Will I always have to wet my hair?


Well-Known Member
I'm 32 weeks & 4 days post relaxer (transitioning) and have had to wet my hair and apply gel daily to get my curly hair to look decent in a bun. I have also had to cover my hair with a silk scarf while I drive in to the office to smooth it down.

Is this normal? Will I always have to do this?

Once it's longer I am hoping to be able to just wear my curly afro....but for the office I need the bun.

Is anyone having success with buns without wetting their natural/transitioning hair?
Texlaxed here!

I can't do ANYTHING without wetting my hair. If I want it to look good, I have to start wet. I don't co wash everyday, tends to make my hair dry after a while. I spray my hair with water from a bottle until it gets very damp.

I can get day 2 and day 3 hair from a twistout or flat iron... otherwise, I'm screwed, lol
I have never tried just wetting my hair, but I do have to use some sort of moisturizer and a silk/satin scarf to lay it down until I get to my destinantion.

Levaing it dry and just trying to combine the two textures in one style proves to be a task in it's own; it usually takes me about 30 minutes to get my hair together...
As a natural, I have to wet my hair daily (spritzing) when I have it pulled back in a puff or bun, it keeps it looking fresh and everything comes together nicely when I do.
I'm natural and if I wet my hair everyday (like I used to) I would break my hair right off. My hair is way more fragile when it's wet. What I usually do if my hair is out is wash it and then while it's wet, add conditioner and braid into 5 cornrows. I take those out in the morning and pin my hair up (my hair isn't long enough for a bun yet). That way it's stretched out long enough to pin nicely and I don't have to wet my hair everyday to do it, more like every 3-4 days since I usually just leave it pinned and don't touch it.
I'm texlaxed. To make a bun, when I have a lot of new growth, I wet my hair at night (before bedtime), smooth down with castor oil, put the ends in a loose bun, then tie hair down snuggly with a silk scarf. In the moring, my hair is neatly molded to my head. :lachen: All I have to do is redo the bun and go.
I don't think you have to wet your hair everyday. I'm 4B and although I haven't worn my hair out for long enough to be an expert on the topic, when I'd use S-Curl and baggy, my hair would be slippery enough to style when I took the cap off in the AM and undid my plaits. And after I smoothed it back into a puff, the style would stay neat all day. I never had to wet my hair daily.
Pretty much. I had to wet my hair on a daily basis while I was natural in order for my waves/curls to look decent. I still have to when I have a lot of new growth. Water and gel are my friends.
I ALWAYS have to wet my hair. For me, there is no getting around it. If I try to style my dry hair I end up looking like I've been electrocuted.
I wet daily if i'm bunning. It's usually not a full soak, but the moisture from my 2X a day shower keeps my hair in place...I did the same thing when I was relaxed. My hair CRAVES water relaxed or natural.
I have to wet my hair and apply gel daily aswell. There is no way i could tie my hair back and get it smoothed down if it was dry. Wetting my hair also helps to reform the curls so the bun doesn't look frizzy.
I will have to agree with most and say that I have to wet my hair daily just to make it look good. (well curl up nicely) My hair has been growing alot more since using MT so now it is transforming into a poofy mushroom by the end of the day. and trying to keep up with it is becoming a headache. I am going to stay texlaxed but leave the relaxer on a bit longer to stretch out these curls a little more.
i must be an odd one. my waves dont set right when my hair is wet. i usally reapply gel every morning to semi dry hair to dry hair. This works the best for me. wetting my hair with gel in it always gets my waves outta whack. i might rewet however when my waves get flat after a rough night and i dont mind the fuzzy look. for me i dont tie my hair down after a gelling because it makes my waves look so flat and i like the deep wave look. also i might rewet if i want to comb out the waves for some reason. HTH
I'm a daily wetter too. I've never tried to style 2nd day hair yet since I've BCed. The closest I've come to is end of day hair which looks nice if after washing my face I dampen it with my hands and stretch.
My hair is fragile wet or dry- but esp dry. I cowash almost daily b/c I can't do n/e thing to it otherwise. The shrinkage & matting are ridiculous. I cant even work thru my hair w/o it being wet.I have to baggy at nite cause I don't have time to wash/wet it in the am.

I thought I was the only one!
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A little water wont hurt, it can make the styling process easier. I lightly spritz my hair with water before I bun, I do the same when I wear other updo styles.
I'm texlaxed. To make a bun, when I have a lot of new growth, I wet my hair at night (before bedtime), smooth down with castor oil, put the ends in a loose bun, then tie hair down snuggly with a silk scarf. In the moring, my hair is neatly molded to my head. :lachen: All I have to do is redo the bun and go.

I'm relaxed but closer to my touch up time this is what I have to do. I also leave conditioner in my hair which helps.
I do wet my hair to some degree everyday, and tie it down with a silk scarf for some period of time. In the winter I don't worry because the silk scarf protects my hair from the chill, and then I get straight into my car anyway. I just look at water as a styling product for curly hair.
I guess im the odd ball...i dont use water. When I wash my hair in the final rinse I apply coconut oil. And I can comb my hair without re-wetting for almost a week.:yep:
I had not considered the scarf helping to keep me warm for winter with wet hair. Thanks!

I didn't saturate my hair this morning but did wet my brush a bit to smooth it down with leave in & then coconut oil & gel. I have my scarf on now.

I do wet my hair to some degree everyday, and tie it down with a silk scarf for some period of time. In the winter I don't worry because the silk scarf protects my hair from the chill, and then I get straight into my car anyway. I just look at water as a styling product for curly hair.
Wow, how much oil are you using? I am obviously not using enough coconut oil because it does not last more than 1 day.

I guess im the odd ball...i dont use water. When I wash my hair in the final rinse I apply coconut oil. And I can comb my hair without re-wetting for almost a week.:yep: