Yay!! I Have Low Porosity!!


New Member
Which means I can justify spending $100+ for a Huetiful Hair Steamer!! :grin:

I did the water test last night and my hair has been floating in this cup of water for the last 12 hours. I'm pretty sure that means low porosity...please correct me if I'm wrong though.

This means that buying the Huetiful Hair Steamer makes sense since steam helps to lift the cuticles and allow product in. I was gonna buy it anyway but I feel better knowing that I need it. :lol:
:lol: Girl, you are funny!

Yes, you're right. Continuous floating means low porosity. I have it. But I'm not cheering. Low porosity is not fun for me.:nono:
Lol!! You and me both girl. Ive been checking out eBay and amazon for weeks lol. I've never seen my hair sink below the surface of the water. Hope you have fun with your new steamer!

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I don't mind sharing.

My hair was very dry, and nothing I did would moisturise it. On top of that, I did kimmaytube's (acidic) leave-in which made the problem worse!

I learned that, because low porosity hair's cuticles ar too closed, I shouldn't use things that close cuticles like: protein, acids, porosity control...

I learned that I MUST use heat/steam with every DC. I need to do long DC's, baggying, or overnight DC's.

Moisturise with waterbased product, then something heavier.

I also, lightly dyed my hair because it lifts the cuticles, which helped a lot.

Girl, you gone mess around and ruin my shopping buzz! :lachen: :lachen: j/k But if you don't mind sharing, what has your experience been? Any tips? :yep:
sounds just like my hair. i tried that KT leave-in too and it was terrible. thank you for your post! i feel better now about that KT not working for me along with the other things you stated.

I don't mind sharing.

My hair was very dry, and nothing I did would moisturise it. On top of that, I did kimmaytube's (acidic) leave-in which made the problem worse!

I learned that, because low porosity hair's cuticles ar too closed, I shouldn't use things that close cuticles like: protein, acids, porosity control...

I learned that I MUST use heat/steam with every DC. I need to do long DC's, baggying, or overnight DC's.

Moisturise with waterbased product, then something heavier.

I also, lightly dyed my hair because it lifts the cuticles, which helped a lot.
Thanks a lot Cherrypie!!!

That actually does sound about right. I never knew why my hair wasn't so fond of protein. And KT's leave in (altho, I did use AV gel instead of juice and I thought that may have been why) was not good for my hair at all!

I haven't DC'd with heat in forever but I do usually leave my DC in for some hours and sometimes overnight. I'll admit tho, I do that out of laziness. If I'm DCing and I happen to lay down in my bed the right way, it's a done deal. :lol:

This was really helpful! :yep:
quick question...when doing this test do you have to have product free hair and can u use a shed hair or do u have to pull out a fresh one...
ANUBIS - use product free hair. If you use a shed one, make sure you shampoo the strand to strip the buildup off of the hair.
I don't mind sharing.

My hair was very dry, and nothing I did would moisturise it. On top of that, I did kimmaytube's (acidic) leave-in which made the problem worse!

I learned that, because low porosity hair's cuticles ar too closed, I shouldn't use things that close cuticles like: protein, acids, porosity control...

I learned that I MUST use heat/steam with every DC. I need to do long DC's, baggying, or overnight DC's.

Moisturise with waterbased product, then something heavier.

I also, lightly dyed my hair because it lifts the cuticles, which helped a lot.

I have to same issue as well. @ bolded has been a very important step for me, sealing with oil just doesn't cut it. Using an oil based cream like Enso's Milk and Honey Hydrating Buttercream has been my saving grace.
i've been meaning to do a porosity test, but every time i clarify, i forget to take a sample, and i immediately dc or moisturize my hair afterwards.

And congrats op on your steamer! lol ... i need to get myself one too
You're right, but I guess I just like looking on the bright side. :spinning:
:grin: carameldelight87 but your hair will (or should) love the steamer! I just participated in another low porosity thread. I'm at work and the internet is slow. If I can locate it, I will tag you. Perhaps it will help you. (you might already be lurking and/or participating in that thread so forgive me).
:grin: carameldelight87 but your hair will (or should) love the steamer! I just participated in another low porosity thread. I'm at work and the internet is slow. If I can locate it, I will tag you. Perhaps it will help you. (you might already be lurking and/or participating in that thread so forgive me).

No, please tag me. I only just found out I have low porosity. I never paid much attention to it before. Thanks! :yep: