Smh yea she is definately ignorant. That being said she had me rolling lol tho. Lmao @ "nuts and berries and cow spit" :lol:
I definitely get what she is saying, and felt that way for some time, but didn't want to mention it on here because it is against the LHCF hidden codes of law to say such things. :sekret:

I always find it discouraging to find mostly non-4b types on yt or on LHFC with BSL or longer hair. Or that I can probably name most of the 4b BSLers+ with 2 hands, while the amount of 4as/3 types with BSLers are numerous. I don't know, it could be somewhat biased in that there are more people with that hair type? Or that most people with 4b hair just don't even try because they don't think it's possible?

Well, I've had short brittle hair all my life. But I hope to prove myself, and people like her wrong in 2-3 years with the help of castor oil, Oyin, God, and this wig/braids.

But you may not even count to people like her because I see you get waves when you pull your hair back. She said 5d celie hair types only. :lol:
I can respect her honesty and understand where she is coming from. When I first started my HHJ I was searching for someone with that type of kink with long hair. All I would see was someone with 3A,&C talking about growing out their hair. And only using a dime sized amount of conditioner on a wash and go. I feel what she's talking about for sure and homegirl is too funny with the gum chompin'.
I'm about to watch this video now after reading all of the posts.
I am confused as to why some ladies are calling her ignorant for cussing. Since when does profanity = ignorance? And I'd definitely be interested to know why people think profanity = a lack of a vocabulary when no one would say such things of Shakespeare, who I studied pretty profusely as an English major in college, and who often used what was considered profanity of his time.
She might have made some ignorant points, but cussing is not synonymous with being ignorant.
Distasteful? Maybe. Ignorant? No.
I'm sitting here getting mad at the ladies who don't find her funny. :lol: To each their own but I can't stand self-righteous sense of humor lacking folks. And to the ones who didn't bother to watch the video but commented on it anyway....:ohwell:

I think I need a hair forum break for the rest of the day. :lol: Bye, bye.
I'm sitting here getting mad at the ladies who don't find her funny. :lol: To each their own but I can't stand self-righteous sense of humor lacking folks. And to the ones who didn't bother to watch the video but commented on it anyway....:ohwell:

I think I need a hair forum break for the rest of the day. :lol: Bye, bye.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Call me crude and unrefined but she was funny as all get out to me. :lol:
Lol that was too funny ! I couldn't take offense to it because I do understand what she is saying because some people who claim 4a look to be 3b or 3c. Some of the things she said on the video I have thought but never actually put on the board.
OMG- I said she was ignorant in my first post but this chick is hilarious and her point is valid some people just can't handle the delivery. I watched part 2 and i am rolling. Now I got my laugh of the day. Good night!
I found her to be quite funny. I actually laughed out loud several times. Would she be someone I would socialize with in real life? No. Did I find the video funny? I sure did.

Between that gum, her actually driving and shooting a video, and when she told us to hold on while she answered the phone.....priceless.

See yall don't appreciate the time she took from her lunch break to educate the masses. See I'mma need yall to appreciate what she has to offer. I'mma also need one of yall 5z graded on a curve sistas to tell her about this site, so we can really laugh. But if you had hair at your butt when you were 6 years old and you were skinny, I'mma need for you not to contact her because she might have some choice words for you. :)
She has a point, but the way she brings it out is ridiculous. How she do all that while she driving?! I hate the gum chewing thing, but where the hell is she from? All that and no cops spotted her?:rolleyes::giggle:

I thought the same as you, but found out she's from my state. But she resides in Centerville, Il!

Hair without a relaxer applied to it = natural hair. Relaxer free hair = Natural hair.

Lifestyle has absolutely nothing to do with it. :lol:

You have to live a certain lifestyle or be a certain weight to have natural hair? Seriously? :rofl:

Imma have to agree to disagree big time on that one. You're entitled to your opinion, but in my opinion that line of thought is highly irrational.

Going natural means different things for different people.

When I went natural, it was less about my hair and more about embracing who I was totally and being more "natural" in general. So I also stopped wearing make-up, started using more natural, environmentally-friendly products, etc. Natural IS a lifestyle for me--which is why I don't care as much about what others think about my hair as some naturals do. Its not about hoping to grow long hair, or a cute style. Its really about accepting me and living in balance in some sort of hippyish way.

A lot of naturals do tend to also live a certain lifestyle. Not that its better or anything. You don't HAVE to have the same mindset of course, anyone can simply stop relaxing their hair. But there are different reasons why people go natural.

But I don't agree that being overweight signifies not caring about your body in the same way someone does their natural hair. There are lots of reasons people don't lose weight, sometimes that is their natural body type and they are accepting it and sometimes they want to lose but can't so easily.
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I have accepted that I cannot predict if the products I use and the things I do to my 3c hair will work on a 4 type hair (or, to be honest, on another 3c head).

At the same time, allow me to say that a person with 4 type hair in my opinion doesn't have an idea of my issues. "visually" is seems easier to deal and blah blah but I think everyone can only know about her own hair.

Her attitude is making her miss a lot of information and help, unless she's joking, though.

Anyway, I like the second video. I'm a holistic natural in the process of sanctification, so it made me laugh :)
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Bwahahahahahahahahahaha! What in the kuntry (yes kuntry) HAM mess???? Hurr? Nappy head patnaas? She's cracking me up over here.
:lol::lol: :lachen::lachen: She was very funny, but her hair texture really doesn't look that tight, IMO. It looks like regular 4a/b hair to me.


omg, really? i got her beat by a country mile. but wait, someone tell me if i have the proper eyebrows to advise her. :rofl: like i could advise anybody, i don't know what i'm doing! also, i never had bald patches. :lol: *takes 4d- self back to bed*
:lachen: I just watched part 2...omg.. real talk... what cha madddddd for?!?!?!? I dont understand why people are mad at this woman for being 100% ... she's being real... I take it back she dont even sound ignorant.. she's just being her... She reminds me of myself when I start going off on a rant about something.. I dont get
omg, really? i got her beat by a country mile. but wait, someone tell me if i have the proper eyebrows to advise her. :rofl: like i could advise anybody, i don't know what i'm doing! also, i never had bald patches. :lol: *takes 4d- self back to bed*

U could Mwedzi! She might listen to you and Sera cuz y'all hair is long and I guess she trya say its her type but she wouldn't want to hear nothin from the rest of us

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I'm sitting here getting mad at the ladies who don't find her funny. :lol: To each their own but I can't stand self-righteous sense of humor lacking folks. And to the ones who didn't bother to watch the video but commented on it anyway....:ohwell:

I think I need a hair forum break for the rest of the day. :lol: Bye, bye.

I mean I don't think u have to get mad about it but I don't think it has anything to do with being self - righteous. Some people just don't find it funny. Some things she said were funny to me, but it wasn't so funny to the point that I culd make it through that whole video

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I think she is hilarious and there is a lot of truth to what she is saying.
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I find this amusing.

I can also understand her point. Even though I've been told all my life that I have "good hair", I learned when I became natural that my hair wasn't what I thought. I remember looking through fotkis and seeing people with looser textures....I felt the same way she felt. Granted, she would probably put me in the category she threw everyone else into, but my hair does "crackle", it makes noise. It's extremely rough to touch, which a lot of people are surprised by. I keep my hair in twists for the most part because it will tangle and knot so easily. Luckily, I like twists.

Anyway, I think everyone, especially during those first months as a natural, need someone who has hair like their own to give them inspiration. So, again, I understand her point.
Going natural means different things for different people.

When I went natural, it was less about my hair and more about embracing who I was totally and being more "natural" in general. So I also stopped wearing make-up, started using more natural, environmentally-friendly products, etc. Natural IS a lifestyle for me--which is why I don't care as much about what others think about my hair as some naturals do. Its not about hoping to grow long hair, or a cute style. Its really about accepting me and living in balance in some sort of hippyish way.

A lot of naturals do tend to also live a certain lifestyle. Not that its better or anything. You don't HAVE to have the same mindset of course, anyone can simply stop relaxing their hair. But there are different reasons why people go natural.

But I don't agree that being overweight signifies not caring about your body in the same way someone does their natural hair. There are lots of reasons people don't lose weight, sometimes that is their natural body type and they are accepting it and sometimes they want to lose but can't so easily.

But wouldn't in this case, you would say that you are embracing a natural lifestyle? IE embracing a more natural way of life. To me, that's totally different than the term "natural hair"
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