Yogurt + Coconut Milk= Baggy on my head?


Well-Known Member
Ok, I absolutely fell in love with Coconut milk the other day. I prepood with it alongside EVCO. Then, I DC'd with my Satinique moisturizing detangler and I tell ya, my hair has never felt sooo soft.

I recently started Full head baggying again using some EVCO and my cure care conditioner. I only baggy with this conditioner because it's very light and can also be used as a leave in and body lotion. Long story short, I don't need to wash it out in the morning. Before I started baggying last night, I got an Idea to add some coconut milk into this conditioner and It was a great Idea indeed. I woke up this morning with great looking shiny hair. I will be using coconut milk from now on.


Ok ladies, I just purchased my first wig today (lace front) so I can look fabulous at all times. Shoot, Imma be baggying everywhere I go. Imma baggy at work, at church, watching t.v, at school, everywhere. LMAO! all under my wig:grin:. Off course I have to let my hair breath so it doesn't become over moisturized.

I think we all know the benefits of Coconut milk and yogurt on hair. Have any of you ladies ever baggied with this mix? If so, how do you like it? or should I still use my CureCare conditioner?

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I also baggy under my wigs. I love being able to mutli-task while on my HHJ.:yep: I'e never tried your DC mix but it sound's yummy :lick: I have some coconut milk in the fridge so I may just use it my next co-wash.
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I've "baggied" w/ yogurt (AKA too lazy to wash out my pre-treat so I ended up wearing a conditioning cap full it the whole weekend). I don't remember it being too stinky... But it wasn't the best smell... :lachen: I would only baggy with yogurt if I DID NOT plan to leave the house.

IMO: I would think using yogurt and coconut milk would be overkill together. If you have fine hair I would suggest using CM. Yogurt has the ability of making fine hair look even finer after continued use.
I've "baggied" w/ yogurt (AKA too lazy to wash out my pre-treat so I ended up wearing a conditioning cap full it the whole weekend). I don't remember it being too stinky... But it wasn't the best smell... :lachen: I would only baggy with yogurt if I DID NOT plan to leave the house.

IMO: I would think using yogurt and coconut milk would be overkill together. If you have fine hair I would suggest using CM. Yogurt has the ability of making fine hair look even finer after continued use.

Oh OK, so it's great for a preepoo then. OK, I don't want flies following me anywhere.