yet!
-Read the bible daily, which you are doing already :yep:
-Reading other book about relationships and living like a REAL christian bc we are not alone.

:yep: at the bolded
I found it the most relieveing thing to tell guys bc thn u definately save alot of time - you know who intesrested in you genuwinely :rolleyes:

in red - its helps if you have like minded people around you who will not influence you to do bad - not just men are bad influence you know :nono:
Well, I was in this challenge under a different log in name, but I rejoined. I have been abstinent since August 15, 2008. There are times where I think I miss sex, but I would rather not be touched or have sex again than with the wrong person. There is a guy in my life that I talk to. I have known him my whole life. I care about him, but I don't want to have sex with him. It's just not right to me. I'm 34, and if it doesn't happen again, so be it.
Sigh, that time of the month.. those feelings just rise up it's hard not to get consumed with them. However, i do not want to give in to temptation. :lala: :pray:
You can do it @menina. With the strength of Christ, you can do it. Yes it is not easy, but it is definitely possible even with those urges:yep:. When I get those urges, I commit to a fast.

Fasts usually help me to sustain myself successfully. I am actually due for one tomorrow, not for abstinence purposes, but it's just time for another one for some other reasons and things I am believing God for.
I would like to join this challenge wholeheartedly!! I am trying to live in my singleness faithfully and righteously...just started but I pray that I am able to hold on and be strong
I am in... I am currently in a relationship where both of us want to honor this One thing is true women have to be the stronger one in alot of cases and you have to set boundaries
I see friends getting into relationships, living together and enjoying the fruits intended for marriage by God . I can't help but to feel jealous or slightly sad wondering when is it my turn? I think back to this verse......

Proverbs 23:17

Do not let your heart envy sinners, But live in the fear of the LORD always.

God is writing my love story, so that means he will provide the person according to my needs and not want, someone who will love me like he does, protection against heartache, abuse, etc, and I will be in God's play ground. Not the devils