Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Brides

Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

just bumping is to encourage more people
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Any updates? New testimonies?

I come back and read this thread from time to time for encouragement
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Wow! I can't believe it's been a year since someone has posted. I'd like to see some new testimonies as well.
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

This is a very beautiful thread. I've kind of turned off the light in this part of my life, but I guess I can keep a nightlight on (smile).

I really identify with this statement. things seem so hopeless it's difficult to keep the faith. each turn there is a dead end. I have to have faith that God has a plan for me, and that whatever it is it will be complete and perfect. It's hard enduring the yearning for something that is not promised. I pray he will take the yearning away if it's not for me to have a family.
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

I really identify with this statement. things seem so hopeless it's difficult to keep the faith. each turn there is a dead end. I have to have faith that God has a plan for me, and that whatever it is it will be complete and perfect. It's hard enduring the yearning for something that is not promised. I pray he will take the yearning away if it's not for me to have a family.

laCriolla... Please don't give up. God doesn't forget your prayers.

He is simply perfecting that and all which concerns you and 'fixing' things about your dreams to save you the stress of having to once they come into your life. Please, believe, trust and don't give up on God. He never forsakes a prayer nor a promise. This I know and He word is sure. :yep:
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

@laCriolla... Please don't give up. God doesn't forget your prayers.

He is simply perfecting that and all which concerns you and 'fixing' things about your dreams to save you the stress of having to once they come into your life. Please, believe, trust and don't give up on God. He never forsakes a prayer nor a promise. This I know and He word is sure. :yep:

I wish i could give you a big hug, shimmie thank you
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

But He does not promise a husband. I can't find where He does


Angel don't allow satan to rob you of one of God's greatest gifts to a man and a woman, which is that they become 'One'. That was His commandment to male and female, to marry and to become one.

"For this cause ...."

In Jesus' Name, Father God thank you for the beautiful gift of marriage which you so lovingly ordained between 'One Man and One Woman'.

Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

How did I miss this thread? I have some reading to do!



Enjoy these Marriage threads and be blessed. OH and 'Happily Married'.

Don't ever doubt it. Not ever.

But He does not promise a husband. I can't find where He does

He doesn't. But he does promise to be what we need-be that mother, father, husband and friend. In God we have everything. There will be those of us who are faithful and love God who will be single all of our lives. But he is willing to provide for our needs better than any human spouse could ever do. I do pray that all of us who desire marriage will obtain it. But there is no promise other than God's ability to fill any void in our lives. And we must comfort ourselves and others with the promise that God will provide-we just don't know how.
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Hello Ladies,

It's funny I found this thread today. Today is my and my DH anniversary, 2 years today. I guess i will give the story of our blessed love to all those ladies awaiting our lord's blessing. I had prayed for God to bless me with a Good husband for over 2 yrs prior to me meeting my DH. After we met, I found out that he was praying also for a wife. I am a believer that one has to pray for what kind of man you want, I say this because from my own experience my husband was everything I prayed for and more. Everything I had asked for is in him and everything I didn't think to ask for. We met and refrained from sex until we were marriage. We were only dating for 6 months prior to our marriage and people thought we were crazy, but we know deep inside that this was God's will. Now 2 years later today, we are closer than ever. So ladies the advice I give is that you pray for personality specifics in your future husband, pray for you to be prepared for your husband and pray for the eyes to see him when he comes. Don't be fooled by what you see on the outside, it took me a month to call my DH after meeting him thinking I needed a break from men. But after having a sudden feeling to text him at work, it was God telling me I was ready to appreciate and recognize his worth. My DH at the time we met didnt have much, he was new to this country (Jamaican Born) and was unable to get a legal job. But over looking his lack of funds for his Good hearted Country Boy charm was the underestimated blessing of both our lives. Be open to learn from him. I have learned so much from my DH from the time we started dating until now. His experience from growing up in a two parent house hold on a Jamaican Farm has built a lot of character that I wasn't blessed to gain in my own childhood. So ladies be open and have faith in God's blessing to come, often the biggest blessings come after the hardest learning experiences we have to go through so don't be discouraged- remember Ruth and Boaz's story of love and trial Ruth had to go through to receive her blessing.

Blessed Love and Praises due to the Most High
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Thank you for the testimony Benuontherise

I'm always like how specific should I be and I have wondered am I not trusting God faithfully if I pray everyday I made a list and put it in my Bible tho Just got a few things to work on within myself first
I've been married for almost 14 years and I prayed for God to bring the right man Into my life over a year before we met. After we started dating, he told me that he prayed to find a wife.

We met at Best Buy of all places. I just came from Jamaica on a vacation with my girlfriends. I wanted a subwoofer to play the reggae music I bought. He was looking at the same subwoofer. My husband is a talker so, he just started talking to me about being a college athlete, Jamaica, his love of travel, etc. we talked for about 40 minutes and then he and his friend left the store. At that point I thought he was just a friendly guy but didn't think much of it because he didn't ask for my number.

Well I bought the subwoofer and left the store. He and his friend had left and came back as I was putting the box in my tiny little car. He finally asked for my number, neither of us had a pen or a cell phone so he had to remember it. I found out later that his friend had to urge him to come back and get my number after waiting for him so long in the store. My husband has given up on relationships after ending a long term relation a few months earlier. He was not anxious to jump into another one unless the right woman came along.

Long story short, he called me the next day and we talked for hours little old friends (as I said, he is a talker and loves to debate). We would stay on the phone for hours until we both fell asleep. We were friends for years before becoming intimate, both because we still lived with our parents at the beginning of our relationship, and because he respected the fact that I wanted to wait. We dated for 4 years before marrying because we were still young. We married at 28 and 29. It was the right time both due to our maturity and financial security.

I am a strong believer in asking God for what you need, not necessarily what you want. He answered my prayers and I am thankful everyday.
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Beautiful testimony.

Happy anniversary to you both!

Hello Ladies,

It's funny I found this thread today. Today is my and my DH anniversary, 2 years today . . .
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Thank you for the testimony Benuontherise

I'm always like how specific should I be and I have wondered am I not trusting God faithfully if I pray everyday I made a list and put it in my Bible tho Just got a few things to work on within myself first

Glad to hear it helps, yes there is nothing wrong with being specific because it's like showing God that you have put effort and thought into your prayer. Also that's great your working on yourself now and don't worry God won't drag it out to make you perfect first because he will use you both to help perfect each other together. We become perfected as one flesh in marriage.:yep:
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Hello Ladies,

It's funny I found this thread today. Today is my and my DH anniversary, 2 years today. I guess i will give the story of our blessed love to all those ladies awaiting our lord's blessing.

I had prayed for God to bless me with a Good husband for over 2 yrs prior to me meeting my DH. After we met, I found out that he was praying also for a wife. I am a believer that one has to pray for what kind of man you want, I say this because from my own experience my husband was everything I prayed for and more.

Everything I had asked for is in him and everything I didn't think to ask for. We met and refrained from sex until we were marriage. We were only dating for 6 months prior to our marriage and people thought we were crazy, but we know deep inside that this was God's will. Now 2 years later today, we are closer than ever.

So ladies the advice I give is that you pray for personality specifics in your future husband, pray for you to be prepared for your husband and pray for the eyes to see him when he comes. Don't be fooled by what you see on the outside, it took me a month to call my DH after meeting him thinking I needed a break from men. But after having a sudden feeling to text him at work, it was God telling me I was ready to appreciate and recognize his worth.

My DH at the time we met didnt have much, he was new to this country (Jamaican Born) and was unable to get a legal job. But over looking his lack of funds for his Good hearted Country Boy charm was the underestimated blessing of both our lives. Be open to learn from him. I have learned so much from my DH from the time we started dating until now. His experience from growing up in a two parent house hold on a Jamaican Farm has built a lot of character that I wasn't blessed to gain in my own childhood.

So ladies be open and have faith in God's blessing to come, often the biggest blessings come after the hardest learning experiences we have to go through so don't be discouraged- remember Ruth and Boaz's story of love and trial Ruth had to go through to receive her blessing.

Blessed Love and Praises due to the Most High



Congratulations and Happy Anniversary to you and your Hubby.

Thank you for sharing such a beautiful testimony. It's no secret here that I support Marriage and have a tendency to be quite passionate about it. However, there is not one person in my personal life and space whom I've prayed for has God failed.

It may have happened in their later years, but let me tell you something, God is surely redeeming those years for them 'Big Time' and when I say 'Big Time' it is beyond words. As a matter of fact, today is my cousin's 1st Wedding Anniversary. She's in her 40's and her husband is 50 ... but it still happened for both of them.

It's too late for anyone to tell me otherwise. It started with my 'Babygirl' (my beautiful darling daughter) and then my son. God didn't fail, with them either. And God showed out for both of them in such a way that no one can take the credit for it, other than God. I simply did not want my children to be unmarried...period. I was quite specific and God went beyond each detail of my requests for them.

Since then, I've experienced far too many answered prayers for Marriages for others and there's no turning back. Your testimony only seals what I already know to be true. God answers prayers for MARRIAGE.... Marriage between 'One' Man and 'One' Woman, under God.

I don't have time for endless questions and doubtful thoughts from others. I simply choose to 'Believe' God and just leave it with Him. God never fails.

God bless you Benuontherise... and I mean this... God bless you and your Husband always.

:grouphug2: :love3: :grouphug2:

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Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Glad to hear it helps, yes there is nothing wrong with being specific because it's like showing God that you have put effort and thought into your prayer. Also that's great your working on yourself now and don't worry God won't drag it out to make you perfect first because he will use you both to help perfect each other together. We become perfected as one flesh in marriage.:yep:

I don't have time for endless questions and doubtful thoughts from others. I simply choose to 'Believe' God and just leave it with Him. God never fails.

God bless you @Benuontherise... and I mean this... God bless you and your Husband always.

:grouphug2: :love3: :grouphug2:


@Benuontherise Yes you are right Not expecting perfection just expecting greater in Gods timing!

Shimmie And the bolded is all that needs to be said! I dont have time for endless questions and doubtful thoughts even from myself in my QT with the Lord.... I realized in the past I spent too much time in my prayer time questioning and being low that I came to God with negativity already in my spirit So now when i'm in prayer and feel something not like HIM creeping in I rebuke it and begin to praise!

The Lord knows my desires but at the end of the day I just want HIM! If a marriage by his hand blesses me I know it will be HIS will so I can give him all the glory the praise and the honor:grin::grin:

SN: Shimmie sent you a message about the stockings mentioned on the call
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Shimmie I hope I'm on your prayer list ;-)


Hi Lady Belle :love3: But of course.

God never fails. God never fails. God never fails. God never fails.

Folks have to watch what they say about being single... STOP!

God never fails.
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

I was nearing the end of college and was involved with ministry and Young Adult groups at my home church and in my diocese. It helped me stay connected to my BFF as well as my Catholic community.

Well, my best friend and I joined this particular young adult group which invited a series of speakers (lay men and lay women, priests and theologians) to galvanize us and enrich our faith. We started hanging out with fellow group-goers, there must've been about 12-15 of us total in our little sub-group. We would go and sing karaoke together, meet for dinner, and it was such a great time.

I first noticed DH when my best friend was in a heated debate with him :lol:. He began mentioning/quoting some of my favorite theologians and I immediately took notice. I pushed my friend aside and began discussing theology with him :lachen:

From there, we started sitting next to each other during group meetings, and discussing things interesting to us (we're both geeks :spinning:), and I told him he should join our group of friends for an outing. We had all agreed to meet at a restaurant, and I kid you not, EVERYONE in the group canceled except for him and me.

He asked if I still wanted to meet up, and I accepted. Afterward, he asked if I could meet him again for dinner. I accepted. After a couple of more times, we decided, "Hey, we're officially dating, huh?" :lol:

Come to think of it, we spent a lot of time together, and we met each other's families and went to church together, and even went on retreats together. Finally, DH proposed, we got married, and 11 years later we're still going strong.

We've been blessed with five children :grin:

Sometimes you'll never know how God will bring your future DH into your life. I wasn't particularly looking for a relationship at the time (I was so preoccupied with graduating college, and what sort of career I wanted, etc.), so sometimes you have to keep your eyes open.

I think there was a recent news article that came out which spoke of people who feel like they've married their best friend tend to live longer. I love that! I do feel like I've married my best friend. We can sit and have all kinds of interesting conversations with each other, we can read, watch movies, or do activities together. At the same time, we can still have our own particular hobbies, but it feels great to know that not only is he my husband, but also just a wonderful person to be around and spend time with. We did go to pre-marital counseling (I highly recommend it), and I think it's important to know, understand, and be realistic about each other's flaws or idiosyncrasies. I also love the fact that he is as devout as I am, we both love God and strive to follow the Gospel.

We have both been there for each other through good times, death in the family, celebrations, and tough times. There is something wonderful and strengthening to the knowledge that out of all the people in the world, you chose your spouse and your spouse chose you, and you promised before God to be partners through life.

Okay, now I'm rambling. I hope this was of use! :yep:
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

This... :yep:
Beautiful testimony! Thanks for sharing.

There is something wonderful and strengthening to the knowledge that out of all the people in the world, you chose your spouse and your spouse chose you, and you promised before God to be partners through life.
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

We've been blessed with five children :grin:

Sometimes you'll never know how God will bring your future DH into your life.

it feels great to know that not only is he my husband, but also just a wonderful person to be around and spend time with.

We did go to pre-marital counseling (I highly recommend it),

and I think it's important to know, understand, and be realistic about each other's flaws or idiosyncrasies. I also love the fact that he is as devout as I am, we both love God and strive to follow the Gospel.

There is something wonderful and strengthening to the knowledge that out of all the people in the world, you chose your spouse and your spouse chose you, and you promised before God to be partners through life.

Galadriel :love2:

What a wonderful testimony. What I quoted from your post above truly stood out. I'm already one of your 'fans' :blush3: I love your faith, your love for God, your firm foundation to take a stand for what God's Word says no matter who disagrees.

Saying this, all the more I respect what you've shared about your Marriage. It is indeed a testament to God and for others to not give up on what God has ordained for a Man and Woman in this earth, to become 'One'.

God bless you, your five beautiful angels and indeed your precious husband. I wish you all of God's best and for always. Keep standing firm for Jesus. God's heart is pleased. :yep:

Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

This... :yep:
Beautiful testimony! Thanks for sharing.

Dearest Laela :love2:

As you feel lead of the Lord, please share your beautiful and loving testimony whenever you have a moment. You and Hubby are amazing. :yep:
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br


Folks have to watch what they say about being single... STOP!

God never fails.

Shimmie aka one of my Godmommies! :look: what do you mean by this...Im trying to speak more positively but Im also one that doesnt sugar coat facts and truth...

For instance I understand speaking things into existance but is it wrong for me to say Well i'm single now and I dont know if its in Gods plan for me to marry so I dont stress on it but focus on Him... I was told I need to stop and say Im currently single but he's on his way Just need some input from anyone

I want 4 kids but maybe I am to adopt? Idk I pray on it but I refuse to let it consume me like it was starting to do before which only led me to be weak in the flesh and spirit...I really just want all of God and whatever he blesses me with...I let him know my desires but ask for His will to be done


Thank you for your testimony... these testimonies do encourage us single woman and Congrats on the 5 kids!!! I agree pre-marital counseling is key (I'm excited to do those classes and Im not even dating lol)...and I probably would want to have have a post-marital counseling every 6mths for 3yrs just to have those communication lines opened I think marriage is another ministry I love the acts of love of couples in the Bible:drunk: Im excited to meet someone God wants me to submit to HAHA! Married to your best friend hmm I'll be sounding like Adam "flesh from his flesh bone from his bone" :lol:
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Hi, Big Sis!

I'd 'testified' upthread, but just want to add that Father God is good, through it all...we're still going strong, heading into our 7th year. I too am married to my best friend, but he's also my spiritual adviser -- without fail, he always turns to the Word when we have arguments or discussion on anything. I'd admit it hasn't always been a bed of roses; a few bumps along the way has only strengthened us, sans details. I'm always grateful to God because marriage is a journey, not a destination.

I hope others here can share, esp the lurkers who're married 15+ years or those who almost divorced and what God has done to restore their marriages. With the way things are going, it's encouraging to see successful marriages, as God intended. They provide hope to many.

Dearest @Laela :love2:

As you feel lead of the Lord, please share your beautiful and loving testimony whenever you have a moment. You and Hubby are amazing. :yep:
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Thanks for sharing your testimonies ladies, it really encourages me to remain faithful for God's promises.

I come back to this thread sometimes because it's so uplifting especially when I feel helpless. It was nice reading new stories.